Mail-in ballots for our election? That's funny.

My wife keeps getting a mail-in ballot from some politician in Florida. She lives in New Hampshire and has never been to the Sunshine State. That tells me that voter fraud is just one more tentacle of the strategy to take Trump down.
It tells me that you and your wife are easy marks, easily fooled by a serious looking font.

They say that ya can’t fix stupid, but let me try, just this once:

My wife keeps getting a mail-in ballot from some politician in Florida. She lives in New Hampshire and has never been to the Sunshine State. That tells me that voter fraud is just one more tentacle of the strategy to take Trump down. Mail fraud is a serious offence and the Post Office is way too incompetent to oversee a national election. We need to begin prosecuting political platforms that use mail fraud.

The argument that in person voting is too dangerous falls short when weekly and daily personal visits to the liquor store are allowed. People go to supermarkets and gas stations with no fear and no one is calling for mail-in dental visits and haircuts.

Trump is seen as such a threat to the state that nothing is off the table for this coming election. He is going to win again.

If that is happening someone in Florida is trying to get money out of your wife. There's a way to donate money to that politician's campaign with that so called "ballot."

No politician can send anyone a mail in ballot.

It can only come from the state.

That mail in ballot probably includes a way to "donate" money to that politician. It's a political ad. Not a real ballot and if she tries to use that phony ballot she risks facing election fraud charges.

My state is 100%. mail in ballot. No problems with it.

If someone votes more than once, the first vote is already recorded so the second one isn't counted then the person who did that will get a visit from the police to arrest them for voter fraud.

Stop with the lies and garbage. trump votes mail in ballot. I've been doing it since the 90s. No problem what so ever.

If you want to go out and vote in person have at it. Just don't forget social distancing and wear a mask.

What you can't do is prevent anyone else from voting mail in ballot.

Nice try with the lies but it just doesn't work. Maybe try honesty. It's just a thought.
You idiot, mail in ballots don’t come from politicians they come from the supervisor of elections. Post what she is getting so we can see for ourselves what the hell you are talking about.
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. Even conservative publications like the Wall Street Journal are making that clear. It is the excuse of a loser.

It was an ad to get money.

I'm a registered Independent so I get ads from both parties.

I've gotten those ads from several republican candidates though the years.

I've never gotten one from a democrat.

The OP is very dishonest.
My wife keeps getting a mail-in ballot from some politician in Florida. She lives in New Hampshire and has never been to the Sunshine State. That tells me that voter fraud is just one more tentacle of the strategy to take Trump down. Mail fraud is a serious offence and the Post Office is way too incompetent to oversee a national election. We need to begin prosecuting political platforms that use mail fraud.

The argument that in person voting is too dangerous falls short when weekly and daily personal visits to the liquor store are allowed. People go to supermarkets and gas stations with no fear and no one is calling for mail-in dental visits and haircuts.

Trump is seen as such a threat to the state that nothing is off the table for this coming election. He is going to win again.

You don't receive mail in ballots from politicians you receive campaign literature, this is bullshit on your part.
You idiot, mail in ballots don’t come from politicians they come from the supervisor of elections. Post what she is getting so we can see for ourselves what the hell you are talking about.
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. Even conservative publications like the Wall Street Journal are making that clear. It is the excuse of a loser.

It was an ad to get money.

I'm a registered Independent so I get ads from both parties.

I've gotten those ads from several republican candidates though the years.

I've never gotten one from a democrat.

The OP is very dishonest.

Hell, this week alone I have received approximately 20 and they all are from the same republican candidates.
You idiot, mail in ballots don’t come from politicians they come from the supervisor of elections. Post what she is getting so we can see for ourselves what the hell you are talking about.
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. Even conservative publications like the Wall Street Journal are making that clear. It is the excuse of a loser.
Oh yes, I'm an an idiot for remembering the disaster of the Obamacare website run by the government. Isn't the Post Office run by the same government? These morons will turn our voting process into a massive joke and the election will still be undecided in 2022.
What does that post have to do with voter fraud???? You do understand that elections are run by a local board or supervisor of elections and not by the federal government.
You do understand the the US Post Office is a government agency? It doesn't matter if you are sending mail across the street, it still has to be processed by the government-the same government that perverted the FBI, DOJ, and NSA to take Trump down.
Verifiable paper ballots are the most fraud-proof way to run an election because a record of every vote still exists after election day and can be inspected by the campaigns. Quit letting people scare you.
Unless those paper ballots are filed 13, or as we all know thrown away by our Democrat friends in the postal service....

