MAGA: More Russian attacks on America. Thanks, DrumpF DOPer Americans. You choose the BEST!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017

:113::dunno:Seem true. And DOPers won't like the NEW facts. As Mueller go the goods.

Btw. Calling people rats confirms they are spewing the truth about you orange moron.
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Just Keep Twitlering Great Douche the BOOB- (Big Orange Orangutan Buffoon.)


17 ways you will lose, as America's Greatest TRAITOR!
Noted. Explain your DOPer ignorance later. As more facts come out, keep the DOPer faiths.
The Great Douche used you fully and needs your ignorance more.

How do we know that you aren't a Russian propaganda troll? You certainly arouse suspicion: Your posts are garish, gaudy, full of innuendo, and appear as if English was your second language.

I"m just sayin', dude. So how many Rubles does the Kremlin pay you to shitpost on this board? Is this the only board you post to? Do you know FrancoFW or whatever the fuck his name is? He's a suspect too, ya know.
Noted. Explain your DOPer ignorance later. As more facts come out, keep the DOPer faiths.
The Great Douche used you fully and needs your ignorance more.

How do we know that you aren't a Russian propaganda troll? You certainly arouse suspicion: Your posts are garish, gaudy, full of innuendo, and appear as if English was your second language.

I"m just sayin', dude. So how many Rubles does the Kremlin pay you to shitpost on this board? Is this the only board you post to? Do you know FrancoFW or whatever the fuck his name is? He's a suspect too, ya know.
WEAK. You know I'm not Whitey DOPer.
Noted. Explain your DOPer ignorance later. As more facts come out, keep the DOPer faiths.
The Great Douche used you fully and needs your ignorance more.

How do we know that you aren't a Russian propaganda troll? You certainly arouse suspicion: Your posts are garish, gaudy, full of innuendo, and appear as if English was your second language.

I"m just sayin', dude. So how many Rubles does the Kremlin pay you to shitpost on this board? Is this the only board you post to? Do you know FrancoFW or whatever the fuck his name is? He's a suspect too, ya know.
WEAK. You know I'm not Whitey DOPer.

No. Actually I don't know that you're not. Your use of odd colloquialisms, your inability to correctly formulate a sentence, your spelling and punctuation, they all scream one thing to me.

In addition to those things, it's a known fact that right this very minute, Russian propagandists are doing everything they can to stir up distrust and division against President Trump.

So where does that put you on the scale, Comrade?
Noted. Explain your DOPer ignorance later. As more facts come out, keep the DOPer faiths.
The Great Douche used you fully and needs your ignorance more.

How do we know that you aren't a Russian propaganda troll? You certainly arouse suspicion: Your posts are garish, gaudy, full of innuendo, and appear as if English was your second language.

I"m just sayin', dude. So how many Rubles does the Kremlin pay you to shitpost on this board? Is this the only board you post to? Do you know FrancoFW or whatever the fuck his name is? He's a suspect too, ya know.
WEAK. You know I'm not Whitey DOPer.

No. Actually I don't know that you're not. Your use of odd colloquialisms, your inability to correctly formulate a sentence, your spelling and punctuation, they all scream one thing to me.

In addition to those things, it's a known fact that right this very minute, Russian propagandists are doing everything they can to stir up distrust and division against President Trump.

So where does that put you on the scale, Comrade?
Keep lying DOPer. You show US your ignorance fully.
I only care whoever is fully American. The Great Douche is fully not, and compromised is a weak way to discribe you electing IT!
Noted. Explain your DOPer ignorance later. As more facts come out, keep the DOPer faiths.
The Great Douche used you fully and needs your ignorance more.

How do we know that you aren't a Russian propaganda troll? You certainly arouse suspicion: Your posts are garish, gaudy, full of innuendo, and appear as if English was your second language.

I"m just sayin', dude. So how many Rubles does the Kremlin pay you to shitpost on this board? Is this the only board you post to? Do you know FrancoFW or whatever the fuck his name is? He's a suspect too, ya know.
WEAK. You know I'm not Whitey DOPer.

