MAGA Wants to Cut Defense

Are you saying that delaying the much earlier Trump agreed "surrender date" from May 1 to Sept 11 was too fast? What do you think would have happend on May1? Same thing. What about May 1 the next year? Same thing. Are you saying you wanted to stay in Afghanistan indefinately?
We stayed in Iraq, keeping democracy in control. We left Afghanistan to the Taliban and that encouraged Russia to invade Ukraine, which now looks like we will be there indefinitely. We let the Taliban win, which led Putin to believe that since they were better than the Taliban, they would win too. In Afghanistan we were not on the verge of a nuclear WWIII. Now we are.
Yep, I do. Far too many people like you but I do what I can.

Then again, in my state 2.4 million people voted for a lower that had no chance to win the state, and that is all that matters
With 2.4 million votes he may be a loser in many different ways

But he did have a chance to win
We stayed in Iraq, keeping democracy in control. We left Afghanistan to the Taliban and that encouraged Russia to invade Ukraine, which now looks like we will be there indefinitely.
So you’re critical of Biden not supporting an indefinite war in Afghan. I think you’re in a tiny minority there.
So you’re critical of Biden not supporting an indefinite war in Afghan. I think you’re in a tiny minority there.
If you look back in retrospect, it was very obviously a very bad decision. We lost a democratic country in an important area and now Ukraine may lose their democracy and we are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay closer to a nuclear WWIII than if we had just stayed in Afghanistan.
Lets make it clear...
When Trump threw out TPP he was the most pro China US President in history...
The Trump Campaign was sharing information with Russia and receiving assistance...
Your only answer is to target the bodies that investigated your demi-god... Trump was found with stolen documents belonging to the US Government. he was asked to return them, he did not, he had his lawyers lie about what he had... That is clear grounds for an investigation.
Lets also make it clear you are a partisan LIAR. PROVE WHAT YOU SAY!!

1. The Bidens got Billions from China, not the Trumps

2. Muller investigated the "Russia Collusion Hoax". The only ones who worked with Russia was the Clinton campaign who hired Russians to make the Steele Dossier, that the FBI offered $1,000,000 of taxpayer dollars if the dossier could be verified.

3. Haven't you seen the latest news? Biden has stolen documents, duh.
Got ANY indictments against Trump? Didn't think so, thanks for playing.
1. Prove that most of the world (excluding US adversaries) wants the US to cut Defense. That's a lie.
2. If the fucking FBI did their job instead of working for the democrats we wouldn't need to worry about the Chinese and Russians would we? Remember when the FBI offered $1,000,000 for proof of the Steele Dossier?

Most of the world is a US adversary.
How do you stop the Chinese and Russians for using the US's free speech to manipulate people?
Biden left quickly against his own advisors advice, letting the country fall to the Taliban instead of getting out in an organized fashion, leaving the government in control of the country.
Biden had 2500 troops in the country...

The choice was pretty simple:
Stay and continue the war

Two options had serious downsides... Leave was the lesser of the two evils.

Now please explain how Trump signed a deal that let 5000 Taliban troops go while failing to secure safe passage for US and US friendlies out of the country... Trump's deal, a shit one...
Putin is a disaster as is Russia. You believing the propaganda that Putin is another Hitler is absurd. His military is shit and can’t beat a shitty Ukraine. Stop fooling yourself.

So, the USG spending $100 billion of our money to enrich the war profiteers and the two crime families via money laundering, to protect the most corrupt nation in Europe is absurd.

All while millions of Americans suffer in poverty.

Russia is still a major pain in the ass and they will figure out there mistakes... The failed in logistics...

The corruption in Ukraine has a lot to do with previous leaders installing judges and and other civil leaders in to places of power... Zelensky has been trying to address that with international help.. That prosecutor was one of them. The GOP Senators, NATO, EU,... all knew he was a serious barrier for change and wanted him gone.

Personally I think Putin invaded not because of NATO but because Ukraine wanted to join EU... EU is very much about anti-corruption, human rights, free trade.... This would increase wealth and freedom in Ukraine and put pressure on Putin internally... Can't having the neighbours doing well while he is robbing them blind.

Note: Hungry is the misnomer in the EU countries. It is highly corrupt and EU is loosing patience with its leadership fast.... They haven't pulled yet but Orban is one corrupt politician...
We stayed in Iraq, keeping democracy in control. We left Afghanistan to the Taliban and that encouraged Russia to invade Ukraine, which now looks like we will be there indefinitely. We let the Taliban win, which led Putin to believe that since they were better than the Taliban, they would win too. In Afghanistan we were not on the verge of a nuclear WWIII. Now we are.
Bizarre thinking....

Putin invaded Ukraine because he thought Trump had weakened the NATO and EU alliance...
He was very much wrong... Biden has played Ukraine well, he has managed to get Russia to its knees without deploying troops...
Cut defense spending?

Our tanks are from the 1980s.

Our F-16s and F-15s are from the 1970s.

We are building a carrier to replace a carrier that is 50 years old.

Our SSBNs were built 30-40 years ago.

Our service members got their first decent pay increase in years.

Due to recruiting issues, our manning for the military sucks.

Sounds like some ripe areas for cutting. [/sarcasm]
Our military is 10-20 years ahead of Russia and China in virtually every category, except for Chinas cruise missiles, but those are medium range and therefore no threat to mainland US anyway.

Our navy is larger than the next 8 largest navy's in the world combined. We have 11 aircraft carriers!!! The ENTIRE world combined doesnt have that many. China doesnt have a blue water navy, Russia sucks in every conceivable way, we have by far the most 5th generation fighters and bombers. Our dominance is unparalleled in world history.

Even if we cut all funding into building new shit for 20 years, they would technologically catch up to us, but we would still have more hardware and better training than any other nation.
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