Magnitude 10 Earthquake Will Hit Earth

Yeah, but the tall buildings are still standing aren't they. The tsunami is what did the damage in Japan. Water in large volume like that is a mother. Nothing stops it.
When the "big one" hits directly a big city then forget the buildings.

Japan Earthquakes started (epicenter) 300 miles away from Tokyo.
Yeah, but the tall buildings are still standing aren't they. The tsunami is what did the damage in Japan. Water in large volume like that is a mother. Nothing stops it.
When the "big one" hits directly a big city then forget the buildings.

Japan Earthquakes started (epicenter) 300 miles away from Tokyo.

Not true. Large buildings weather large earthquakes MUCH better then small buildings. It has to do with the frequency of the building and a whole host of other factors. So long as the building isn't built on the fault line it's relatively safe.
So from the responses I guess this guy is pretty religious, I am a lil myself

If this were to happen tomorrow wouldn't you think its the way God intended it, if we get the technology to prevent, predict, or rebuild then He must want us to continue... I'm not sure, I let Him take care of the things out of my control. I suggest you go to school for this and make yourself useful rather than relying on more intelligent and rich people to bail you out, it won't happen and honestly it's pretty pathetic.

Or you could thank the people that made the technology that saved your sorry ass.

Not to mention it's projected to take several hundred thousand years more to build of the pressure necessary to have it blow.

Which is my point, I'm understanding why that's so offensive to you if I'm trying to understand someone who people are saying is religious. It just defeats what it does for me. I can't really remember what it was (and I don't really care to because again its out my control and not imminent), but it could be yellow stone which we are in the zone for something to happen but I believe the time frame is like 80,000 yrs and built off of only 3 repetitions in 240,000 years which in my opinion, the range and lack of repetition doesn't make it reliable. I don't think it's going to happen, I feel like you took what I said as some kind belief in it? That's why I'm saying why worry about something you can't control, if it happens it happens, and as someone who believe in God I'd like to comfort myself that it happened for a reason. I don't like to get in to religion because if you don't like that or need that fine, but what does it matter to you if I like or need that.

I wasn't neglecting the people who made or will make it, but if you look at me and get mad for saying thank god for when you were born basically, ok, it doesn't really matter to me. However, I think you probably have some other much deeper issues as to why you don't believe in God rather than logic, for the simple way you come off so angry. If anything I'm just grateful to be born now, perhaps that is just a mortal feeling I don't know, but I'm just happy to be around now and that upsets you?
Yeah, but the tall buildings are still standing aren't they. The tsunami is what did the damage in Japan. Water in large volume like that is a mother. Nothing stops it.
When the "big one" hits directly a big city then forget the buildings.

Japan Earthquakes started (epicenter) 300 miles away from Tokyo.

So what are you calling for a stimulus to demolish and rebuild all buildings with state of the art technology to get the economy going? I'm not sure what you want people to do, stand in the doorway for the time being until its safe to live again?

I mean technically, couldn't through all of history, constantly lay the thread of the "big one hitting" right now? as you read this? Is that the ground shaking?

Earth phenomena fascinates me and I think I've bought a copy of every good natural disaster movie made and read a lot on it too. Even our area that has been seismically quiet for a very long time sits on a fault capable of generating an 8.5 or larger earthquake. None of us are really immune to natural disaster. I'm glad folks are studying it though so we earthlings have a chance to survive the next mega event.
Do to man Made Galactic Warming, there has been a serious of massive Quakes on Mars. Al Gore has been launched in a probe to try and convince the Residents of Mars, Who are Mute and Invisible to the Human eye, But will all vote Democrat, that they must Breath out more to cause more warming. Because Mars is so cold you know!
So what are you calling for a stimulus to demolish and rebuild all buildings with state of the art technology to get the economy going? I'm not sure what you want people to do, stand in the doorway for the time being until its safe to live again?
Obama has donated $50 Trillion trying to save bankrupt companies and countries.

Now what will USA government do when the "big one" strikes with full force?
So what are you calling for a stimulus to demolish and rebuild all buildings with state of the art technology to get the economy going? I'm not sure what you want people to do, stand in the doorway for the time being until its safe to live again?
Obama has donated $50 Trillion trying to save bankrupt companies and countries.

Now what will USA government do when the "big one" strikes with full force?

50 Trillion? You sure about that buddy?
Japan Earthquake this year was 11 March 2011. Today is 11 october 2011.

The common factor is 11. Something happens on 11 of the month for some unknown reasons.

God help us next month then on November 11th. It'll be 11.11.11. Armageddon,no doubt.