No. Actually I don't know that you're not. Your use of odd colloquialisms, your inability to correctly formulate a sentence, your spelling and punctuation, they all scream one thing to me.

In addition to those things, it's a known fact that right this very minute, Russian propagandists are doing everything they can to stir up distrust and division against President Trump.

So where does that put you on the scale, Comrade?
Keep lying DOPer. You show US your ignorance fully.
I only care whoever is fully American. The Great Douche is fully not, and compromised is a weak way to discribe you electing IT!

Once again, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, odd colloquialisms. Am I correct in my assumption that English isn't your first language, Comrade?

And please tell me, how do you feel about those 200 Russians we massacred on the bridge in Syria? Wasn't that grand? I bet there were body parts all over the damned place.

Boy howdy! I'm gettin' a hard-on just thinking about it. :tank:
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Noted. Explain your DOPer ignorance later. As more facts come out, keep the DOPer faiths.
The Great Douche used you fully and needs your ignorance more.

How do we know that you aren't a Russian propaganda troll? You certainly arouse suspicion: Your posts are garish, gaudy, full of innuendo, and appear as if English was your second language.

I"m just sayin', dude. So how many Rubles does the Kremlin pay you to shitpost on this board? Is this the only board you post to? Do you know FrancoFW or whatever the fuck his name is? He's a suspect too, ya know.
Dear JGalt , I usually agree with your posts. However I'd like to show you the real "Russian propaganda" about Trump. It may take some time but if you are really interested, it will be worth it.

In 2016 Russians pretty quickly realized who was who in the battle between Trump and Clinton, calling Clinton another Deep State puppet and calling Trump "an isolationist" in a good meaning of this word. I watch Russian TV every day and if somebody's interested can tell you exactly what they were saying. Enjoy two quotes from Channel One Russia (one of the mainstream Russian Media) from 2016:

1. It was about 30 thousand records of Mrs. Clinton’s official correspondence, which she erased, hiding them (just reminding you!) not from the FSB but from the FBI. So far FSB and FBI are two different organizations. One may think American electorate should care about their own country rather than Russia, right? However a Russo-phobia wave of paranoia threatens to overwhelm even the US presidential elections.

Looks like “Russian involvement” is the last Dem’s desperate hope in the fight against Trump. Sounds like popularity of Trump is growing because there are people in America who do not want to be paranoid and they listen to Trump and agree with his simple suggestions, making quite a bit of sense.

July 28, 2016 Translated from:
2. For the first time we have a clear and ideologically completed alternative to the policy of the last decades, which even Americans consider to be a failure .

Trump’s ideology is a departure from the destructive globalization of recent years in favor of a healthy American isolationism.

Like any normal American isolationist , Trump calls for strengthening America. Its military domination has to be the undisputed.

His vision is based on the fact that America needs to pursue its own interests and not impose its values . This is the only way to negotiate . And the constant Trump’s refrain that he would negotiate with Putin is a part of that vision. Generally what Trump says about Putin and Russia sounds like a red rag for any globalist in America or anywhere else.

Carter Page, the man whom Trump called his adviser on Russia. Opponents depict him marginalized only because he blames Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and her people for provoking the coup in Kiev with the aim of seizing power of pro-American radicals. As far as Page’s professional experience goes, an investment banker Page has got three higher educations: the Naval Academy with honors , University of New York and London , a doctoral degree . Page has created from scratch Moscow branch Meryl Lynch , his company advises investors in energy projects in Russia and Asia . Compare to “the main specialist on Russia and Ukraine” in the current administration Victoria Nuland has a bachelor's degree at Brown University , an experience of being a counsel in the pioneer camp in Odessa , an interpreter for the fishing fleet and the distributor of cookies on the Maidan square in Kiev.

