MAGA Wants to Cut Defense

Cut defense spending?
Our tanks are from the 1980s.
Our F-16s and F-15s are from the 1970s.
We are building a carrier to replace a carrier that is 50 years old.
Our SSBNs were built 30-40 years ago.
Our service members got their first decent pay increase in years.
Due to recruiting issues, our manning for the military sucks.
Sounds like some ripe areas for cutting. [/sarcasm]
Yes cut defense spending.
The US spends more than the next 10 countries combined.
We can't afford extravagance. Especially when dumbfuk leaves $86b in AFG for the Taliban.
Your data is from the 1970s
No government funded sex change operations.

Republicans want to deny the military all medical care.
When did MAGA become anti-military appeasers?


“Everything is on the table”
Because they want to kick Ukraine to the curb under the guise of cutting military spending. These maggots hate Zelensky because he wouldn't play ball with that orange ape Trump. The retard caucus loves Putin because Trump does, so now it's payback time to even the score with Zelensky.

McCarthy bent over & grabbed his ankles for the retard caucus & will now be castrated just so he could be Speaker even though he will wipe his ass with the title by the time those idiot fucks are done with him.
CRT classes can be cut. Seminars on pronouns can be cut. Making all bathrooms gender neutral can be done away with. Sex change operations, hormones and abortions can all be a savings. Then there is Ukraine.
Because they want to kick Ukraine to the curb under the guise of cutting military spending. These maggots hate Zelensky because he wouldn't play ball with that orange ape Trump. The retard caucus loves Putin because Trump does, so now it's payback time to even the score with Zelensky.

McCarthy bent over & grabbed his ankles for the retard caucus & will now be castrated just so he could be Speaker even though he will wipe his ass with the title by the time those idiot fucks are done with him.
Hanoi Jane will tell you what to do.
We could cut everything and not actually curtail any services to anyone. It's how you put it to those in charge.

Your budget is X% less than last year. You address that by addressing all the waste and fraud. If you stop any service your agency is suppose to offer, you are fired.

Now I know no one has what it takes to do this but it could be done.

As I have said for years, I fully 100% support any cuts to the military that might get passed and sadly, many who have argued that in the past won't now simply because it's the Republicans doing it.
They should start by cutting every dept. by 10%. There's plenty of waste that can be cut. And when they get serious about balancing the budget, they need to only budget whatever the total receipt of tax money was for the previous year, minus a percentage they could use for debt payback.

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