Mainstream media uncovers groundbreaking reality: corruption and violence go hand in hand


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Mainstream media uncovers groundbreaking reality:

corruption and violence go hand in hand

2 Feb 2023 ~~ By Jack Hellner

In a report published on Tuesday, establishment journalists highlighted a link between corruption and violence. 2023? Really? That’s how long it took for them to figure this out?

From the article:
‘Corruption has made our world a more dangerous place. As governments have collectively failed to make progress against it, they fuel the current rise in violence and conflict – and endanger people everywhere,’ said Delia Ferreira Rubio, the chairperson of Transparency International.​
‘The only way out is for states to do the hard work, rooting out corruption at all levels to ensure governments work for all people, not just an elite few,’ she added.​
It is no wonder there is so much corruption in the United States when the media is so obviously willing to cover it up, and the Justice Department gives the powerful people they support a pass. It has been clear for a long time how corrupt the Bidens and Clintons were — some might consider these families to be part of the “elite few” — as they abused their delegated authority to line their family’s pockets with millions of dollars. Most of the media intentionally hid the corruption from the public while they campaigned for them. Do Hunter Biden’s laptop, the meeting on the tarmac, or the “Big Guy” ring any bells?
The media, the Justice Department, and dozens of former intelligence officials ran cover for the Biden family corruption prior to the 2020 election by declaring that the Laptop from Hell was Russian disinformation.
No wonder it took establishment media so long to report on corruption… they’ve been covering for it and its perpetrators for years! They are also willing to intentionally lie to destroy politicians they don’t like. They have been on a fishing expedition on Trump for years vainly in search of crimes.
Journalists should just admit that they are lobbyists for the radical, extreme, leftist agenda to remake or destroy America instead of pretending that they are truthful journalists. Perhaps, a more appropriate analysis would find a link between corruption and leftist ideologues?

Of course Maoist/DSA Democrats will tell you they never lie.
These are lies, all lies! There's not a smidgen of Democrat corruption. All those billions Hillary lost while Secretary of State was pure accident. Billions lost by Biden going to Ukraine, same thing. Billions in Covid funds missing? No problem. All those Democrat Congress-people coming into office poor and leaving multimillionaires? Nothing to see here.
Keep on moving folks.

Mainstream media uncovers groundbreaking reality:

corruption and violence go hand in hand

2 Feb 2023 ~~ By Jack Hellner

In a report published on Tuesday, establishment journalists highlighted a link between corruption and violence. 2023? Really? That’s how long it took for them to figure this out?

From the article:
‘Corruption has made our world a more dangerous place. As governments have collectively failed to make progress against it, they fuel the current rise in violence and conflict – and endanger people everywhere,’ said Delia Ferreira Rubio, the chairperson of Transparency International.​
‘The only way out is for states to do the hard work, rooting out corruption at all levels to ensure governments work for all people, not just an elite few,’ she added.​
It is no wonder there is so much corruption in the United States when the media is so obviously willing to cover it up, and the Justice Department gives the powerful people they support a pass. It has been clear for a long time how corrupt the Bidens and Clintons were — some might consider these families to be part of the “elite few” — as they abused their delegated authority to line their family’s pockets with millions of dollars. Most of the media intentionally hid the corruption from the public while they campaigned for them. Do Hunter Biden’s laptop, the meeting on the tarmac, or the “Big Guy” ring any bells?
The media, the Justice Department, and dozens of former intelligence officials ran cover for the Biden family corruption prior to the 2020 election by declaring that the Laptop from Hell was Russian disinformation.
No wonder it took establishment media so long to report on corruption… they’ve been covering for it and its perpetrators for years! They are also willing to intentionally lie to destroy politicians they don’t like. They have been on a fishing expedition on Trump for years vainly in search of crimes.
Journalists should just admit that they are lobbyists for the radical, extreme, leftist agenda to remake or destroy America instead of pretending that they are truthful journalists. Perhaps, a more appropriate analysis would find a link between corruption and leftist ideologues?

Of course Maoist/DSA Democrats will tell you they never lie.
These are lies, all lies! There's not a smidgen of Democrat corruption. All those billions Hillary lost while Secretary of State was pure accident. Billions lost by Biden going to Ukraine, same thing. Billions in Covid funds missing? No problem. All those Democrat Congress-people coming into office poor and leaving multimillionaires? Nothing to see here.
Keep on moving folks.
It does explain why Trump supporters are so violent.
Not hard to figure out.

Corrupt leaders will lead to a shitty society because they don't care about the society, they only care about themselves.

Corrupt leaders also like violence and unrest because it gives them something to keep people's minds occupied and it gives them something to blame problems on.

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