MAGA - Epic Scam-Epic Lie From Epic Conman

Easy you just post bullshit after bullshit... You are what the Russians wanted...
No, Ted - as you already know, which is why you continually attempt to personally attack me, I post FACT and EVIDENCE, two things Democrats and snowflakes continuously run irresponsibly / criminally low on.

What Russians wanted / want is continued, never-ending division in this nation along partisan lines, a US government continuously focused on / engaging in an evidence-less witch hunt that still can produce no evidence that a crime was committed making an investigation even necessary.

For going on 2 years now Obama, his criminal administration, and criminal Democrats who should have perp-walked themselves by now (based on actual evidence) have continued this nation-dividing, hate-driven crusade because of their inability to accept the outcome of an election in which they ran a criminal who committed felonies, endangered national security, committed treason by colluding with the Russians and taking over $100 million from the KGB Bank, and who should have been in jail on election day instead of on the ballot.

The Democrats broke election and campaign finance laws, protected a traitor / felon, ran her as their choice to rule this nation, rigged the primaries, committed election fraud in the primaries, cheated in debates, and committed acts of treason in a failed attempt to make Hillary Clinton President...and their failure to do so has driven partisan, hate-filled, reality-denying snowflakes like yourself insane...

...and continuing to do the Russians' bidding by continuing to attack the elected President and dividing this nation.

"What Russians wanted / want is continued, never-ending division in this nation along partisan lines, a US government continuously focused on / engaging in an evidence-less witch hunt that still can produce no evidence that a crime was committed making an investigation even necessary."

Trump Misleads on Russian Meddling: Why 17 Intelligence Agencies Don’t Need to Agree

"For going on 2 years now Obama, his criminal administration, and criminal Democrats who should have perp-walked themselves by now (based on actual evidence) have continued this nation-dividing, hate-driven crusade because of their inability to accept the outcome of an election in which they ran a criminal who committed felonies, endangered national security, committed treason by colluding with the Russians and taking over $100 million from the KGB Bank, and who should have been in jail on election day instead of on the ballot. "

Again no evidence... Real evidence from an actual legitimate source.. Inforwar, gatewaypundit, fox news opinion are not sources... Have you got a government justice or intelligence source...
And if you have evidence, why isn't Trump pressing charges...

"The Democrats broke election and campaign finance laws, protected a traitor / felon, ran her as their choice to rule this nation, rigged the primaries, committed election fraud in the primaries, cheated in debates, and committed acts of treason in a failed attempt to make Hillary Clinton President...and their failure to do so has driven partisan, hate-filled, reality-denying snowflakes like yourself insane..."

Real evidence please
Easy you just post bullshit after bullshit... You are what the Russians wanted...
No, Ted - as you already know, which is why you continually attempt to personally attack me, I post FACT and EVIDENCE, two things Democrats and snowflakes continuously run irresponsibly / criminally low on.

What Russians wanted / want is continued, never-ending division in this nation along partisan lines, a US government continuously focused on / engaging in an evidence-less witch hunt that still can produce no evidence that a crime was committed making an investigation even necessary.

For going on 2 years now Obama, his criminal administration, and criminal Democrats who should have perp-walked themselves by now (based on actual evidence) have continued this nation-dividing, hate-driven crusade because of their inability to accept the outcome of an election in which they ran a criminal who committed felonies, endangered national security, committed treason by colluding with the Russians and taking over $100 million from the KGB Bank, and who should have been in jail on election day instead of on the ballot.

The Democrats broke election and campaign finance laws, protected a traitor / felon, ran her as their choice to rule this nation, rigged the primaries, committed election fraud in the primaries, cheated in debates, and committed acts of treason in a failed attempt to make Hillary Clinton President...and their failure to do so has driven partisan, hate-filled, reality-denying snowflakes like yourself insane...

...and continuing to do the Russians' bidding by continuing to attack the elected President and dividing this nation.

"What Russians wanted / want is continued, never-ending division in this nation along partisan lines, a US government continuously focused on / engaging in an evidence-less witch hunt that still can produce no evidence that a crime was committed making an investigation even necessary."

Trump Misleads on Russian Meddling: Why 17 Intelligence Agencies Don’t Need to Agree

"For going on 2 years now Obama, his criminal administration, and criminal Democrats who should have perp-walked themselves by now (based on actual evidence) have continued this nation-dividing, hate-driven crusade because of their inability to accept the outcome of an election in which they ran a criminal who committed felonies, endangered national security, committed treason by colluding with the Russians and taking over $100 million from the KGB Bank, and who should have been in jail on election day instead of on the ballot. "

Again no evidence... Real evidence from an actual legitimate source.. Inforwar, gatewaypundit, fox news opinion are not sources... Have you got a government justice or intelligence source...
And if you have evidence, why isn't Trump pressing charges...

