Magical Red Hat Triggers Ghetto Thug

What makes him a Ghetto Thug?
His dialect, attitude and incessant use of that painful word n!gger.
How did this altercation start? Since it's you guys who always claim we are not getting the full story.
He isn’t exactly standing still and smiling quietly like the Covington kid.
Don't forget the coward spit on a woman and then suddenly stops his acting out as soon as the cops arrive.

Yep that was cowardly.
What makes him a Ghetto Thug?
His dialect, attitude and incessant use of that painful word n!gger.
How did this altercation start? Since it's you guys who always claim we are not getting the full story.
He isn’t exactly standing still and smiling quietly like the Covington kid.
Don't forget the coward spit on a woman and then suddenly stops his acting out as soon as the cops arrive.

Yep that was cowardly.
So you think he should have continued breaking the law in front of police?
What makes him a Ghetto Thug?
His dialect, attitude and incessant use of that painful word n!gger.
How did this altercation start? Since it's you guys who always claim we are not getting the full story.
He isn’t exactly standing still and smiling quietly like the Covington kid.
Don't forget the coward spit on a woman and then suddenly stops his acting out as soon as the cops arrive.

Yep that was cowardly.
So you think he should have continued breaking the law in front of police?
That's why they get shot. But I think he was referring to spitting on the woman.
What makes him a Ghetto Thug?
His dialect, attitude and incessant use of that painful word n!gger.
How did this altercation start? Since it's you guys who always claim we are not getting the full story.
He isn’t exactly standing still and smiling quietly like the Covington kid.
Don't forget the coward spit on a woman and then suddenly stops his acting out as soon as the cops arrive.

Yep that was cowardly.
So you think he should have continued breaking the law in front of police?
That's why they get shot. But I think he was referring to spitting on the woman.
Not so sure. The dishonesty in his posts suggests he applauds law-breaking.
What makes him a Ghetto Thug?

How did this altercation start? Since it's you guys who always claim we are not getting the full story.
Yes. THAT is why I called him a "thug." You guys cry about anyone using that racist word, but you really dont mind. It is just another tool to badger whites with.
What makes him a Ghetto Thug?
His dialect, attitude and incessant use of that painful word n!gger.
How did this altercation start? Since it's you guys who always claim we are not getting the full story.
He isn’t exactly standing still and smiling quietly like the Covington kid.
Don't forget the coward spit on a woman and then suddenly stops his acting out as soon as the cops arrive.

Yep that was cowardly.
So you think he should have continued breaking the law in front of police?

When did I claim he should have ever broke the law?
What makes him a Ghetto Thug?
His dialect, attitude and incessant use of that painful word n!gger.
How did this altercation start? Since it's you guys who always claim we are not getting the full story.
He isn’t exactly standing still and smiling quietly like the Covington kid.
Don't forget the coward spit on a woman and then suddenly stops his acting out as soon as the cops arrive.

Yep that was cowardly.
So you think he should have continued breaking the law in front of police?
That's why they get shot. But I think he was referring to spitting on the woman.

So in your mind if I say something smart to a police officer he is justified in killing me.
His dialect, attitude and incessant use of that painful word n!gger.
He isn’t exactly standing still and smiling quietly like the Covington kid.
Don't forget the coward spit on a woman and then suddenly stops his acting out as soon as the cops arrive.

Yep that was cowardly.
So you think he should have continued breaking the law in front of police?
That's why they get shot. But I think he was referring to spitting on the woman.
Not so sure. The dishonesty in his posts suggests he applauds law-breaking.

Your dishonesty shows when you keep posting bullshit like this.
His dialect, attitude and incessant use of that painful word n!gger.
He isn’t exactly standing still and smiling quietly like the Covington kid.
Don't forget the coward spit on a woman and then suddenly stops his acting out as soon as the cops arrive.

Yep that was cowardly.
So you think he should have continued breaking the law in front of police?
That's why they get shot. But I think he was referring to spitting on the woman.

