MAGA, Truth Serum

And trump garnered 12 million votes more in 2020 than in 2016. Kind of blows the theory that the increased population of 12.5 million was the reason for Biden kicking Obama’s ass in vote totals.

You might want to check the "voter turn out" numbers. They ere very low in 2016, up almost 8 percentage points in 2020, up in every state in the Union.

Add increased voter turn out with higher population and BOOM, we have what would be expected.
I think they've given up. So now they just want a strongman to ignore the rules and hand them what they want.
No. They just feel safe with him in the White House. The problem is, Trump supporters won't acknowledge the only real reason they support/like him. He alone will ensure that the white race is not replaced. He'll keep those people from shithole countries out of our pristine lands, he'll crack down on those dark people, and stuff those different people back into the closet they came out of. He will ensure that their version of "America" will not perish from the face of this earth. :)
You might want to check the "voter turn out" numbers. They ere very low in 2016, up almost 8 percentage points in 2020, up in every state in the Union.

Add increased voter turn out with higher population and BOOM, we have what would be expected.
Watching no one show up to hear Joe at his rallies is the pure proof that the election was stolen. Comments made from Joe and Pelosi just before the election even cemented it. They knew. They know. When a soul is dark, they know where they are heading. And they want to bring as many with them as they can.
The truth is the number of Americans that believe 2020 was stolen increases daily, because it obviously was.

America. When the WEF deems their shillbots and NPCs on sites like this "ineffective", they will simply move to ban Americans access to sites like this.

Democrats = WEF
It would be helpful if we could inject some candor into our politics right about now. In all seriousness, I think that if hardcore Trump supporters drank some truth serum and you asked them about this, they would respond with something like:

"I don't care about the law. America is so far gone that the only way to save it is by breaking any laws that need to be broken to save it. Even if we have to ignore the Constitution temporarily. The Left has beaten us, and we can't figure out how to recover. So fuck it. I support Trump & Co. doing whatever it takes, no matter what laws are broken. It's Hail Mary Pass time. This is it".

Y'know what? I could actually respect that. I disagree with it, I think there are better answers, but I can at least respect it. But I can't respect this constant, weaselly spin and deflection and fantasy and paranoia and bullshit.

The democrats have already done all of this, yet you sit silently by with your TDS and attack only Trump and his supporters daily. How fucking stupid do you have to be? Rhetorical question of course, go back to your Trump bashing, life would be meaningless without it for you.
The democrats have already done all of this, yet you sit silently by with your TDS and attack only Trump and his supporters daily. How fucking stupid do you have to be? Rhetorical question of course, go back to your Trump bashing, life would be meaningless without it for you.
Yep, more deflection and attacks.

Good stuff.

Sorry, can you please explain how it is possible that someone who received a record number of "votes" including more minority "votes" than Born in Kenya Barack only "won" 16% of the counties? It looks more like an extensive voter fraud operation designed to dump "votes" into the bare minimum of counties needed to steal the election.

“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” -- Biden

Bingo, the fraud wasn't 'wide spread', it was in targeted counties in targeted swing states.
Your response is a deflection, why do you not care when democrats do the exact same thing?

Where is the quote from?
It's not a quote, nor did I say it was. It's simply a combination of what I have observed Trumpsters saying at different times.

I'm not expecting you to admit anything.
You might want to check the "voter turn out" numbers. They ere very low in 2016, up almost 8 percentage points in 2020, up in every state in the Union.

Add increased voter turn out with higher population and BOOM, we have what would be expected.

With polls leading up to the election showing voters showing that they were better off after 4 years of trump than under Obama, which predicted the winner since 1980, BY A RECORD AMOUNT. And also winning the poll that asked “who do you think your neighbor will vote for?”, also BY A RECORD AMOUNT. With Biden winning only 16% of all counties, and Biden losing 18 of 19 belweather counties.

You guys crack me up.
I think that an important part of this is the fact that they learned how to advocate for their positions from talk radio, which is pretty much the LAST place that should happen.

So all we get are platitudes, myopia, distortions and hyperbole, and that's just not an effective way to communicate or advocate. When you either actively avoid opposing arguments, or if those opposing arguments are completely distorted by voices you trust, the conversation is asymmetrical and pointless.
Tell me about Air America

It would be helpful if we could inject some candor into our politics right about now. In all seriousness, I think that if hardcore Trump supporters drank some truth serum and you asked them about this, they would respond with something like:

"I don't care about the law. America is so far gone that the only way to save it is by breaking any laws that need to be broken to save it. Even if we have to ignore the Constitution temporarily. The Left has beaten us, and we can't figure out how to recover. So fuck it. I support Trump & Co. doing whatever it takes, no matter what laws are broken. It's Hail Mary Pass time. This is it".

Y'know what? I could actually respect that. I disagree with it, I think there are better answers, but I can at least respect it. But I can't respect this constant, weaselly spin and deflection and fantasy and paranoia and bullshit.

The op is not a real quote but rather the usual lib lie

Mac1958 is a bomb thrower

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