Mail-In Voting, Revisited?

Yet strangely the dozens and dozens of elections that were completely conducted by mail in voting in Colorado, Utah, Washington Oregon etc... never had any widespread voter fraud.
I am not and expert who has throughly researched those states

But the potential exists and it will taint every election as long as we have mail-in voting
So the signature doesn't remotely match, and as long as everything else is okay with the ballot, it's counted.
I don't know how they do it in PA, but when I do mine down here, in FL, I sign across the envelope seal.

And I don't see how that signature could possibly be matched. I don't even recognize it myself.

It's easy enough to stop election stealing and voter fraud. It just takes prosecutors with enough balls to do it.

Florida prosecutes. Our conviction rate sucks, but we investigate, and we prosecute. And that is enough to keep most of it at bay.
Yet strangely the dozens and dozens of elections that were completely conducted by mail in voting in Colorado, Utah, Washington Oregon etc... never had any widespread voter fraud.
How do you know that, stupid?!

The whole idea of fraud is -- Well.... Fraud, aka; Deception. If someone as stupid as you 'knew' then it wouldn't be very fraudulent, would it?

DAMN! but dimocraps are some stoopid fucks
Almost no other civilized country allows mail-in voting because it is manifestly an invitation to fraud.
Total bollix from the OP...

The rest we can ignore since build on tissue of a lies...


Voting by Mail in US is popular because GOP officials have made lines increasingly longer and longer and less and less polling places when compared internationally.
Example: In Ireland almost every elementary school is used for voting as a minimum... Voting takes 15min door to door in the city... No queues straight in and out(maybe a queue before opening)... Polls open at 7am and close at 10pm and they are on Fridays or Saturdays...
They also very unlikely to hold election if the weather is too hot or cold (May is popular)...

The GOP have made it clear, more people vote, less likely they win... So stop people voting..
The military has had mail in voting for what, a century? most states have had mail in voting for decades.
Germany, Canada, Australia, India have mail in voting.
Mail in voting by request has been established for decades. what exactly is the issue?
Mail-in voting invites voter fraud

For years libs fought against voter Id at the polling places because that made it harder to cheat

Now the left has won the ultimate victory
If you want to absolutely eliminate voter fraud, both mail-in and in person.
Then fingerprint every registered voter.

Then no need for a government issued photo ID, just bring your thumb, and if that's missing any of your other fingers.

Or you could do like in some arab countries, where they dip your finger in permanent ink when you vote. Thus preventing people from voting twice. But that's only good for national elections.
So the signature doesn't remotely match, and as long as everything else is okay with the ballot, it's counted.
Actually it's that the signature isn't the same as on the voter registration. Maybe the letters are a little shaky, or other deteriorations in the handwriting.
We have mail in voting so Democrats can cheat and steal elections, period.

Example: In my blue state where mail in voting has been implemented for years, the Dem rigging and cheating is obvious. Did you know that our ballots were once secured in a sealed, glued security envelope. Upon receipt they remove the ballot from the outer mailing envelope but the ballot remained sealed from prying eyes in the glued inner envelope until opened in front of monitors to be counted. NO LONGER, now the ballot is simply inserted into an open sleave. You can easily remove the ballot and take a look at how someone voted and nobody will ever know you accidently on purpose tossed that ballot in the trash if it doesn't support Democrats.

what state is that?
How many “MAGA Nazis” maimed, raped and murdered last weekend in Detroit?
And if it's in a Southern State you say it's a Democratically run city. Convienent.

So you have no experience or example of a big city where Republicans have solved the crime problem? For whatever reason, Republicans are not an option to the citizens of Detroit. They believe you'll do worse. Or, they believe your policies are why the crime is so high. Economic opportunities or the lack of.

And evidence shows uneducated whites are starting to commit more murder and rape and drug od's because in recent decades, their Home Depot jobs don't pay enough. Economic despair.

So coming soon to a Republican run city near you is fentynol and murder. Why? Because to Republicans, they're n*#*$s too.
If you want to absolutely eliminate voter fraud, both mail-in and in person.
Then fingerprint every registered voter.

Then no need for a government issued photo ID, just bring your thumb, and if that's missing any of your other fingers.

Or you could do like in some arab countries, where they dip your finger in permanent ink when you vote. Thus preventing people from voting twice. But that's only good for national elections.
I agree with the fingerprint id and have suggested it myself before

But we still need in-person voting only witt fingerprints
If you want to absolutely eliminate voter fraud, both mail-in and in person.
Then fingerprint every registered voter.

Then no need for a government issued photo ID, just bring your thumb, and if that's missing any of your other fingers.

