MAGA's Big Lie Crumbling All Around Them

Rallies don't mean votes.

I have never attended a political rally in my life.
I vote every election.

If Biden got more votes, it was because people were especially motivated to get rid of Trump after his disastrous presidency that never should have been.
it was called vote fraud...cheating.
We all know the election was stolen from President Trump. NO WAY, Biden spent the campaign IN HIS BASEMENT with a mask, couldn't draw crowd over 30 and you say he beat Obama and Clinton as far as total votes. Puh leeze. We are watching the steal in Arizona and mid terms 2022. Freakin' democrats are liars and cheats. You can't keep it up forever.
Some of these Trump Humper MAGArats will always believe that the election was stolen...for no other reason than the fact that they WANT to.
Some of these Trump Humper MAGArats will always believe that the election was stolen...for no other reason than the fact that they WANT to.
it's called evidence...and our OWN EYES and intelligence. The left steals elections. Like every other thing you have believed over the past 8 years, the evidence will eventually make it into public realm in spite of protection by leftist activist judges. You will eat crow. with your pinkie finger upraised and with ear muffs on but you will eat it.
it's called evidence...and our OWN EYES and intelligence. The left steals elections. Like every other thing you have believed over the past 8 years, the evidence will eventually make it into public realm in spite of protection by leftist activist judges. You will eat crow. with your pinkie finger upraised and with ear muffs on but you will eat it.
Claiming idiotic things like you did above is the OPPOSITE of evidence
Claiming idiotic things like you did above is the OPPOSITE of evidence
that's what you do. You claim legitimate election when the evidence points to anything BUT. Look. Y'all have screwed up on every theory you had of corruption and wrong doing on the part of trump for over 6 years. and you're gonna be shown up again AS WRONG, just like you've been shown up to be wrong (and liars) on everything else.
You're WOKE. and you'll hang onto that long as you can cause it's all you can do in the face of being shown to be the cheats/liars/childmolester/jhateamerica party
If you got even one booster, after everything we already knew about the vaccines, you are DEFINITELY more easily manipulated than me.

I mean, c'mon
I thought only god knows what’s in there.
It's just uncanny to me that people who had themselves injected with God knows what over and over and over and OVER...and STILL defend the poison...can talk to ANYONE about falling for "big lies".
Your clueless is showing
You claim legitimate election when the evidence points to anything BUT
The following is what you call "evidence"

"We all know the election was stolen from President Trump. NO WAY, Biden spent the campaign IN HIS BASEMENT with a mask, couldn't draw crowd over 30 and you say he beat Obama and Clinton as far as total votes. Puh leeze. We are watching the steal in Arizona and mid terms 2022"

That ain't evidence of anything but your partisan stupidity
The following is what you call "evidence"

"We all know the election was stolen from President Trump. NO WAY, Biden spent the campaign IN HIS BASEMENT with a mask, couldn't draw crowd over 30 and you say he beat Obama and Clinton as far as total votes. Puh leeze. We are watching the steal in Arizona and mid terms 2022"

That ain't evidence of anything but your partisan stupidity
I'm not posting all the evidence here again...go look in stolen elections. I don't know what you have at stake in this other than your party is the most corrupt. repunks are only slightly better but they're going the way of the democrats. You need to open your eyes. You don't have to go down with the evil party.
Sean isn't as hot-headed as some of his contemporaries, which is why I've always liked him.
At least Hannity did tell the truth for once in his life when he testified that he never believed the election was stolen...."not for one second."

I'm not posting all the evidence here again...go look in stolen elections. I don't know what you have at stake in this other than your party is the most corrupt. repunks are only slightly better but they're going the way of the democrats. You need to open your eyes. You don't have to go down with the evil party.
So… you don’t post evidence… you just make stupid claims…

I wonder why you do that
None of them believe in the ‘big lie’ – they know President Biden was lawfully and constitutionally elected in a fair, honest, and accurate election.

Conservatives use lies about ‘fraud,’ ‘cheating,’ ‘ and ‘stolen’ elections as weapons in their war on democracy.

No fucking person of even moderate intelligence believes that.
Mac, do I seem like a product of manipulation to you?


How many Covid vaccines did you get? Me? Zero. Honey, I'm a Trump voter working in the PUBLIC SCHOOLS who didn't receive a single Covid shot.

Yeah, definitely I am easily manipulated. hahahah

Common sense will never reach that one.
literal waste of time and energy to engage.
Weaker minds miss the biggest story--and scandal--since the Holocaust.

Honestly, some of us are skeptical and others stand around shilling. Against all reason and odds. I used to wonder how this could happen to a society. I no longer wonder. I get to watch.

Those people are in a cult.
The Democrat Media Bubble has constructed one of the largest most tightly secured cults in history.
It's a shame, but it is also a fact.
The following is what you call "evidence"

"We all know the election was stolen from President Trump. NO WAY, Biden spent the campaign IN HIS BASEMENT with a mask, couldn't draw crowd over 30 and you say he beat Obama and Clinton as far as total votes. Puh leeze. We are watching the steal in Arizona and mid terms 2022"

That ain't evidence of anything but your partisan stupidity
We must not be efficient in working anymore. What is the point? Millions living the good life y cheating and being inferior.
Some of these Trump Humper MAGArats will always believe that the election was stolen...for no other reason than the fact that they WANT to.

That and we all watched it live and in real time.
Your cult leaders have told you to dismiss your own eyes -
I get that, I don't understand it, but I get it.
Cults are a powerful influence.
it was called vote fraud...cheating.
You can call it that, but you have yet to prove that any signifigant number of people either voted when they weren't allowed to, or that someone else cast their ballots for them.

Mail in ballots are not voter fraud, just another way of doing it.
oh no it's not crumbling. But the left's lies and tricks are crumbling. and it only took dumping Miss Piggy Cheney and a few others.

Got the guts to read this. bet you don't, lefty.
Here's a whole Friday Friends Support Group of MAGA-Q's whining, complaining, snowflaking, bitching, caterwauling, and generally being unhappy with the life they built for themselves here in America.
Or so it seems.

  • Go get your fuckin' shine box
  • What a buncha fake news slop.
  • The Dem big steal was real,
  • TDS.... tiresome
  • We all know the election was stolen from President Trump.
  • what a bunch of lying traitors are running this country
  • the Left genuinely hate his guts
  • Yes, the subject should be Orange Man Bad and Orange People Bad 24/7
  • Three plus YEARS of that BULLSHIT 24/7, a fucking IMPEACHEMENT, over NOTHING!!!
  • Leftist propaganda circle jerk.
  • The Democrat Media Bubble has constructed one of the largest most tightly secured cults
  • Millions living the good life y cheating and being inferior.
  • It's pathetic it was allowed to happen again this year, this time in Arizona.

It always surprises me to see such snowflakery in this wonderful country that thousands of folks are striving to come to. Dying to come to. But, unfortunately, for those poor souls yearning to be an American and producing for themselves, their families, and their new country.....well, a lot of our valuable space is taken up by the ne'er-do-well screechers and whiners. Like above.

We wish they could find happiness in this great country. Then they wouldn't be so whiney. Theoretically.

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