"The Democrats broke election and campaign finance laws, protected a traitor / felon, ran her as their choice to rule this nation, rigged the primaries, committed election fraud in the primaries, cheated in debates, and committed acts of treason in a failed attempt to make Hillary Clinton President...and their failure to do so has driven partisan, hate-filled, reality-denying snowflakes like yourself insane..."

Real evidence please
Trump 'misleads on Russian Meddling'?

Evidence has already been provided exposing:

Mueller / Holder / Trump hid evidence of Russian crimes associated with their attempt to acquire Uranium One and protected Hillary from being identified as one of the several politicians who had taken money from the KGB Bank during their Politician -Buying / Bribery Scandal. These 4 kept the Russian crimes and attempt to secure 20% of US Uranium hidden until after the sale went through.

Obama / Comey / Lynch KNEW about Russia's attempts to meddle in our elections and CHOSE TO DO NOTHING. Obama did not want to upset his relationship with Putin because he was seeking Putin's approval to Un-Constitutionally - and without Congressional approval to do so - invade Syria.

Evidence shows Obama should have dealt with and ended Russia's meddling long before Trump had any opportunity to 'mislead'.
Easy you just post bullshit after bullshit... You are what the Russians wanted...
No, Ted - as you already know, which is why you continually attempt to personally attack me, I post FACT and EVIDENCE, two things Democrats and snowflakes continuously run irresponsibly / criminally low on.

What Russians wanted / want is continued, never-ending division in this nation along partisan lines, a US government continuously focused on / engaging in an evidence-less witch hunt that still can produce no evidence that a crime was committed making an investigation even necessary.

For going on 2 years now Obama, his criminal administration, and criminal Democrats who should have perp-walked themselves by now (based on actual evidence) have continued this nation-dividing, hate-driven crusade because of their inability to accept the outcome of an election in which they ran a criminal who committed felonies, endangered national security, committed treason by colluding with the Russians and taking over $100 million from the KGB Bank, and who should have been in jail on election day instead of on the ballot.

The Democrats broke election and campaign finance laws, protected a traitor / felon, ran her as their choice to rule this nation, rigged the primaries, committed election fraud in the primaries, cheated in debates, and committed acts of treason in a failed attempt to make Hillary Clinton President...and their failure to do so has driven partisan, hate-filled, reality-denying snowflakes like yourself insane...

...and continuing to do the Russians' bidding by continuing to attack the elected President and dividing this nation.

"What Russians wanted / want is continued, never-ending division in this nation along partisan lines, a US government continuously focused on / engaging in an evidence-less witch hunt that still can produce no evidence that a crime was committed making an investigation even necessary."

Trump Misleads on Russian Meddling: Why 17 Intelligence Agencies Don’t Need to Agree

"For going on 2 years now Obama, his criminal administration, and criminal Democrats who should have perp-walked themselves by now (based on actual evidence) have continued this nation-dividing, hate-driven crusade because of their inability to accept the outcome of an election in which they ran a criminal who committed felonies, endangered national security, committed treason by colluding with the Russians and taking over $100 million from the KGB Bank, and who should have been in jail on election day instead of on the ballot. "

Again no evidence... Real evidence from an actual legitimate source.. Inforwar, gatewaypundit, fox news opinion are not sources... Have you got a government justice or intelligence source...
And if you have evidence, why isn't Trump pressing charges...

"The Democrats broke election and campaign finance laws, protected a traitor / felon, ran her as their choice to rule this nation, rigged the primaries, committed election fraud in the primaries, cheated in debates, and committed acts of treason in a failed attempt to make Hillary Clinton President...and their failure to do so has driven partisan, hate-filled, reality-denying snowflakes like yourself insane..."

Real evidence please
Trump 'misleads on Russian Meddling'?

Evidence has already been provided exposing:

Mueller / Holder / Trump hid evidence of Russian crimes associated with their attempt to acquire Uranium One and protected Hillary from being identified as one of the several politicians who had taken money from the KGB Bank during their Politician -Buying / Bribery Scandal. These 4 kept the Russian crimes and attempt to secure 20% of US Uranium hidden until after the sale went through.

Obama / Comey / Lynch KNEW about Russia's attempts to meddle in our elections and CHOSE TO DO NOTHING. Obama did not want to upset his relationship with Putin because he was seeking Putin's approval to Un-Constitutionally - and without Congressional approval to do so - invade Syria.

Evidence shows Obama should have dealt with and ended Russia's meddling long before Trump had any opportunity to 'mislead'.
Fake nonsense. Lies. Disinformation. Trump talking points.
Over 60 posts and seven pages and this thread still has not gotten listed on either of the main viewing pages. Maybe one of the rhe mods could look into why. Oh, never mind, one of them is posting on the thread.
Over 60 posts and seven pages and this thread still has not gotten listed on either of the main viewing pages. Maybe one of the rhe mods could look into why. Oh, never mind, one of them is posting on the thread.
main viewing page?

