Mail-In Voting, Revisited?

How do you know that, stupid?!

The whole idea of fraud is -- Well.... Fraud, aka; Deception. If someone as stupid as you 'knew' then it wouldn't be very fraudulent, would it?

DAMN! but dimocraps are some stoopid fucks
Strange how none of the losers of those elections had an issue with massive voter fraud. Only stupid fucks like yourself still believe you were swindled.

What is more hilarious is that you haven’t done jack shit about it--the alleged voter fraud you just swear is taking place despite all evidence to the contrary.

You either don’t really believe you were swindled or you are a world class pussy because all you’ve done is bitch about it on the internet.

If/when your blob loses in 2024...what then? Are you going to switch to a bold font there Shirley?
We have a peaceful 'revolution' every 4 years in this Country. It's called 'Voting'. Once people start to think, rightly or wrongly, that their vote doesn't matter any more, that might change.
Yeah, boy. You’re not going to do jack shit. The bedroom isn’t the only place where your impotence lives. If you really thought the elections were slanted against’d be shooting people today.

But since you’re not and sitting on the internet bitching about non-existent voter fraud....we can only concluded that you’re a world class pussy.
Does anyone else think it’s strange that with all of the supposed voter fraud by the democrats, the GOP gained seats in the House in the past 2 elections?
Good point
170 MILLION ballots and you can’t identify any serious voter fraud.

Mail in ballots WORK
Safe and convenient
Uh..we haven’t had that kind of mail in balloting yet…not in that quantity.

you can’t identify any serious voter fraud.

Again, how much voter fraud is acceptable in your view?
They get to observe the ballot process, they don't get to stand over the shoulders of the workers.

Feel free to link to any reputable source for this information.

Typically these reports are based attempts to paint "population" from a decade old census count and not comparing the number of votes to the number of registered voters.


They get to observe the ballot process, they don't get to stand over the shoulders of the workers.

Sure, “stand over there where you can’t see anything”. I’m sure that would work if the observer were a democrat, right?

And you are correct about the registered voters,
I was just going off of the news at the time, so, it was probably erroneous.
Sure, “stand over there where you can’t see anything”. I’m sure that would work if the observer were a democrat, right?

Don't know what you mean. Of course party observers can see everything. But they are there to observe and report, they are not there to interfere. As such they must have a clear view of the tabulation process as the ballots are run through the tabulators for counting. But they cannot interfere with election workers whose job it is to load the tabulators.

In regards to mail-in voting they can observe the election team performing the security checks, which normally consist of two workers performing the incoming security checks on the ballot envelope. Including checking the bar/QR code against the issued ballot package, name, address, signature, and other identifying information. If both agree, then the ballot is separated from the security envelope and passed on for counting. If there is a conflict on the approval/disapproval, it is rejected then it goes to a supervisor for final determination. Then of course the ballot batches get passed to the tabulator team where the observers can observe the counting process.

Uh..we haven’t had that kind of mail in balloting yet…not in that quantity.

Again, how much voter fraud is acceptable in your view?
Close to 100 million voted by mail in 2020, no election was more honest as proven by multiple recounts, audits and court challenges.
You assume fraudulent mail in ballots can go undetected
They can’t
Just like their mother, my daughters are very traditional, very conventional…and they are completely in touch with the history/heritage of our nation and the framework that resulted in 1950’s America…they also know that leftists have fucked that framework all up.
They want whatever is best for the nation as a whole…and unlike you Constitution haters they trust that our founders had it right from the start.

So, then you wife and daughters choose not to vote as they know they are not worthy of such an honor?
Don't know what you mean. Of course party observers can see everything. But they are there to observe and report, they are not there to interfere. As such they must have a clear view of the tabulation process as the ballots are run through the tabulators for counting. But they cannot interfere with election workers whose job it is to load the tabulators.

In regards to mail-in voting they can observe the election team performing the security checks, which normally consist of two workers performing the incoming security checks on the ballot envelope. Including checking the bar/QR code against the issued ballot package, name, address, signature, and other identifying information. If both agree, then the ballot is separated from the security envelope and passed on for counting. If there is a conflict on the approval/disapproval, it is rejected then it goes to a supervisor for final determination. Then of course the ballot batches get passed to the tabulator team where the observers can observe the counting process.


Yes, but if the observers are required to stand 15 feet away…exactly what are they observing? At that distance, can they really “observe”.

As an election observer, yes, I’d be all up in there because isn’t that the job of the observer? To watch everything to make sure it’s on the up and up?

As far as signature verification and secrecy sleeves, didn’t Pennsylvania rule that all of those absentee ballots couldn’t be rejected because the signature “didn’t resemble” the signature on the voter registration form, or that were missing security sleeves?

Imagine the turmoil when you have almost 170 million ballots floating around in the mail, and millions come back with non matching signatures? Do you not think this will be an issue?
Close to 100 million voted by mail in 2020, no election was more honest as proven by multiple recounts, audits and court challenges.
You assume fraudulent mail in ballots can go undetected
They can’t

But they can, again, it’s not just about fraudulent votes, it’s about fraudulent registrations. Also, they don’t count “got aways” as fraudulent votes, because they can’t count them if they don’t catch them.

Once again, how much voter fraud is acceptable in you view?
But they can, again, it’s not just about fraudulent votes, it’s about fraudulent registrations. Also, they don’t count “got aways” as fraudulent votes, because they can’t count them if they don’t catch them.

Once again, how much voter fraud is acceptable in you view?

OK…show any fraudulent registrations
It is easy to prove

Why can’t you?
OK…show any fraudulent registrations
It is easy to prove

Why can’t you?

How can you show them if they are not caught?

There are over 30 million illegals in the U.S. with some states lax voter registration laws, and some states motor voter laws, are you suggesting that many of those illegals haven’t slipped through the cracks and got registered to vote…and do vote..but they are not counted as fraudulent because they are seen as “registered voters”?

Are you suggesting that no voter fraud occurs?
How can you show them if they are not caught?

There are over 30 million illegals in the U.S. with some states lax voter registration laws, and some states motor voter laws, are you suggesting that many of those illegals haven’t slipped through the cracks and got registered to vote…and do vote..but they are not counted as fraudulent because they are seen as “registered voters”?

Are you suggesting that no voter fraud occurs?

Not caught?
Maybe because they don’t exist

Every county has a voter registrar whose job it is to verify those registrations. There is no evidence of illegals voting in state or federal elections

If there is a plague of false registrations, they would pick it up
There isn’t.
Not caught?
Maybe because they don’t exist

Every county has a voter registrar whose job it is to verify those registrations. There is no evidence of illegals voting in state or federal elections

If there is a plague of false registrations, they would pick it up
There isn’t.

Only if they are looking for false registrations. An illegal who is issued a drivers license might get caught up in the states motor voter system and it might not be caught, this recognizing them as a legitimate voter. That’s something that wouldn’t show up on the registrars radar.

Again…how much fraud is acceptable in your book?

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