MAGA Wants to Cut Defense

The GOP is a clown show. This will be good for Democrats who only need to find 5 congressmen and 9 senators to deal with. Still a chance for the next 2 years to be productive... slight chance.
Everything should be on the table.

You could cut 10% from the DOD budget just be removing the "use it or lose it" mentality for funding.
Golfing Gator has found an acorn

Cut every government program equally 1% a year except Social Security and Medicare because those are earned benefits
Got a link explaining what you mean by "private contractors"?
Like Ed Snowden? Blackwater?

A great number of things on a military base are done by government contracted workers. They almost always cost more and do less than if you had military members doing it.

When I was stationed in Yuma I was part of the process to turn things over to the contractors, everything from supply to running the chow hall to providing technical support for the air field. They made far more than the PFC that had been doing the work.

I was the Flight Clearance chief at the time and it is an FAA requirement for us to have a radio that planes can contact us on. One day about 3:45 ours went out and I called the tech to get it fixed. I was told that since it was almost 4 I would have to get the Base CO to approve the OT....for something required by law for us to have.
Golfing Gator has found an acorn

Cut every government program equally 1% a year except Social Security and Medicare because those are earned benefits

We could do 3% a year for 5 years till it really started to hurt. After that do more specialized cutting.
You oppose reducing Defense spending?
Not necessarily. I was commenting on this early read of discord in the GOP. The GOP isnt very good at rational policy making. Im for rational cuts in the defense budget.
Braxton Bragg (March 22, 1817 – September 27, 1876) was an American army officer during the Second Seminole War and Mexican–American War and Confederate general in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War,

Not necessarily. I was commenting on this early read of discord in the GOP. The GOP isnt very good at rational policy making. Im for rational cuts in the defense budget.
Well then...speak up Brother. If you's ok to say "see this...this is good".

I'm not telling you what to do...I'm just saying when we find some common ground, it'd be nice to hear it.
i dont think they have changed the name will be renamed ft liberty....they announced that i think tuesday but as of today its still ft bragg...
Give us our money back. You freaking thieves. Naming government places freedom and liberty and other names like that is insulting. I trust nothing in media and entertainment anymore. Actors should be wearing hammer and sickle uniforms. How can I watch American war movies when many of the actors are communist.

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