MAGA, Truth Serum

Why did Biden "win" only 477 counties?
He won the election. You've been conned. Sorry.

These people agree with me:

The two companies TRUMP PAID to find corruption AND COULDN'T, the Cyber Ninjas, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General.
He won the election. You've been conned. Sorry.

These people agree with me:

The two companies TRUMP PAID to find corruption AND COULDN'T, the Cyber Ninjas, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General.

So massively "popular" yet only "won" 477 counties....that's statistically impossible, no?

“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” -- Biden
Because counties doe not vote, people do.

So massively "popular" yet only "won" 477 counties....that's statistically impossible, no? 81,LOL,LOL votes? Really?

“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” -- Biden
So massively "popular" yet only "won" 477 counties....that's statistically impossible, no?

“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” -- Biden
There's that "fraud organization" lie again. As you know, he was talking about a website people could visit to report fraud.

What do you have to lie? Don't you have any self respect?

Why do you hate America?
Keep digging for excuses. The electoral math is the same this year as it was in 2020.
Face it. Biden is more popular than Trump. That's because Trump was such a shit show the first time around, the majority don't want to see him near the White House again.
BiDumbfuck and his 29% approval says otherwise moron.
Look at that post, Marc.

He admits I'm right, but doesn't want to say it.

That's what this has done to them.
I see your side as an enemy of the Republic. Didnt flinch either.

You use govt to attack pilitical enemies.

You pick and choose which laws you decide are worthy. Immigration shining example.

Used the Patriot Act to spy and attack an elected President.

You consorted with a Russian known Agent to entrap without verifying the source.

Your kids end up working for Foreign countries where Magically Tax Payer money is being slung around.
So massively "popular" yet only "won" 477 counties....that's statistically impossible, no? 81,LOL,LOL votes? Really?

“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” -- Biden

Counties do not vote, why is this so difficult for you?

LA County has more people than 39 states.

LA County has more people than all 133 counties in VA combined.

And no, it is not statistically impossible, it is not even statistically improbable.
I see your side as an enemy of the Republic. Didnt flinch either.

You use govt to attack pilitical enemies.

You pick and choose which laws you decide are worthy. Immigration shining example.

Used the Patriot Act to spy and attack an elected President.

You consorted with a Russian known Agent to entrap without verifying the source.

Your kids end up working for Foreign countries where Magically Tax Payer money is being slung around.
"My side". More brilliance from a MAGA genius.

Where does Mac1958 actually stand on the issues?


More deflection. Excellent.
There's that "fraud organization" lie again. As you know, he was talking about a website people could visit to report fraud.

What do you have to lie? Don't you have any self respect?

Why do you hate America?
Why do you hate updating Voter Rolls? Dems states have to be pushed into Federal Court to update them.

Tell me about Georgia, True the Vote, Abrams, her sister and 360000 voters who no longer lived in that State.
Counties do not vote, why is this so difficult for you?

LA County has more people than 39 states.

LA County has more people than all 133 counties in VA combined.

And no, it is not statistically impossible, it is not even statistically improbable.

Sorry, can you please explain how it is possible that someone who received a record number of "votes" including more minority "votes" than Born in Kenya Barack only "won" 16% of the counties? It looks more like an extensive voter fraud operation designed to dump "votes" into the bare minimum of counties needed to steal the election.

“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” -- Biden
Sorry, can you please explain how it is possible that someone who received a record number of "votes" including more minority "votes" than Born in Kenya Barack only "won" 16% of the counties?

I just did, but the fact you think Obama was born in Kenya just shows you are too fucking stupid to understand and I will no longer waste any time with you.
It would be helpful if we could inject some candor into our politics right about now. In all seriousness, I think that if hardcore Trump supporters drank some truth serum and you asked them about this, they would respond with something like:

"I don't care about the law. America is so far gone that the only way to save it is by breaking any laws that need to be broken to save it. Even if we have to ignore the Constitution temporarily. The Left has beaten us, and we can't figure out how to recover. So fuck it. I support Trump & Co. doing whatever it takes, no matter what laws are broken. It's Hail Mary Pass time. This is it".

Y'know what? I could actually respect that. I disagree with it, I think there are better answers, but I can at least respect it. But I can't respect this constant, weaselly spin and deflection and fantasy and paranoia and bullshit.

I think you are giving them too much credit. They dont have a strategic thought in their brain anywhere. They are like amoebas reacting to stimuli. No questions. No intellectual curiosity. The least amount of effort expended.
Why do you hate updating Voter Rolls? Dems states have to be pushed into Federal Court to update them.

Tell me about Georgia, True the Vote, Abrams, her sister and 360000 voters who no longer lived in that State.
I blame Trump for that. He could have easily ordered the creation of an up to the minute Voter database consisting of living citizens and their address.

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