Magical Red Hat Triggers Ghetto Thug

Give your racism a rest

I could tell you the same thing, so in your mind it is impossible that one of the Trump Humpers could have said something first.

Don't give two shits about you nor your excuses.

That's your problem. You shoot your goddamn mouth off about shit you know nothing about.

That's why I am asking the question, since you don't know what happened either.

I am not really interested in your foul mouth tirades, grow up and talk with some civility.
------------------------------- All YOU are doing is hurling Assumptions and MAYBES SuperB . Guy parked ILLEGALLY and started a confrontation SuperB .

How do you know he started it?
Watch the video.
Give your racism a rest

I could tell you the same thing, so in your mind it is impossible that one of the Trump Humpers could have said something first.

It is possible that one of the Trump Humpers said something first, and that triggered a grown ass man to behave like a raging lunatic. The bottom line is the guy could not contain himself. He lost it and got his ass arrested.

Oh I agree he flipped the script, but as human beings something's will make you lose it.

That’s true, we all have our limits. The point is this guys limit is VERY easily reached, and that shows lack of personal control.

Maybe so, I am just asking the question what set him off?
MAGA hats set him off. Didnt you watch the video?
You being stupid, a racist and a democrat.

Not as bad as being an assclown, racist, Trump Humper. Come to think of it neither party is mine, not the Jackass or the elephant.
Why so many of yuz brudders speak like ya have a speech impidamint?

Ask your mother, pretty sure she can tell you why.
Family attack reported.

Good because the racist attacks are reported as well.
There haven't been any racist attacks, simply giving you answers to the dumbass questions you ask.
--------------------------- I couldn't hear the video but it looks to me that the black guy parked illegally and crashed the peaceful rally or demonstration as he suddenly had a twinge of anti TRUMP as he saw the Pro TRUMP people with their pro TRUMP Gear SuperB .

That is a possibility or is it possible that one of the MAWA said something to them while they were sitting at the light.
---------------------- so what ?? So then you park illegally and get out of the car to confront them eh SuperB .

I didn't say it was right, by the same token if you yell shit at folks you.may get a reaction.
------------------------------ yeah , so NOW you change your story as you now know that words were yelled at the car eh SuperB. You heard words yelled eh SuperB ??

No I difn't say words were yelled at the car, I asked was it possible. Big difference.
Only to criminals. We were always taught that violence directed toward name callers was unacceptable, but as we have seen many blacks are not capable of civil behavior.
According to a commenter on the video-
This actually ended very well. Some Trump supporters talked to him while he was handcuffed in the cop car, and explained that we are no racist, we don't hate him, and that his anger comes from lies that have been told to him. Later, this ended with a hug and a handshake, and he was able to go home with his kids with a different perspective.

12 hours ago
Another low information Democrat gets locked up. MAGA!

Spreading this kind of argument on social media just fuels the flames and makes everyone think it is a common occurrence, and therefore okay. People are not that uncivil toward each other, left or right, very often in the real world. We have an election coming up. Only the Russians should be pulling cheap attempts to inflame us further against each other.

It's a really simple lesson that has been proven at least a million times in history:
A house divided cannot stand.

Meanwhile, the mainstream media is fanning the flames obsessively in the opposite direction.

I will believe your sincerity when you condemn BOTH.
i like how the board lawyer and Dick Tracy Detective SuperB figures that the big intimidator will only get a misdemeanor out of the problem that he caused .
i like how the board lawyer and Dick Tracy Detective SuperB figures that the big intimidator will only get a misdemeanor out of the problem that he caused .
We used to call them jail house lawyers. Always knew the law, always had advice for any poor man in trouble with the law. Still in prison.
That is a possibility or is it possible that one of the MAWA said something to them while they were sitting at the light.
---------------------- so what ?? So then you park illegally and get out of the car to confront them eh SuperB .

I didn't say it was right, by the same token if you yell shit at folks you.may get a reaction.
------------------------------ yeah , so NOW you change your story as you now know that words were yelled at the car eh SuperB. You heard words yelled eh SuperB ??

No I difn't say words were yelled at the car, I asked was it possible. Big difference.
What would it matter? No words condone violent assaults. Quit making excuses for criminals.

Where did I say it did? You stop making excuses, you guys kill me with that bullshit of it doesn't matter what they said, you should just turn the other cheek.
A dozen MAGA pussies afraid of one black man. What else is new?
There is no point of protesting if you are not going for the final solution. You are correct. Street fighters are more important when pushed. Otherwise there must be chemicals and other weapons carried. What the truth is, that this is all the African American guy has and it is effective because the white guys will not go further using debilitating chemicals and more to eradicate him. In these types of situations African American guys are at an advantage. Depending where they are at, they will not get arrested. Tragically, he follows black women of power but only for what he can get. And as you can see in the neighborhoods, he chitts on them. One day he will figure it out that he is not first on the list and gays and extreme feminists are not his friends. I am sorry but the weapons are being purchased at record rates. And the ammo...oh the ammo....But street fighting is your forte...
---------------------- so what ?? So then you park illegally and get out of the car to confront them eh SuperB .

I didn't say it was right, by the same token if you yell shit at folks you.may get a reaction.
------------------------------ yeah , so NOW you change your story as you now know that words were yelled at the car eh SuperB. You heard words yelled eh SuperB ??

No I difn't say words were yelled at the car, I asked was it possible. Big difference.
What would it matter? No words condone violent assaults. Quit making excuses for criminals.

Where did I say it did? You stop making excuses, you guys kill me with that bullshit of it doesn't matter what they said, you should just turn the other cheek.
You imply that it does and then lie when called on it like all racist democrats.
Violent thug that's probably used to getting his way through intimidation. Hope he had a nice night in jail, he's likely been there many times before.
The Maga hat incidences are yet another”excuse” for liberals to display their violent, childish, anti social and anti law proclivities.
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Conclusion: Law braking black man spitting on tiny woman does not resist arrest and does not get shot by police. Lesson anyone?
What makes him a Ghetto Thug?
His dialect, attitude and incessant use of that painful word n!gger.
How did this altercation start? Since it's you guys who always claim we are not getting the full story.
He isn’t exactly standing still and smiling quietly like the Covington kid.
Don't forget the coward spit on a woman and then suddenly stops his acting out as soon as the cops arrive.
Conclusion: Law braking black man spitting on tiny woman does not resist arrest and does not get shot by police. Lesson anyone?
Spitting and intimidation is assault. Hope he actually gets what he deserves. Maybe next time one of these women will at least be carrying pepper spray. Would have preferred he actually got shot.

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