Or you could do like in some arab countries, where they dip your finger in permanent ink when you vote. Thus preventing people from voting twice. But that's only good for national elections.
You will also need multiple day voting, and locations all across the various counties.
Everybody following this thread knows where the massive mail-in voter fraud took place. Philadelphia, Cleveland, Atlanta, Detroit...the usual shit-hole districts. Saying they have mail-in in Utah and don't have a problem with it - is believable.
Everybody following this thread knows where the massive mail-in voter fraud took place. Philadelphia, Cleveland, Atlanta, Detroit...the usual shit-hole districts. Saying they have mail-in in Utah and don't have a problem with it - is believable.
When someone says "everyone" that usually means they have no evidence to back up their statement.
We only say that because its true
Republican police stations still police Democratically run cities. White cops. It was determined they were partially responsible for the Detroit riots back in the day and today cops are still murdering blacks. We are going to reform the police. You don't like it but they are part of the problem. Defund those mother fuckers. Not just the FBI.
We only say that because its true

US Capitol Police investigating 35 officers for roles in riot​

Law enforcement and military are among more than 100 people charged by federal authorities in relation to January riot.

And they called black Capital cops the N word as they ran towards Pence and Pelosi. You're so lucky only one of you were shot.
Republican police stations still police Democratically run cities.
Police in big cites are appointed by the ruling democrat party

But even if police chiefs were elected it would be by the same voters who elect democrats for all the other positions

And dont forget the really crazy lib district attorney

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, where I reside, is rolling out new instructions for mail-in voting in order to reduce the number of rejected ballots due to people's failure to follow simple instructions, or just plain stupidity.

But why do we still have mail-in voting? The reason for it was the Pandemic, which is no longer a factor. Almost no other civilized country allows mail-in voting because it is manifestly an invitation to fraud.

Recall the pictures of voters in Iraq after "we" first liberated it: they had to vote in person, and one of their fingers was dipped in indelible ink to signify unambiguously that this person had voted, and to prevent the fraud of multiple votes by a single person. Do you think they could have had a fair and legitimate election if they allowed mail-in's? Hell no. Mail-in is like asking people to commit fraud.

Much of the turmoil surrounding the 2020 election was the widespread belief that mail-in voting along with its incidental practices (insecure lock-boxes, mandatory outer envelopes with mandatory markings, etc.) resulted in massive, UNPROVABLE fraud, and resulted in a zombie being elected President of the United States. Indeed, few people with three-digit IQ's doubt that if the same procedures had existed in 2020 that did in 2016, Trump would have won in a landslide.

Mail-in voting invites manipulation such as was documented in the film, "2000 Mules," and facilitates the votes of people who lack the intelligence and capacity to show up at the Polls on Election Day and cast their fucking votes (legitimate Absentee voters aside). Are these additional voters the ones whom we want to control the outcome of elections? Clearly, the Democrats want the votes of these incompetents, because virtually all of them vote Democrat, for one reason or another (manipulation).

Seriously, it's about time that the nation's REAL voters spoke up and demanded that we go back to the rules of 2016 because there is no legitimate reason to deviate from them, and because frankly speaking, mail-in voting is recognized the world over as an invitation to fraud.

From the OP:
"But why do we still have mail-in voting? The reason for it was the Pandemic, which is no longer a factor. Almost no other civilized country allows mail-in voting because it is manifestly an invitation to fraud."

#1 We've had mail-in voting since the Civil War.

#2 In PA Act 77 (allowing for no excuse required for mail-in voting) was passed in October 2019. It wasn't until DEC 2019 that China announced the infection and the first case in the US was reported in JAN 2020 with the first US deaths in FEB 2020.
So the position that PA no-excuse voting was because of the pandemic isn't true. As a matter of fact the Act was passed pre-pandemic.

In addition is was passed by the GOP voting 27-0 FOR the measure (out of a total vote of 35-14.

They harvest them and fill them out and putting them in drop boxes.....Many are simply stolen from mailboxes. Lots of PA folks reported never even receiving a ballot and many ring doorbells recorded blacks opening mail boxes and stealing ballots.

I mean mail-in voting is what it is...Rife for fraud and you will never convince me otherwise so don't even try.

Just to point out.

When you request a mail-in ballot that ballot package is bar/QR coded not only to you personally, but also as to the package.

If you request a mail-in ballot package and don't receive it, the election office checks to see if it was generated and mailed. If so and it wasn't received, then they cancel that ballot package bar/QR code that it can't be used to vote.

The election office can then reissued a mailed ballot package, the person can then use early voting, or vote on election day.


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