No idea what you're talking about
Easy you just post bullshit after bullshit... You are what the Russians wanted...
No, Ted - as you already know, which is why you continually attempt to personally attack me, I post FACT and EVIDENCE, two things Democrats and snowflakes continuously run irresponsibly / criminally low on.

What Russians wanted / want is continued, never-ending division in this nation along partisan lines, a US government continuously focused on / engaging in an evidence-less witch hunt that still can produce no evidence that a crime was committed making an investigation even necessary.

For going on 2 years now Obama, his criminal administration, and criminal Democrats who should have perp-walked themselves by now (based on actual evidence) have continued this nation-dividing, hate-driven crusade because of their inability to accept the outcome of an election in which they ran a criminal who committed felonies, endangered national security, committed treason by colluding with the Russians and taking over $100 million from the KGB Bank, and who should have been in jail on election day instead of on the ballot.

The Democrats broke election and campaign finance laws, protected a traitor / felon, ran her as their choice to rule this nation, rigged the primaries, committed election fraud in the primaries, cheated in debates, and committed acts of treason in a failed attempt to make Hillary Clinton President...and their failure to do so has driven partisan, hate-filled, reality-denying snowflakes like yourself insane...

...and continuing to do the Russians' bidding by continuing to attack the elected President and dividing this nation.

"What Russians wanted / want is continued, never-ending division in this nation along partisan lines, a US government continuously focused on / engaging in an evidence-less witch hunt that still can produce no evidence that a crime was committed making an investigation even necessary."

Trump Misleads on Russian Meddling: Why 17 Intelligence Agencies Don’t Need to Agree

"For going on 2 years now Obama, his criminal administration, and criminal Democrats who should have perp-walked themselves by now (based on actual evidence) have continued this nation-dividing, hate-driven crusade because of their inability to accept the outcome of an election in which they ran a criminal who committed felonies, endangered national security, committed treason by colluding with the Russians and taking over $100 million from the KGB Bank, and who should have been in jail on election day instead of on the ballot. "

Again no evidence... Real evidence from an actual legitimate source.. Inforwar, gatewaypundit, fox news opinion are not sources... Have you got a government justice or intelligence source...
And if you have evidence, why isn't Trump pressing charges...

"The Democrats broke election and campaign finance laws, protected a traitor / felon, ran her as their choice to rule this nation, rigged the primaries, committed election fraud in the primaries, cheated in debates, and committed acts of treason in a failed attempt to make Hillary Clinton President...and their failure to do so has driven partisan, hate-filled, reality-denying snowflakes like yourself insane..."

Real evidence please
Trump 'misleads on Russian Meddling'?

Evidence has already been provided exposing:

Mueller / Holder / Trump hid evidence of Russian crimes associated with their attempt to acquire Uranium One and protected Hillary from being identified as one of the several politicians who had taken money from the KGB Bank during their Politician -Buying / Bribery Scandal. These 4 kept the Russian crimes and attempt to secure 20% of US Uranium hidden until after the sale went through.

Obama / Comey / Lynch KNEW about Russia's attempts to meddle in our elections and CHOSE TO DO NOTHING. Obama did not want to upset his relationship with Putin because he was seeking Putin's approval to Un-Constitutionally - and without Congressional approval to do so - invade Syria.

Evidence shows Obama should have dealt with and ended Russia's meddling long before Trump had any opportunity to 'mislead'.

So now you are stating again with no evidence that Trump is also involved... Where is your evidence?

All your statements are speculation... Since you have shown in the past to take on any conspiracy theory as fact, I again have to ask you for actual facts...

Obama didn't want to interfere in the Election and tried to leave it to the FBI... He took steps but with the information available he was caught in a catch 22... Damned if you and damned if you don't...

Trump has been told months ago that US were attacked and has failed to instruct the intelligence community and has also failed to enact congress's sanctions...

But your conclusions have no facts to back them up and are generally playing into the Russians hands...

Why do you want the Russians to win?
History will record America's current President as one of, if not the most corrupt President's in American history. With a promise to "Make America Grear Again, MAGA, he has and he continues to fulfill the exact opposite.

While helping the richest oligarchs and aristocracy obtain more obscene wealth than they have made in over a century, his goals to benefit the richest of the rich are being paid for with polluted water and air, unsafe working conditions for American workers, trampling down of American democracy and institutions, failure eo defend American democracy, criminal corruption of Executive Branch entities and officials, allowance of American infrastructure to go into a continuous downward spiral, failure to improve education for the nation's students, and a continuing list of negative influences on American culture.

Donald Trump is sending America backward and implementing shameful policies and degrading American culture. Making America Great Again is an epic scam and lie from an epic conman.

Victims of conmen almost always refuse to admit they have been conned. American victims of Trump are no different. Hence, the damage to America will continue until it becomes so overwhelmingly obvious that even the most stubborn victims are unable to escape the truth that they have been suckers for a scam and followers of a con artist.

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