MAGA - Epic Scam-Epic Lie From Epic Conman

Compare Trump's accomplishments to Obama...

Carried out military interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval
Gave a no-bid contract to Halliburton cronies – just like Bush did
Has an administration full of lobbyists, after promising he wouldn’t have any
Has close ties to Wall St., but pretends to support Occupy Wall St.
Broke his promise to close Guantanamo Bay
Supported the $700 billion TARP corporate-welfare bailout just like Bush
Nominated a six-time tax cheater to head the government agency that enforces the tax laws
Almost $7 Trillion in new debt in 4 years
1st US Credit Rating Downgrade in US History
Fast and Furious
Illegal Spying
Illegal use of IRS
Contempt of Court
Illegal Recess Appointments
Hillary's Illegal Server / His lie - alias and e-mailing Hillary
Bowe Bergdahl
Iran Nuclear Deal / Ransom Payments
Hezbollah Drug Ops Protection
Colorado River Polluting by EPA
GSA Scandal
VA Deaths Scandal
Highest # of Americans on Food Stamps / Unemployment / Welfare
'Nosebleed' High Unemployment
Financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, & took the country to war to help Al Qaeda/ISIS

Barack Obama’s 9 Biggest Failures, According to National Polling
trumplings are quick to rise to their messiah's defense

so cute


Please stop calling trump supporters 'trumplings'. 'trumpsters', 'trumpbots', etc....

It is insulting and doesn't add to the conversation..

Call them 'suckers' instead...

Why not?

anyone who voted for Trump or Hillary in the last election primaries were suckers.

Honestly I think comparing Trump to Hillary is just wrong...

Hillary had her faults but they were ones that nearly all politicians had.

Trump is on another planet, he has little clue what the job entails (Hillary did), constantly lies (Hillary had the best Polifact record of any one who started on either side), Tax Returns(Hillary Provided), America's enemy wanted Trump elected and spent resources illegally trying to get him elected, Golf (enough said), Fiscal responsibility (ha ha ha)...

The list can go on and on... Hillary might have been a snoozefest of a President with everything calculated and thought out but what is actually wrong with that...
Been asleep for the last 30 years?

Neither should have been allowed into the oval office,

even on a tour.
Compare Trump's accomplishments to Obama...

Carried out military interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval
Gave a no-bid contract to Halliburton cronies – just like Bush did
Has an administration full of lobbyists, after promising he wouldn’t have any
Has close ties to Wall St., but pretends to support Occupy Wall St.
Broke his promise to close Guantanamo Bay
Supported the $700 billion TARP corporate-welfare bailout just like Bush
Nominated a six-time tax cheater to head the government agency that enforces the tax laws
Almost $7 Trillion in new debt in 4 years
1st US Credit Rating Downgrade in US History
Fast and Furious
Illegal Spying
Illegal use of IRS
Contempt of Court
Illegal Recess Appointments
Hillary's Illegal Server / His lie - alias and e-mailing Hillary
Bowe Bergdahl
Iran Nuclear Deal / Ransom Payments
Hezbollah Drug Ops Protection
Colorado River Polluting by EPA
GSA Scandal
VA Deaths Scandal
Highest # of Americans on Food Stamps / Unemployment / Welfare
'Nosebleed' High Unemployment
Financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, & took the country to war to help Al Qaeda/ISIS

Barack Obama’s 9 Biggest Failures, According to National Polling

BUT, BUT, BUT....King Onegro is black, he’s entitled to fuck up without being questioned or scrutinized.
Further, he spoke softly and coddled bottom feeders. He spent more on lowlife filth than he did on defense. TA-DA....he’s the magic Negro!
Fact, as stated in the OP, air and water pollution in America is being drastically increased because of Trump policies. America has become dirtier and unhealthier to live in since Trump became President. Your children and grandchildren, your parents and , you are more likely to be drinking unsafe water and breath unsafe air since Trump was elected.