Looks like there are some stiff legal penalties for mishandling the mail and tampering with ballots. If you don't like the US mail then most supervisors of elections will have a drive-by dropbox.
And what if some of those dropboxes are put into someones trunk of their car and forgotten, as we saw down in Broward County? 1 vote, on the first Tuesday of Nov, 1 ID, step up to the stall, and cast your ballot, put it in the machine, and you have done your right of the US.

The Iraq women faced far more danger than some Kung Flu, who has a death rate of .05%. If they used their right, so should we. Dont be a fucking coward to the progs and their Kung Flu.
Why do you think there are enough random people willing to risk long prison sentences just to change an insignificant number of votes? It's stupid. has said over the past few years there has only been 243 instances of fraud in mail in ballots. There were over 5 times the amount of fraud for in person.
You idiot, mail in ballots don’t come from politicians they come from the supervisor of elections. Post what she is getting so we can see for ourselves what the hell you are talking about.
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. Even conservative publications like the Wall Street Journal are making that clear. It is the excuse of a loser.
No sane person should trust a corrupt Democrat "supervisor of elections"
The Democrat opposition to Voter ID laws is 100% proof that they use mass Voter Fraud to violate everyone's Right to Vote and to undermine our democracy*.
Please resist the temptation to believe the lies Trump is spewing. know........he's a liar.

How do you know when a prog is lying? They open their piehole..

Using the anecdotal example of incompetence to suggest, without evidence, there will be widespread voter fraud in the coming election is just the kind of idiocy Trump is counting on from you mindless fuckballs.

"But there’s an old saying that often applies in politics, and specifically in the case of what happened in Broward County: Never attribute malice to what can be explained by incompetence — or just plain mismanagement.

Since her appointment in 2003 by Florida’s then-governor, Jeb Bush — when she replaced another elections supervisor accused of neglect of duty and incompetence — Snipes oversaw multiple elections in which thousands of ballots were lost or even destroyed mid-litigation, resulting in a flurry of lawsuits each time. And in 2018, during a midterm election that drew more attention (and voters) than any in recent memory, Broward County — and Snipes — once again dropped the electoral ball. But now, Snipes is fighting back."

You idiot, mail in ballots don’t come from politicians they come from the supervisor of elections. Post what she is getting so we can see for ourselves what the hell you are talking about.
Rampant voter fraud is a lie. Even conservative publications like the Wall Street Journal are making that clear. It is the excuse of a loser.
No sane person should trust a corrupt Democrat "supervisor of elections"
The Democrat opposition to Voter ID laws is 100% proof that they use mass Voter Fraud to violate everyone's Right to Vote and to undermine our democracy*.

Absolutely ... Democrat committing voter fraud perfectly explains the Republican majority in the Senate ... and The Donald's win in 2016 ... from 2000: "If you can read this, you're NOT a Florida Democrat" ...
My wife keeps getting a mail-in ballot from some politician in Florida. She lives in New Hampshire and has never been to the Sunshine State. That tells me that voter fraud is just one more tentacle of the strategy to take Trump down. Mail fraud is a serious offence and the Post Office is way too incompetent to oversee a national election. We need to begin prosecuting political platforms that use mail fraud.

The argument that in person voting is too dangerous falls short when weekly and daily personal visits to the liquor store are allowed. People go to supermarkets and gas stations with no fear and no one is calling for mail-in dental visits and haircuts.

Trump is seen as such a threat to the state that nothing is off the table for this coming election. He is going to win again.

Best of luck.

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