MAGA Wants to Cut Defense

Kinda ironic isn't it? Our military can't even protect itself?

The idea behind it is that it frees up the military member to do more "military" things instead of standing at a gate 8 hours a day
When did MAGA become anti-military appeasers?


“Everything is on the table”
Thing is, if Biden hadn't let Afghanistan fall to the Taliban, signaling Russia that they could invade Ukraine with no pushback, you wouldn't be here making this post. Afghanistan would have been a democracy and Russia would have never invaded Ukraine. It is Biden's failed policies which got us here.
Thing is, if Biden hadn't let Afghanistan fall to the Taliban, signaling Russia that they could invade Ukraine with no pushback, you wouldn't be here making this post. Afghanistan would have been a democracy and Russia would have never invaded Ukraine. It is Biden's failed policies which got us here.

Afghanistan a Democracy. LOL...........You need to try stand up comedy.
MAGA exists to try and trigger the Democrats. Democrats need to hold firm, to continue dialog, to find consensus, and work for compromise for the good of the country.
Thing is, if Biden hadn't let Afghanistan fall to the Taliban, signaling Russia that they could invade Ukraine with no pushback, you wouldn't be here making this post. Afghanistan would have been a democracy and Russia would have never invaded Ukraine. It is Biden's failed policies which got us here.

So you rather US Personal die in combat taking back all that Benedict Donald gave away in Afghanistan in 2020. How many US servicemen and women would you have sacrificed for Russia?

The Neo-GOP and Russia certainly got Biden and Nato's response the Russian invasion of Ukraine wrong.
I thought you were on the side who wanted to use facts? Afghanistan was a democracy. Do you deny that fact?

LOL, The Taliban ran much of Afghanistan.

That's why they were able to so quickly fill in the gaps after we left. It was inevitable unless you wanted us to be there forever. If we were going to do that, you needed to step up and pay for it and give the people of Afghanistan the right to vote.
LOL, The Taliban ran much of Afghanistan.

That's why they were able to so quickly fill in the gaps after we left. It was inevitable unless you wanted us to be there forever. If we were going to do that, you needed to step up and pay for it and give the people of Afghanistan the right to vote.
We should have never been there in the first place
LOL, The Taliban ran much of Afghanistan.

That's why they were able to so quickly fill in the gaps after we left. It was inevitable unless you wanted us to be there forever. If we were going to do that, you needed to step up and pay for it and give the people of Afghanistan the right to vote.
So, you are a fact denier.
Cut defense spending?

Our tanks are from the 1980s.

Our F-16s and F-15s are from the 1970s.

We are building a carrier to replace a carrier that is 50 years old.

Our SSBNs were built 30-40 years ago.

Our service members got their first decent pay increase in years.

Due to recruiting issues, our manning for the military sucks.

Sounds like some ripe areas for cutting. [/sarcasm]
There are some areas that the spending could be refined and improved...

Example, Aircraft are becoming less important to drones and 3d printers...

US should be looking at Drone carriers as they are cheaper to deploy...

Millitary can save money, saying that the Ukraine war is the bang for buck war US has got in in century.
This war is costing fractions of Iraq or Afghan... No Casualties and it is putting the worlds largest problem to peace in the corner.
Make no mistake Putin is a very real danger, he is a criminal with ambitions of an expanded Russia very close or including NATO...

China has ambitions but they mainly just want money and know that access to markets is there lifeblood...
If a TPP(US included) and EU Deal was in place China will do what they are fucking told. Any stepping out of line would mean sanctions on delivering them raw materials... Ditto for Brazil, India... just in case.. Russia would find it a lot harder to find customers too..

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