Link to back up your worthless claims?
Not my job to make up for your lack of knowledge about current events, partisanship or plain stupidity. No matter what link I provide you will whine about it. Simply type in "Trump increases pollution" and pick your own source.
so in other words, you have nothing.
I gave a response that validates the OP. I do not want to get into a debate with brainwashed stubborn fools like you and a guy who calls himself BrokeLoser. Anyone with average intelligence can confirm the truth of the matter with a simple Google search about increasing pollution concerns.
Fact, as stated in the OP, air and water pollution in America is being drastically increased because of Trump policies. America has become dirtier and unhealthier to live in since Trump became President. Your children and grandchildren, your parents and , you are more likely to be drinking unsafe water and breath unsafe air since Trump was elected.

Link to back up your worthless claims?
Not my job to make up for your lack of knowledge about current events, partisanship or plain stupidity. No matter what link I provide you will whine about it. Simply type in "Trump increases pollution" and pick your own source.
so in other words, you have nothing.
I gave a response that validates the OP. I do not want to get into a debate with brainwashed stubborn fools like you and a guy who calls himself BrokeLoser. Anyone with average intelligence can confirm the truth of the matter with a simple Google search about increasing pollution concerns.
yes, yes we know, when you can't prove with a link the next best thing is to insult and make this kind of statement. we get it. you love propaganda.
Fact, as stated in the OP, air and water pollution in America is being drastically increased because of Trump policies. America has become dirtier and unhealthier to live in since Trump became President. Your children and grandchildren, your parents and , you are more likely to be drinking unsafe water and breath unsafe air since Trump was elected.

Link to back up your worthless claims?
Not my job to make up for your lack of knowledge about current events, partisanship or plain stupidity. No matter what link I provide you will whine about it. Simply type in "Trump increases pollution" and pick your own source.
so in other words, you have nothing.
I gave a response that validates the OP. I do not want to get into a debate with brainwashed stubborn fools like you and a guy who calls himself BrokeLoser. Anyone with average intelligence can confirm the truth of the matter with a simple Google search about increasing pollution concerns.

People that want to work choose jobs over tree huggin, over-hyped bullshit. People on the tit will scream at the sky...”BUT, BUT, BUT.....THE ENVIRONMENT”!
Come on lefties, rich oligarchs and polluted water again? Trump has only been president for a year. If you have polluted water and rich oligarchs it has to be Hussein's fault. Remember the boxcars loaded with U.S. taxpayer cash and euros dumped on Iran? What do you think happened?
Compare Trump's accomplishments to Obama...

Carried out military interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval
Gave a no-bid contract to Halliburton cronies – just like Bush did
Has an administration full of lobbyists, after promising he wouldn’t have any
Has close ties to Wall St., but pretends to support Occupy Wall St.
Broke his promise to close Guantanamo Bay
Supported the $700 billion TARP corporate-welfare bailout just like Bush
Nominated a six-time tax cheater to head the government agency that enforces the tax laws
Almost $7 Trillion in new debt in 4 years
1st US Credit Rating Downgrade in US History
Fast and Furious
Illegal Spying
Illegal use of IRS
Contempt of Court
Illegal Recess Appointments
Hillary's Illegal Server / His lie - alias and e-mailing Hillary
Bowe Bergdahl
Iran Nuclear Deal / Ransom Payments
Hezbollah Drug Ops Protection
Colorado River Polluting by EPA
GSA Scandal
VA Deaths Scandal
Highest # of Americans on Food Stamps / Unemployment / Welfare
'Nosebleed' High Unemployment
Financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, & took the country to war to help Al Qaeda/ISIS

Barack Obama’s 9 Biggest Failures, According to National Polling
You forgot to mention Obama was black and won landslide election victories larger than Trump in both electoral and popular votes.
BUT, BUT, BUT....King Onegro is black, he’s entitled to fuck up without being questioned or scrutinized.
A 'F*-Up' is intending to put Miracle Whip / Mayo on your sandwich and accidently slathering the bread with sour cream or even French onion dip...not spending 8 years financing, supplying, arming, training, defending, protecting, giving visa's to, allowing terrorist attacks to be perpetrated by, and Un-Constitutionally dragging the US to war to help terrorists around the world...

