MAGA Wants to Cut Defense

The funny thing is that most of the world wants the US to cut military spending.
There's also a worry about Chinese and Russian influence in US politics. Who do you think they'd target first? MAGA?
1. Prove that most of the world (excluding US adversaries) wants the US to cut Defense. That's a lie.
2. If the fucking FBI did their job instead of working for the democrats we wouldn't need to worry about the Chinese and Russians would we? Remember when the FBI offered $1,000,000 for proof of the Steele Dossier?
The pretend American with a Canuck avi wants to tell America how to defend itself.

The only thing toro is worried about is whether the Ukrainian laundry machine keeps running.
Cut defense spending?

Our tanks are from the 1980s.

Our F-16s and F-15s are from the 1970s.

We are building a carrier to replace a carrier that is 50 years old.

Our SSBNs were built 30-40 years ago.

Our service members got their first decent pay increase in years.

Due to recruiting issues, our manning for the military sucks.

Sounds like some ripe areas for cutting. [/sarcasm]

The first few points ignore the fact that while the platforms are that old, many components have been upgraded repeatedly to keep them current and applicable to modern conditions.

A first flight M1 is nowhere near the same as the current iteration.

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