MAGA Wants to Cut Defense

If you look back in retrospect, it was very obviously a very bad decision. We lost a democratic country in an important area and now Ukraine may lose their democracy and we are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay closer to a nuclear WWIII than if we had just stayed in Afghanistan.
Are you serious....

You seriously haven't fucking clue how Putin thinks... Putin had Trump under the thumb.

Trump was trying to weaken NATO and possibly pull out of it in a second term...

Biden has shown how strong NATO is when America engages with its allies...

What Biden did to get EU support will go down in history as a masterclass in soft diplomacy... Biden has EU leading the fight in a war, pure genius... This is the same people that laughed at Trump behind his back... Trump was scum in Europe, he was consider an international joke, he sucked up to dictators and anyone who stroked his ego.

Trump was a disaster...
Like all government agencies, the military is wrought with waste
The word you were looking for is not "wrought". The word should be "fraught".
Yes cut defense spending.
The US spends more than the next 10 countries combined.
We can't afford extravagance. Especially when dumbfuk leaves $86b in AFG for the Taliban.
Your data is from the 1970s
No, my data is from right the fuck now. My daughter is an Army officer and she went to Iraq with forklifts older than she is, and they were broken down constantly, requiring parts be shipped from the US.

Biden being a dumbass has nothing to do with it.
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There are some areas that the spending could be refined and improved...

Example, Aircraft are becoming less important to drones and 3d printers...

US should be looking at Drone carriers as they are cheaper to deploy...

Millitary can save money, saying that the Ukraine war is the bang for buck war US has got in in century.
This war is costing fractions of Iraq or Afghan... No Casualties and it is putting the worlds largest problem to peace in the corner.
Make no mistake Putin is a very real danger, he is a criminal with ambitions of an expanded Russia very close or including NATO...

China has ambitions but they mainly just want money and know that access to markets is there lifeblood...
If a TPP(US included) and EU Deal was in place China will do what they are fucking told. Any stepping out of line would mean sanctions on delivering them raw materials... Ditto for Brazil, India... just in case.. Russia would find it a lot harder to find customers too..
The Russians have proven that drones can take on certain missions. but the Ukrainians are having a field day shooting them down.
The Russians have proven that drones can take on certain missions. but the Ukrainians are having a field day shooting them down.
The future is drones...

Ukraines where having a field shooting down aircraft...

So far Ukraine has shot down 430 drones Russia has used in conjunction with the missile barrages. Most of these drones are believed to have been Iranian made.

Drones are cheap... Russia can afford to loose way more drones.

It is more costly to shoot them down than they cost to make...

Drones especially cheap ones swarming could be far more deadly... That's why I said 3d printers might be more important... Make them in on ship and deploy... Could have numerous designs while using that same motor...

Scary warfare... Much less consequences for attacking side..
The future is drones...

Ukraines where having a field shooting down aircraft...

So far Ukraine has shot down 430 drones Russia has used in conjunction with the missile barrages. Most of these drones are believed to have been Iranian made.

Drones are cheap... Russia can afford to loose way more drones.

It is more costly to shoot them down than they cost to make...

Drones especially cheap ones swarming could be far more deadly... That's why I said 3d printers might be more important... Make them in on ship and deploy... Could have numerous designs while using that same motor...

Scary warfare... Much less consequences for attacking side..
Why did you quote an entire post that I never posted?
That's a strange nickname for President Biden.
Even stranger still is that Biden wasn't President in 2020 when the Doha Accords were implemented and "Donnie Dangerously" gave away all the goodies in the Candy store for free. "Zippy" did it deliberately to hamstring the next Administration. Here's "The Don" bragging about it during his first Rally after losing the election.

"How about that? Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you."
When did MAGA become anti-military appeasers?


“Everything is on the table”
Why do you lie?

Democtats have sought to destroy the military for drcades, and now - after putting hand-picked douche bags like Milley in place,tbey have all but succeeded.

No one wants to defund the military - they want to defund the mandatory CRT, Transgender programming, funding for abortions / trans-surgeries, and liberal indoctrination bullshit.
Maybe by their location? I assume we can block foreigners from accessing the US internet.

Yes, you could. The Chinese do it, more or less, the Russians do it.
The big problem is the US has FREEDOM OF SPEECH.... so..... can't do.
Why do you lie?

Democtats have sought to destroy the military for drcades, and now - after putting hand-picked douche bags like Milley in place,tbey have all but succeeded.

No one wants to defund the military - they want to defund the mandatory CRT, Transgender programming, funding for abortions / trans-surgeries, and liberal indoctrination bullshit.
Milley was nominated for JCS by Trump, dumbass!

"He was appointed chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff by President Donald Trump, making Milley the tenth U.S. Army officer to be chairman. As chairman, Milley is the highest-ranking officer in the United States Armed Forces and the principal military advisor to the president of the United States, the secretary of defense, the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council."
Why did you quote an entire post that I never posted?

No Biggie..
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