MAGA Republican Bill Mitchell Leaves Social Media Platform Because It Has Too Many Racists


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"MAGA Republican Bill Mitchell recently issued a stark warning: He’s quitting Gab because it’s racist. Mitchell, whom Twitter banned in 2020, issued his proclamation after running a poll that he says proves racism is a feature, not a bug, on Gab. Mitchell was distraught. Apparently, he was surprised that the platform where the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter shared his antisemitism has a problem with racism.

He then delivered a warning to Gab CEO Andrew Torba. “Torba needs to ban them or Gab will never be taken seriously by the general public.” He urged people to join Gettr, another of the many social media platforms trying to lure conservatives and the far-right. Torba refused. He told Mitchell to leave if he wanted to -- “Go over to dopey Jason Miller’s Chinese billionaire-funded AI-censored hugbox for Israel-first RINO losers if you want a safe space"

I have no idea who Bill Mitchell is other than a guy who was willing to push every election fraud conspiracy theory known to man as the complete truth....but apparently he was popular with the MAGA crowd because of his huge social media following...but it seems he has turned into the big-brother free-speech censor he railed against when he was kicked off Twitter.

If you are going to pander to the Republican base; then yes, a lot of racism is going to come with that....a whole can this guy act surprised? He even admitted that the CEO is a well-known Antisemite, he knew that before he why is he acting shocked now?? And even if everyone left Gab today and went to Gettr or Telegram or whatever is the new Conservative Twitter -- those same racists are gonna be there's the feature of Conservatism, not the bug. It's what animates the conservative base the most, not Wall-street de-regulation and lowering the capital gains tax. Folks like Bill aren't supposed to admit this out loud tho.

"MAGA Republican Bill Mitchell recently issued a stark warning: He’s quitting Gab because it’s racist. Mitchell, whom Twitter banned in 2020, issued his proclamation after running a poll that he says proves racism is a feature, not a bug, on Gab. Mitchell was distraught. Apparently, he was surprised that the platform where the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter shared his antisemitism has a problem with racism.

He then delivered a warning to Gab CEO Andrew Torba. “Torba needs to ban them or Gab will never be taken seriously by the general public.” He urged people to join Gettr, another of the many social media platforms trying to lure conservatives and the far-right. Torba refused. He told Mitchell to leave if he wanted to -- “Go over to dopey Jason Miller’s Chinese billionaire-funded AI-censored hugbox for Israel-first RINO losers if you want a safe space"

I have no idea who Bill Mitchell is other than a guy who was willing to push every election fraud conspiracy theory known to man as the complete truth....but apparently he was popular with the MAGA crowd because of his huge social media following...but it seems he has turned into the big-brother free-speech censor he railed against when he was kicked off Twitter.

If you are going to pander to the Republican base; then yes, a lot of racism is going to come with that....a whole can this guy act surprised? He even admitted that the CEO is a well-known Antisemite, he knew that before he why is he acting shocked now?? And even if everyone left Gab today and went to Gettr or Telegram or whatever is the new Conservative Twitter -- those same racists are gonna be there's the feature of Conservatism, not the bug. It's what animates the conservative base the most, not Wall-street de-regulation and lowering the capital gains tax. Folks like Bill aren't supposed to admit this out loud tho.

Free speech is peace. Using your words to talk about disagreements is the peaceful way to do things. Censorship is an escalation of things, above the level of discussion.

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