No matter what you think about Trump one has to admit : his brief declaration of foreign policy is the only intelligible coherent and adequate one to the reality of American doctrine in the last 30 years. And even such an academic guru as Paul Gregory of the Hoover Institution admits that (in contrast to the political demagogues).

“Watching the overall media backlash , I’ve done my own small research among my conservative colleagues (none of them are Trump’s supporters) about what they think of Trump's speech on foreign policy . The general reaction was unanimous . Except for very harsh words about international trade , they almost all agree, "- said Paul Gregory .

Trump formulated the American anti-globalization and patriotic alternative. An alternative to the forces and interests that have been activated by Ukrainian coup, which goal was to create a self-reproducing mechanism of the Cold War. Trump’s attempt to stifle this mechanism promises not to be good for Trump. However, the failure of this attempt does not promise anything good for America.

Translated from:

Note: the system of this forum does not allow Russian letters, so I intentionally added a space to both links.

I even posted all that in 2016:
Trump - Russian Analysts: Trump’s Ideology is a Departure from the Destructive Globalization of Recent Years

Meanwhile there was Ukrainian propaganda trashing Trump, and praising Clinton. Also let's not forget it was Ukraine who framed Manafort trying to harm Trump and to help Clinton.

The Clinton foundation is also linked directly to Ukrainian oligarchs:
Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union.
Noted. Explain your DOPer ignorance later. As more facts come out, keep the DOPer faiths.
The Great Douche used you fully and needs your ignorance more.

How do we know that you aren't a Russian propaganda troll? You certainly arouse suspicion: Your posts are garish, gaudy, full of innuendo, and appear as if English was your second language.

I"m just sayin', dude. So how many Rubles does the Kremlin pay you to shitpost on this board? Is this the only board you post to? Do you know FrancoFW or whatever the fuck his name is? He's a suspect too, ya know.
WEAK. You know I'm not Whitey DOPer.

No. Actually I don't know that you're not. Your use of odd colloquialisms, your inability to correctly formulate a sentence, your spelling and punctuation, they all scream one thing to me.

In addition to those things, it's a known fact that right this very minute, Russian propagandists are doing everything they can to stir up distrust and division against President Trump.

So where does that put you on the scale, Comrade?
Also take a look at another "Russian propaganda": in September the main Russian TV Channel One started a political talk show "the Great Game" (4 times a week!) where an American journalist Dimitri Simes, a Trump supporter, presents American point of view about current events in USA, Russia, Ukraine, etc.
Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest

He also invites a few American analysts (usually they are anti-Russian!) to present their point of view for all the country of Russia. Can you imagine any pro-Putin Russian citizen on American mainstream Media constantly presenting Putin's point of view? I can't and I think it's a shame.

I'm posting all the "The Great Game" releases here, they are with English interpretation (with the dates of their broadcasting). Those who are talking about Russian propaganda are now free to listen to it by themselves and to see how much more fair Russians are trying to be for Americans than Americans are forced to be for Russians.


Note: again I had to leave a space in the link because the forum doesn't allow Russian letters.

Your Media and your politicians want you to think Russians are your enemies, nut they are not, on the contrary, Russia is your one and only ally if you really want to fight Deep State and Deep State knows it. Do you think if your Media spreads so much lies about Trump it can't spread even more lies about Russia? Well, it does.
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Noted. Explain your DOPer ignorance later. As more facts come out, keep the DOPer faiths.
The Great Douche used you fully and needs your ignorance more.

How do we know that you aren't a Russian propaganda troll? You certainly arouse suspicion: Your posts are garish, gaudy, full of innuendo, and appear as if English was your second language.

I"m just sayin', dude. So how many Rubles does the Kremlin pay you to shitpost on this board? Is this the only board you post to? Do you know FrancoFW or whatever the fuck his name is? He's a suspect too, ya know.
How do we know you aren't? I mean you fully support alternative facts and rwnj conspiracy theories don't you?
Noted. Explain your DOPer ignorance later. As more facts come out, keep the DOPer faiths.
The Great Douche used you fully and needs your ignorance more.

