Maine Governor "no more snowmobiles/Jet skis for welfare recipients


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2010
Governor Paul LePage is responding to the the taxpayers of Maine, obviously weary of seeing those collecting social benefits buying and using items which most working middle class people view as luxury items.
So a new regulation is being proposed that no one with more than $5000 in assets will be eligible for SNAP benefits....If this goes into effect, score one for the good guys....
No More Jet Skis, Maine Tells Food Stamp Recipients
What is to prevent a SNAPper from simply giving whatever he has to the SHACK UP broad he's living with, and vice versa?...They going to CHECK these people, or is that RACIST, BIASED, and possibly HOMOPHOBIC!
What a bunch of shit....

The corporate asshole making 20,000,000/year can buy what he damn well pleases as he pays his workers shit. A lot of these poor people are the workers that are paid shit.

I hope no poor person votes republican.
If someone wants to put back 50 bucks per month until they can buy a jet ski...Why should they be stopped? It is called freedom.
The evil Penguin, is an ice cold arrogant, pompous, spawn of Satan, jerk....

he wont be called a bigot or a racist, the state is 98% white, it's mostly WHITE families he's hurting....though i do suspect he's doing this to harm the Somali refugees put here and making certain no more come to join them....

He grew up in an orphanage, (no one wanted him...) so no one should get any more help than he got...he's truly mentally disturbed.

how bout i tell you what i think of him......

he's just gonna take the money and give it to the wealthiest, as he always does.
What a bunch of shit....

The corporate asshole making 20,000,000/year can buy what he damn well pleases as he pays his workers shit. A lot of these poor people are the workers that are paid shit.

I hope no poor person votes republican.

Yup! - 2 out of 3 of the people on government assistance are underpaid hard workers with jobs. They likely need a snowmobile to get to work, school & store up there in Maine. Only an asshole would force them to wear snow shoes & freeze to death on their way to work.
snow mobiles are a necessity, in the poorest parts of Maine during the winter.... it's not like they have brand new ones....they have hand me downs given to them....

jet skis are not.
What a bunch of shit....

The corporate asshole making 20,000,000/year can buy what he damn well pleases as he pays his workers shit. A lot of these poor people are the workers that are paid shit.

I hope no poor person votes republican.

Yup! - 2 out of 3 of the people on government assistance are underpaid hard workers with jobs. They likely need a snowmobile to get to work, school & store up there in Maine. Only an asshole would force them to wear snow shoes & freeze to death on their way to work.

Call us when it happens....Chicken Little.
Laws like this have already been struck down as unconstitutional in other states. The money belongs to the recipient and is controlled by the recipient, not by some government official.

(In fact, the money the Governor would have to spend on enforcing his law would be enough to buy several dozen used snowmobiles each year.)
Governor Paul LePage is responding to the the taxpayers of Maine, obviously weary of seeing those collecting social benefits buying and using items which most working middle class people view as luxury items.
So a new regulation is being proposed that no one with more than $5000 in assets will be eligible for SNAP benefits....If this goes into effect, score one for the good guys....
No More Jet Skis, Maine Tells Food Stamp Recipients
Illegal and Unconstitutional. Will be tossed out. TeaTards ain't learned their lesson yet I suppose...all these IGNORANT attacks on the poor but let's not get them some education or job training and get them OFF welfare.
i don't know anyone in my part of maine that uses their snowmobile for pleasure.... it's used to haul wood, (most in the state of maine heat their homes with wood) it's used to set traps, it's used to haul water, to hunt small game, get to town/hospital for those living in the woods...of course the Gov lives in the state capital and works in a nice heated building, with snow plows to plow their taxes paying for his cushy life.... he can kiss my grits! I'd rather have my taxes helping the poor instead of another tax break for you got it, the wealthy.
“Maine Gov. Paul LePage (R) is tired of able-bodied food stamp recipients zipping around on snowmobiles instead of looking for jobs.”

Maine Gov. Paul LePage (R) is an idiot, just because one owns a snowmobile doesn't mean he's not looking for a job.

Those with common sense are tired of moronic republicans and conservatives seeking to enact unwarranted punitive measures against Americans solely because they're low income or poor.
his fat lazy ass couldn't fit on a snowmobile

and how in heavens name does he even know who is on a snow mobile? In addition, food stamps are mostly working families not young adults unemployed.
Six financial firms that received billions in bailout dollars still owned and operated fleets of jets to carry executives to company events and personal trips. Those assholes cost taxpayers $trillions.

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