So in your mind if I say something smart to a police officer he is justified in killing me.
Can't help lying can you?
What makes him a Ghetto Thug?
His dialect, attitude and incessant use of that painful word n!gger.
How did this altercation start? Since it's you guys who always claim we are not getting the full story.
He isn’t exactly standing still and smiling quietly like the Covington kid.
Don't forget the coward spit on a woman and then suddenly stops his acting out as soon as the cops arrive.

Yep that was cowardly.
So you think he should have continued breaking the law in front of police?

When did I claim he should have ever broke the law?
Your previous response wasn’t too clear.
Don't forget the coward spit on a woman and then suddenly stops his acting out as soon as the cops arrive.

Yep that was cowardly.
So you think he should have continued breaking the law in front of police?
That's why they get shot. But I think he was referring to spitting on the woman.
Not so sure. The dishonesty in his posts suggests he applauds law-breaking.

Your dishonesty shows when you keep posting bullshit like this.
I find it amazing that after you watched that video, you felt the need to defend the black guy, who was clearly in the wrong. Just admit that youre a racist.
Another low information Democrat gets locked up. MAGA!

Spreading this kind of argument on social media just fuels the flames and makes everyone think it is a common occurrence, and therefore okay. People are not that uncivil toward each other, left or right, very often in the real world. We have an election coming up. Only the Russians should be pulling cheap attempts to inflame us further against each other.

It's a really simple lesson that has been proven at least a million times in history:
A house divided cannot stand.

I’ll say this - it’s mostly the left that take individual isolated incidents and use them to try to portray a broad societal problem. We see it with the police or some example of racism.
Don't forget the coward spit on a woman and then suddenly stops his acting out as soon as the cops arrive.

Yep that was cowardly.
So you think he should have continued breaking the law in front of police?
That's why they get shot. But I think he was referring to spitting on the woman.

So in your mind if I say something smart to a police officer he is justified in killing me.
Can't help lying can you?

GFY assclown.
His dialect, attitude and incessant use of that painful word n!gger.
He isn’t exactly standing still and smiling quietly like the Covington kid.
Don't forget the coward spit on a woman and then suddenly stops his acting out as soon as the cops arrive.

Yep that was cowardly.
So you think he should have continued breaking the law in front of police?

When did I claim he should have ever broke the law?
Your previous response wasn’t too clear.

It was clear enough for you to understand, you chose not to.
Yep that was cowardly.
So you think he should have continued breaking the law in front of police?
That's why they get shot. But I think he was referring to spitting on the woman.
Not so sure. The dishonesty in his posts suggests he applauds law-breaking.

Your dishonesty shows when you keep posting bullshit like this.
I find it amazing that after you watched that video, you felt the need to defend the black guy, who was clearly in the wrong. Just admit that youre a racist.

I haven't defended him once, you are just pulling that out your ass. I asked the question how did the altercation start and we haven't seen that yet.

When the video starts he is arguing with a guy already.
So you think he should have continued breaking the law in front of police?
That's why they get shot. But I think he was referring to spitting on the woman.
Not so sure. The dishonesty in his posts suggests he applauds law-breaking.

Your dishonesty shows when you keep posting bullshit like this.
I find it amazing that after you watched that video, you felt the need to defend the black guy, who was clearly in the wrong. Just admit that youre a racist.

I haven't defended him once, you are just pulling that out your ass. I asked the question how did the altercation start and we haven't seen that yet.

When the video starts he is arguing with a guy already.
NOBODY agrees with that.
That's why they get shot. But I think he was referring to spitting on the woman.
Not so sure. The dishonesty in his posts suggests he applauds law-breaking.

Your dishonesty shows when you keep posting bullshit like this.
I find it amazing that after you watched that video, you felt the need to defend the black guy, who was clearly in the wrong. Just admit that youre a racist.

I haven't defended him once, you are just pulling that out your ass. I asked the question how did the altercation start and we haven't seen that yet.

When the video starts he is arguing with a guy already.
NOBODY agrees with that.

Watch the video genius.

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