Just sayin'...
You forgot to mention Obama was black and won landslide election victories larger than Trump in both electoral and popular votes.
No, no I didn't forget. Neither one has anything to do with the point I made or the facts I posted. FAIL!
trumplings are quick to rise to their messiah's defense

so cute


Please stop calling trump supporters 'trumplings'. 'trumpsters', 'trumpbots', etc....

It is insulting and doesn't add to the conversation..

Call them 'suckers' instead...

Why not?

anyone who voted for Trump or Hillary in the last election primaries were suckers.

Honestly I think comparing Trump to Hillary is just wrong...

Hillary had her faults but they were ones that nearly all politicians had.

Trump is on another planet, he has little clue what the job entails (Hillary did), constantly lies (Hillary had the best Polifact record of any one who started on either side), Tax Returns(Hillary Provided), America's enemy wanted Trump elected and spent resources illegally trying to get him elected, Golf (enough said), Fiscal responsibility (ha ha ha)...

The list can go on and on... Hillary might have been a snoozefest of a President with everything calculated and thought out but what is actually wrong with that...
Been asleep for the last 30 years?

Neither should have been allowed into the oval office,

even on a tour.

Agreed there is problems but most of that stems from a Congress and Senate... The President's have been dealing with congresses for the last few decades which have approval ratings <25% and reelection rates >90%....

I would take a book from Europe and look into single transfer voting (or Alternative voting) and Proportional Representation... It would allow America to get more that GOP or Dems in voting... More Choice is more competition, better representation...
Everything in the OP is 100% accurate. No one contributing to this thread has been even close to viable and validly challenge a single portion or fact in the OP. Plenty of deflections, but they are good at that.
Everything in the OP is 100% accurate. No one contributing to this thread has been even close to viable and validly challenge a single portion or fact in the OP. Plenty of deflections, but they are good at that.

You forgot to mention Obama was black and won landslide election victories larger than Trump in both electoral and popular votes.
No, no I didn't forget. Neither one has anything to do with the point I made or the facts I posted. FAIL!

You did not post facts. You posted made up nonsense.
Everything in the OP is 100% accurate. No one contributing to this thread has been even close to viable and validly challenge a single portion or fact in the OP. Plenty of deflections, but they are good at that.

“I swear to you I am not lying.”
Said every liar that’s ever lied...haha
Everything in the OP is 100% accurate. No one contributing to this thread has been even close to viable and validly challenge a single portion or fact in the OP. Plenty of deflections, but they are good at that.


Easy you just post bullshit after bullshit... You are what the Russians wanted...

We prove you wrong, you resort to an insult and your back the next day with the same bullshit...

Russians needed you, suckers like you, unquestioned loyalty...
Easy you just post bullshit after bullshit... You are what the Russians wanted...
No, Ted - as you already know, which is why you continually attempt to personally attack me, I post FACT and EVIDENCE, two things Democrats and snowflakes continuously run irresponsibly / criminally low on.

What Russians wanted / want is continued, never-ending division in this nation along partisan lines, a US government continuously focused on / engaging in an evidence-less witch hunt that still can produce no evidence that a crime was committed making an investigation even necessary.

For going on 2 years now Obama, his criminal administration, and criminal Democrats who should have perp-walked themselves by now (based on actual evidence) have continued this nation-dividing, hate-driven crusade because of their inability to accept the outcome of an election in which they ran a criminal who committed felonies, endangered national security, committed treason by colluding with the Russians and taking over $100 million from the KGB Bank, and who should have been in jail on election day instead of on the ballot.