29 = 2+9 = 11.

26, 29, 11 are the most dangerous days of the month.

Asian Earthquake of magnitude 9.3 which sent Tsunami killing 300,000 people was on 26 December 2004.
50 Trillion? You sure about that buddy?
Federal reserve has given $16 Trillion secret bailouts.

Everybody knows Obama has given $9 Trillion bailouts.

Total is $25 Trillion.

Somebody said to me "Obama has given $50 Trillion bailouts".
This year is 2011. Again 11.

Mass animals deaths in January 2011 was indication or warning of things to come.

1) Egypt revolution and Arab world revolution.

2) Most destructive Japan Earthquake.

3) Republic of scams "India" exposed.

4) World financial markets completely out of control.

5) World pornography and prostitution shutting down forever.

6) Presidents and prime ministers speech irrelevant for world economy and world society. People say "no more politicians. Time for military men to takeover".

7) No personal tax and no corporation tax. Only consumption tax.

8) No more feeding useless people.

9) I got registered with here and I also shut down 2 of the biggest forums that banned me. Serious revolt started in these 2 big forums because I was heavily supported. My supporters destroyed these 2 big fourms.
Last edited:
Monopoly, you belong in an insane assylum with a straight jacket on.
This year is 2011. Again 11.

Mass animals deaths in January 2011 was indication or warning of things to come.

1) Egypt revolution and Arab world revolution.

2) Most destructive Japan Earthquake.

3) Republic of scams "India" exposed.

4) World financial markets completely out of control.

5) World pornography and prostitution shutting down forever.

6) Presidents and prime ministers speech irrelevant for world economy and world society. People say "no more politicians. Time for military men to takeover".

7) No personal tax and no corporation tax. Only consumption tax.

8) No more feeding useless people.

9) I got registered with here and I also shut down 2 of the biggest forums that banned me. Serious revolt started in these 2 big forums because I was heavily supported. My supporters destroyed these 2 big fourms.

Well, I'm sure the mods here will go out of their way not to cross you then!
This year is 2011. Again 11.

Mass animals deaths in January 2011 was indication or warning of things to come.

1) Egypt revolution and Arab world revolution.

2) Most destructive Japan Earthquake.

3) Republic of scams "India" exposed.

4) World financial markets completely out of control.

5) World pornography and prostitution shutting down forever.

6) Presidents and prime ministers speech irrelevant for world economy and world society. People say "no more politicians. Time for military men to takeover".

7) No personal tax and no corporation tax. Only consumption tax.

8) No more feeding useless people.

9) I got registered with here and I also shut down 2 of the biggest forums that banned me. Serious revolt started in these 2 big forums because I was heavily supported. My supporters destroyed these 2 big fourms.

10.) Detroit Lions 5-0.

If #10 isn't a sign of the Apocalypse, I don't know what is?
This year is 2011. Again 11.

Mass animals deaths in January 2011 was indication or warning of things to come.

1) Egypt revolution and Arab world revolution.

2) Most destructive Japan Earthquake.

3) Republic of scams "India" exposed.

4) World financial markets completely out of control.

5) World pornography and prostitution shutting down forever.

6) Presidents and prime ministers speech irrelevant for world economy and world society. People say "no more politicians. Time for military men to takeover".

7) No personal tax and no corporation tax. Only consumption tax.

8) No more feeding useless people.

9) I got registered with here and I also shut down 2 of the biggest forums that banned me. Serious revolt started in these 2 big forums because I was heavily supported. My supporters destroyed these 2 big fourms.

10.) Detroit Lions 5-0.

If #10 isn't a sign of the Apocalypse, I don't know what is?

Nah, it's just the universe and spiritual ether equilibrating. Finally.
This year is 2011. Again 11.

Mass animals deaths in January 2011 was indication or warning of things to come.

1) Egypt revolution and Arab world revolution.

2) Most destructive Japan Earthquake.

3) Republic of scams "India" exposed.

4) World financial markets completely out of control.

5) World pornography and prostitution shutting down forever.

6) Presidents and prime ministers speech irrelevant for world economy and world society. People say "no more politicians. Time for military men to takeover".

7) No personal tax and no corporation tax. Only consumption tax.

8) No more feeding useless people.

9) I got registered with here and I also shut down 2 of the biggest forums that banned me. Serious revolt started in these 2 big forums because I was heavily supported. My supporters destroyed these 2 big fourms.

you are off the chart delusional.

seek professional help

stop ingesting illegal narcotics

stop playing with yourself, you'll go blind

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