How do we know that you aren't a Russian propaganda troll? You certainly arouse suspicion: Your posts are garish, gaudy, full of innuendo, and appear as if English was your second language.

I"m just sayin', dude. So how many Rubles does the Kremlin pay you to shitpost on this board? Is this the only board you post to? Do you know FrancoFW or whatever the fuck his name is? He's a suspect too, ya know.

Sure would make sense. Tell him if his first language is Russian...

yebat' tebya
Donald Trump is by far the worst president in all of US history...I don't think anyone at this point can top the damage and disloyalty this man has bestoed on this country....but we must not blame Trump, a man who has lived his life in corruptive activities...blame those who support him. Because without these mindless ignorant deplorable bastards....Trump has nothing to feed his ego. These are the types that gave Hitler his fuel, his power.
Noted. Explain your DOPer ignorance later. As more facts come out, keep the DOPer faiths.
The Great Douche used you fully and needs your ignorance more.

How do we know that you aren't a Russian propaganda troll? You certainly arouse suspicion: Your posts are garish, gaudy, full of innuendo, and appear as if English was your second language.

I"m just sayin', dude. So how many Rubles does the Kremlin pay you to shitpost on this board? Is this the only board you post to? Do you know FrancoFW or whatever the fuck his name is? He's a suspect too, ya know.
How do we know you aren't? I mean you fully support alternative facts and rwnj conspiracy theories don't you?

I'm not the one cheering for the attempted overthrow of a legally-elected President and throw this country into a constitutional crisis. You Democrat, progressive, liberal, socialist, and communist leftards are Putin's cheerleaders, useful idiots, and tools, not me, Bubba.

Every hateful anti-Trump thing you people say, makes Pooty-poot smile a little more, because that's exactly what he wanted.
View attachment 235298

:113::dunno:Seem true. And DOPers won't like the NEW facts. As Mueller go the goods.

Btw. Calling people rats confirms they are spewing the truth about you orange moron.

Nobody needs Fake Russian Facebook posts to know Mueller is an incompetent weasel. This man accused the wrong man of the anthrax attacks for years.
Donald Trump is by far the worst president in all of US history...I don't think anyone at this point can top the damage and disloyalty this man has bestoed on this country....but we must not blame Trump, a man who has lived his life in corruptive activities...blame those who support him. Because without these mindless ignorant deplorable bastards....Trump has nothing to feed his ego. These are the types that gave Hitler his fuel, his power.

Once again, Putin thanks you for carrying his water.
Noted. Explain your DOPer ignorance later. As more facts come out, keep the DOPer faiths.
The Great Douche used you fully and needs your ignorance more.

How do we know that you aren't a Russian propaganda troll? You certainly arouse suspicion: Your posts are garish, gaudy, full of innuendo, and appear as if English was your second language.

I"m just sayin', dude. So how many Rubles does the Kremlin pay you to shitpost on this board? Is this the only board you post to? Do you know FrancoFW or whatever the fuck his name is? He's a suspect too, ya know.
How do we know you aren't? I mean you fully support alternative facts and rwnj conspiracy theories don't you?

I'm not the one cheering for the attempted overthrow of a legally-elected President and throw this country into a constitutional crisis. You Democrat, progressive, liberal, socialist, and communist leftards are Putin's cheerleaders, useful idiots, and tools, not me, Bubba.

Every hateful anti-Trump thing you people say, makes Pooty-poot smile a little more, because that's exactly what he wanted.
You are right: your main enemy is inside your country, not abroad. Deep State and its liberal puppets that's who have been destroying your country, not Putin. Putin wants a good and mutual benefiting relationship with USA and has a lot of respect for your president (if you need, I'll post his quotes about Trump and they show a lot of respect and good wish). But Deep State, the dirty politicians, the Media do NOT inform you about that, on the contrary, it wants to distract your attention from your main enemy and to substitute it with Russia.

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