MAGA: MAKING MONEY! Mueller investigation cost 17M. Manafort forfeiture 46M. Netting 29M! Wheee!

Manafort a NEW Flipper!


The Great Douche message to Manafort is ,” Don’t flip and I’ll give you a pardon.”
“ Don’t be a rat like Cohen”! Don the con.

Spend the profits well, our REAL American Hero!
Easy to make money when the Great Douche Criminal mob
and associates is/are the targets.
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View attachment 216552

Spend the profits well, our REAL American Hero!
Easy to make money when the Great Douche Criminal mob
and associates is/are the targets.
And where are the Trump apologists who complained about the cost? :laughing0301:

I wonder about Manafort.
For 25 plus years he has been making money
off worldwide MOB criminals. Putin alone has
to have ordered the death of him and family already
for flipping as he did. Will they live long?

btw: How will it look if the Great Douche now Pardons Manafort after flipping?
The Great Douche hates flippers, does it not?
View attachment 216552

Spend the profits well, our REAL American Hero!
Easy to make money when the Great Douche Criminal mob
and associates is/are the targets.
And where are the Trump apologists who complained about the cost? :laughing0301:
The OP is simply more lies. All liberals do is lie.
Where are the lies DOPer!?
Truth is easy to do.

btw: Most is the Great Orange Douche own words! FFS!
I told you troll. Nothing the media prints about Trump is absolutely true. Seen so many times I'm sick of them and parrot scum like you.
Mueller's team secured $46 million in civil asset forfeiture from Manafort — covering much of the cost of the investigation, which Trump has ludicrously criticized.
Conservative Writer Says Trump Should Start 'Panicking' Over Manafort Plea — and Republicans Should Consider Impeachment

Great Job Mueller TEAM! :thankusmile::thewave:
Witch hunts do make money for the gobmint.:dunno:

Ya like anybody's going to see a dime Mueller and his fascist Democrat thugs collect, while taking the accused and his family hostage.

So where's the fucking collusion with the Russians?! All we have here is somebody who cheated on his taxes, like about half the population do anyhow!
View attachment 216552

Spend the profits well, our REAL American Hero!
Easy to make money when the Great Douche Criminal mob
and associates is/are the targets.
And where are the Trump apologists who complained about the cost? :laughing0301:

I wonder about Manafort.
For 25 plus years he has been making money
off worldwide MOB criminals. Putin alone has
to have ordered the death of him and family already
for flipping as he did. Will they live long?

btw: How will it look if the Great Douche now Pardons Manafort after flipping?
The Great Douche hates flippers, does it not?
Manafort will have to get a face lift and go under witness protection. I felt this was actually his worst fear? Manafort is too deep into the world of the Russian mob, and their money. As will be proven with Trump also. With four to five bankruptcies, Trump got his own bail out with Russia and others. And Manafort knows all about that. However, I think Mueller already has that information as well, and Manafort is the insurance policy for that information.

Also, flipping Manafort for this many crimes, confirms Trump's own guilt. He will essentially be pleading guilty himself, along with his family.
View attachment 216552

Spend the profits well, our REAL American Hero!
Easy to make money when the Great Douche Criminal mob
and associates is/are the targets.
So Mueller is conducting an IRS audit? Ha ha ha.
It's just more bull that will prove to more smoke and mirrors.
Keep going DOPer!
I don't take dope, troll. The facts are that NOTHING you clowns post ever pans out to have much truth in it.
View attachment 216552

Spend the profits well, our REAL American Hero!
Easy to make money when the Great Douche Criminal mob
and associates is/are the targets.
So Mueller is conducting an IRS audit? Ha ha ha.
Yes, Mueller gets all IRS/State filings. Your point?
So is Mueller conducting an IRS audit or an investigation into Russian interference and collusion? Sounds like he's happy with being an IRS auditor.
View attachment 216552

Spend the profits well, our REAL American Hero!
Easy to make money when the Great Douche Criminal mob
and associates is/are the targets.
And where are the Trump apologists who complained about the cost? :laughing0301:

I wonder about Manafort.
For 25 plus years he has been making money
off worldwide MOB criminals. Putin alone has
to have ordered the death of him and family already
for flipping as he did. Will they live long?

btw: How will it look if the Great Douche now Pardons Manafort after flipping?
The Great Douche hates flippers, does it not?
Manafort will have to get a face lift and go under witness protection. I felt this was actually his worst fear? Manafort is too deep into the world of the Russian mob, and their money. As will be proven with Trump also. With four to five bankruptcies, Trump got his own bail out with Russia and others. And Manafort knows all about that. However, I think Mueller already has that information as well, and Manafort is the insurance policy for that information.

Also, flipping Manafort for this many crimes, confirms Trump's own guilt. He will essentially be pleading guilty himself, along with his family.

Sadly when the Great Douche pleads out.
Its Forfeiture will be funny to start!
We find out it's not a Billionaire...LOL!
View attachment 216552

Spend the profits well, our REAL American Hero!
Easy to make money when the Great Douche Criminal mob
and associates is/are the targets.
So Mueller is conducting an IRS audit? Ha ha ha.
It's just more bull that will prove to more smoke and mirrors.
You seem to be totally disconnected from reality. Why would Manafort agree to a plea deal with Mueller, if Manafort didn't have what Mueller was wanting? Answer, there is no other answer, because Manafort has the information on Trump for Mueller. It's simple 101 logic. You just can't grasp reality. But it's been hitting these Trump apologists in the face for months, and they can't deal with it.
View attachment 216552

Spend the profits well, our REAL American Hero!
Easy to make money when the Great Douche Criminal mob
and associates is/are the targets.
And where are the Trump apologists who complained about the cost? :laughing0301:

I wonder about Manafort.
For 25 plus years he has been making money
off worldwide MOB criminals. Putin alone has
to have ordered the death of him and family already
for flipping as he did. Will they live long?

btw: How will it look if the Great Douche now Pardons Manafort after flipping?
The Great Douche hates flippers, does it not?
Manafort will have to get a face lift and go under witness protection. I felt this was actually his worst fear? Manafort is too deep into the world of the Russian mob, and their money. As will be proven with Trump also. With four to five bankruptcies, Trump got his own bail out with Russia and others. And Manafort knows all about that. However, I think Mueller already has that information as well, and Manafort is the insurance policy for that information.

Also, flipping Manafort for this many crimes, confirms Trump's own guilt. He will essentially be pleading guilty himself, along with his family.

Sadly when the Great Douche pleads out.
Its Forfeiture will be funny to start!
We find out it's not a Billionaire...LOL!
Keep jerking off, jerk off, so far not a shred of evidence having to do with COLLUSION. Which by the way isn't even a crime.
You do realize Mueller is most likely looking for a way to end the investigation. It just came out Manafort LC in communication with the WH LC. Mueller knows if TRUMP releases the Page FISA warrant his investigation is discredited. Mueller agrees to give Manafort a plea deal in exchange for TRUMP not releasing the Page FISA warrant. Don't get caught up with "flipping" since Flynn, PapaD, and Cohen, flipping lead nowhere. And the Don Jr. meeting is off the table because no matter how you spin it it leads directly back to Obama, this is why Mueller never interviewed the Russia lawyer despite her offering to be interviewed.

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