The Democrats broke election and campaign finance laws, protected a traitor / felon, ran her as their choice to rule this nation, rigged the primaries, committed election fraud in the primaries, cheated in debates, and committed acts of treason in a failed attempt to make Hillary Clinton President...and their failure to do so has driven partisan, hate-filled, reality-denying snowflakes like yourself insane...

...and continuing to do the Russians' bidding by continuing to attack the elected President and dividing this nation.
Trump is brilliant.

And the fact that some people who are presumably competent in nothing get this butthurt just is more proof of the fact.
History will record America's current President as one of, if not the most corrupt President's in American history. With a promise to "Make America Grear Again, MAGA, he has and he continues to fulfill the exact opposite.

While helping the richest oligarchs and aristocracy obtain more obscene wealth than they have made in over a century, his goals to benefit the richest of the rich are being paid for with polluted water and air, unsafe working conditions for American workers, trampling down of American democracy and institutions, failure eo defend American democracy, criminal corruption of Executive Branch entities and officials, allowance of American infrastructure to go into a continuous downward spiral, failure to improve education for the nation's students, and a continuing list of negative influences on American culture.

Donald Trump is sending America backward and implementing shameful policies and degrading American culture. Making America Great Again is an epic scam and lie from an epic conman.

Victims of conmen almost always refuse to admit they have been conned. American victims of Trump are no different. Hence, the damage to America will continue until it becomes so overwhelmingly obvious that even the most stubborn victims are unable to escape the truth that they have been suckers for a scam and followers of a con artist.

Con man par excellence....
Remember these top con jobs?
Your list of Obama alleged lies has been debunked as a simple list of subjective opinions rather than actual lies.

Well tell that to the Guantanamo inmates ok?
Or maybe to the 14 million people that saw their health insurance disappear.
And you are tell me that you dispute EVEN Obama's admitting Lie 5) Obama actually told us that "The problem is that spending it out takes a long time, because there’s really nothing – there’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects,”
Obama said in a 2010 interview with the New York Times.

See that's the problem with people like you! You shoot your mouth off BEFORE you even check out the sources!
Obama ADMITTED there never were shovel ready projects! And Guantanamo is STILL OPEN!
Here is some more STATEMENTS of Obama that have been to be LIES:
LIE # 3... Families will save on their premiums
Middle-Class Families Confront Soaring Health Insurance Costs

The Dixon family, which includes two girls ages 1 and 3, has been paying $988 a month this year for insurance provided by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. But Anthem plans will not be available in Charlottesville next year. The company told customers that uncertainty in the insurance market “does not provide the clarity and confidence we need to offer affordable coverage to our members.”
The online federal marketplace,, recommended another plan for Mr. Dixon in 2018. The new plan, offered by Optima Health, has premiums of $3,158 a month — about $37,900 a year — and an annual deductible of $9,200.

LIE #13 competitive bidding on over $25,000!
Progress? Watchdogs such as the Project on Government Oversight say yes. But that's still not fulfilling Obama's pledge to require competitive bidding for all contracts over $25,000. So we rate this one a Promise Broken.
Updated - The Obameter: End no-bid contracts above $25,000

Lie #14 reject inherent presidential powers...
He realized that, as John F. Kennedy said, “Many things can be done by a stroke of the presidential pen.”
Kennedy was referring to the unilateral powers of the presidency.

In the nascent days of his administration, the new president has used his executive authority to freeze not-yet-finalized Bush-era federal regulations, stopped plans to ease air pollution standards, and established a more open public-records policy. His top staffers' salaries have been frozen, and stricter lobbyist and gift rules have been issued.And Thursday, with the stroke of a pen and a matter-of-fact "there we go," Obama ordered the detainee camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, closed within a year.
Updated - The Obameter: End no-bid contracts above $25,000
For his part, President Obama hit the ground running once in office.
According to one report, he issued more unilateral directives “in his first 100 days than any president since Franklin Roosevelt.”
How does Obama's use of unilateral powers compare to other presidents?


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