Main Steele Dossier Researcher Arrested in Durham Probe

That’s not cancel culture. Banning them from the site without them violating the rules would be cancel culture. Me ignoring them is just filtering out the noise and the trolls. I prefer to engage with intelligent people here who are capable of holding down a real discussion…. For the most part
Sure it is. If you and your fellow leftists decide to "ignore" someone because they hurt your feelings, that is cancel culture in my view.
View attachment 560318
Know why I don’t care if you’ve been vaccinated for Polio?
Because I have. You can’t give it to me.
It’s a strawman argument to imply that the vaccine would be 100% effective. No one with any knowledge has claimed it. Certainly I haven’t.

The fact that people with serious conditions like hematologic malignancies and suppressed immune systems are going to have a harder time developing an immunologic response to a vaccine.

And this nicely explains why we need as many people vaccinated as possible. Because some people aren’t going to be protected by the vaccine.

As for polio, how are you sure you can’t get polio?
Also, you should look up how many doses of polio vaccine you got.
All laws are based upon opinion. Fortunately for us right now it’s based upon Judeo-Christian opinions. Go to Afghanistan, different opinions.
That’s why it’s so important that our laws continue to be based upon Biblical values. They don’t change.
Didn’t the Bible call for gouging out peoples eyes for checking out thy neighbors wife?! So if you check out a hot chick on the street do you think we can start poking peoples eyes out? Sound right to you?
And while the agents concluded that Flynn had not knowingly lied to them,

Read the whole link, moron. Peter "Funny Face" Strotz was one of them.
Your link didn’t even work.

Strzok is one of those liars, isn’t he? Where did he claim Flynn didn’t lie.
Haha, no society makes laws based on OPINIONS of right and wrong. That doesn’t mean that they are factually right and wrong. They can only be factually legal or illegal
Correct but we aren't discussing legal or illegal. Driving over 55 is against the law. It isn't immoral. You frequently conflate facts and opinions. Until you and I can get on the same page here, our debates will keep spinning in circles.
Didn’t the Bible call for gouging out peoples eyes for checking out thy neighbors wife?! So if you check out a hot chick on the street do you think we can start poking peoples eyes out? Sound right to you?
At Google if you stare at someone for more than five seconds you may be fired. Biblical...
Of course. Not everyone believes children are "innocent"...would it be wrong for he father in the school sex abuse case to kill the child who abused his daughter? Opinions cannot be wrong.

This is the operational definition: a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

This is important because you keep promoting your opinions as facts. Hence you and I butt heads.
I express my opinions and openly say they are opinions. You try to divert the conversation to ague that my opinions are meaningless because they are opinions and not fact. It’s pointless. If I say something it’s wrong it is because I think it is wrong. I don’t need to qualify my opinions and declare they are not universal truth every time I make them. Don’t be so dense
I express my opinions and openly say they are opinions. You try to divert the conversation to ague that my opinions are meaningless because they are opinions and not fact. It’s pointless. If I say something it’s wrong it is because I think it is wrong. I don’t need to qualify my opinions and declare they are not universal truth every time I make them. Don’t be so dense
You may say something is wrong but you cannot say my opinion is wrong. You can just say I disagree. See you're getting all huffy. Relax.
You may say something is wrong but you cannot say my opinion is wrong. You can just say I disagree. See you're getting all huffy. Relax.
Your opinion that I’m all huffy is wrong ;-) I’m quite relaxed enjoying a cup of Joe and watching golf on TV

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