MAGA, Truth Serum

The same people promoting the racial agendas are pushing others like climate change. They handle the truth so well they are moving to coastal areas on the ocean even as they say the ocean is rising. The past is what it was. And those telling it made what happened the worse it can be. That it was total dreariness. You as a Prog are following the same type of people who are on a global scale. You want to know what suffering and emasculation is, look at the faces of Russian people during the Communist rule of the Soviet Union. And yes, anyone who has experience our authoritarians and those who abuse their power or use tools like surveillance to abuse and mock are the same. And ironically the warnings for a few decades were not listened to and their children and children's children are going to suffer mightily for it. Revenge.
What "racial agenda?"

What is it?
Americans can't handle the truth.

Look at how they talk about what happened to the native Americans and how they talk about African Americans.

It's the same segment of people you're talking about OP.

There is a major difference. The federal govt broke every treaty with the natives. Democrats enslaved african americans. Look at how your own party treats black people. Its sickening but yet you keep voting for more bondage.
"I don't care about the law. America is so far gone that the only way to save it is by breaking any laws that need to be broken to save it. Even if we have to ignore the Constitution temporarily. The Left has beaten us, and we can't figure out how to recover. So fuck it. I support Trump & Co. doing whatever it takes, no matter what laws are broken. It's Hail Mary Pass time. This is it".

I've seen this sentiment expressed, especially on Twitter and other social media.
There is a major difference. The federal govt broke every treaty with the natives. Democrats enslaved african americans. Look at how your own party treats black people. Its sickening but yet you keep voting for more bondage.

Americans can't handle the truth.

Look at how they talk about what happened to the native Americans and how they talk about African Americans.

It's the same segment of people you're talking about OP.
It's simply profound. Dems were the party of slavery and segregation yet they continue to vote for a party that keeps them in oppression. It boggles the mind.
I'd like you to type out how horrible chattel slavery that the Democrats enacted was the worst atrocity the world has ever seen.

Go ahead. Type it.
It would be helpful if we could inject some candor into our politics right about now. In all seriousness, I think that if hardcore Trump supporters drank some truth serum and you asked them about this, they would respond with something like: "I don't care about the law. America is so far gone that the only way to save it is by breaking any laws that need to be broken to save it. Even if we have to ignore the Constitution temporarily. The Left has beaten us, and we can't figure out how to recover. So fuck it. I support Trump & Co. doing whatever it takes, no matter what laws are broken. It's Hail Mary Pass time. This is it". Y'know what? I could actually respect that. I disagree with it, I think there are better answers, but I can at least respect it. But I can't respect this constant, weaselly spin and deflection and fantasy and paranoia and bullshit.

Mega-ravenous TDS strikes Macdoogle yet again.

It reoccurs in the infected like the Symbalene Blood Burn.
I'd like you to type out how horrible chattel slavery that the Democrats enacted was the worst atrocity the world has ever seen.

Go ahead. Type it.
There have been horrid transgressions against every race on this planet. But, what's even more horrid is that blacks were selling, murdering, trafficking their own people.......their own people way before america. Hate to bring you these facts but.....

Democrats embraced slavery in the south. Bed you didn't know this either. Lincoln thought all the blacks would just move back to africa after the war was over.

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