Major Problem For Dems: RFK Just Got On The Ballot in Michigan


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Michigan is practically a must win for the Democrats this year.

Without it, the electoral map is stiflingly difficult to overcome a Trump victory.

And every single poll I've seen in the state shows RFK eating into Biden's voter pool far more than Trump's.

That really could be the ball game right there.

As the "President" likes to say:

Not a joke, not hyperbole.

So much popcorn...
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Michigan is practically a must win for the Democrats this year.

Without it, the electoral map is stiflingly difficult to overcome a Trump victory.

And every single poll I've seen in the state shows RFK eating into Biden's voter pool far more than Trump's.

That really could be the ball game right there.

As the "President" like to say:

Not a joke, not hyperbole.

So much popcorn...
Pray for RKFJr
Even the Dems themselves admit Michigan is vital.

Fun fact: They're not winning GA - which eliminates any chances of a Sun Belt strategy.

seven months before his rematch with presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump, Biden’s most promising path may run directly through the three Rust Belt states that he recaptured in 2020 after Trump dislodged them from the “blue wall” in 2016: Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. That’s the conclusion of a broad array of Democratic strategists.

He purposely picked the radical left woman as he VP in order to ensure that he pulls votes from Biden and not Trump.

I believe his goal is to prevent Biden’s re-election, and save America from the anti-American Marxists and Islamics seeking to destroy it.

I'm not sure Trump needs the help, but with the country on the line I'll gladly take it.
I'm not sure Trump needs the help, but with the country on the line I'll gladly take it.
It’s hard to know if their extensive fraud network will be adequate, so I like the idea that we have RFK being a spoiler. Especially good news about Michigan! Biden has been working so hard to appease the Muslims, and avoiding condemning their antisemitism, to get their votes - and now he has RFK giving the Dems another option altogether.
Trump is smart in painting RFK jr as a leftist too. That way it pulls more leftist votes away from FJB towards JFK jr..

Trump just has to be careful not to over-do it.
Michigan is practically a must win for the Democrats this year.

Without it, the electoral map is stiflingly difficult to overcome a Trump victory.

And every single poll I've seen in the state shows RFK eating into Biden's voter pool far more than Trump's.

That really could be the ball game right there.

As the "President" likes to say:

Not a joke, not hyperbole.

So much popcorn...
Muslims will vote for RFK.
Michigan is practically a must win for the Democrats this year.

Without it, the electoral map is stiflingly difficult to overcome a Trump victory.

And every single poll I've seen in the state shows RFK eating into Biden's voter pool far more than Trump's.

That really could be the ball game right there.

As the "President" likes to say:

Not a joke, not hyperbole.

So much popcorn...
RFK jr... this is the guy who hates Biden, loves the J6 traitors, and thinks the vaccine will turn you gay? That guy?

And somehow you think the Dems will be scared of this asshole running? Sure, bud. Don't forget your meds. :itsok:
Michigan is practically a must win for the Democrats this year.

Without it, the electoral map is stiflingly difficult to overcome a Trump victory.

And every single poll I've seen in the state shows RFK eating into Biden's voter pool far more than Trump's.

That really could be the ball game right there.

As the "President" likes to say:

Not a joke, not hyperbole.

So much popcorn...
I've been studying up on this quite a bit. They say there are 7 swing states. Trump has a great shot at winning Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, & North Carolina. They are pretty much in the bag for Trump. That leaves three - Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Out of those three, Trump HAS to win one and only one and he is president. Right now Trump has actually moved ahead in Wisconsin, although it is still a coin flip by November. Pennsylvania is also very much a coin flip. However, Michigan, especially factoring in all parties, is very much in red territory and this may clinch the deal for Trump having RFK actually on the ballot. Michigan had already been leaning toward Trump by about 4% with the margin of error being 4%. As I said, the first four states are basically in the bag for Trump and Trump only needs to win but one of the other three and he has a 50/50 shot at both Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and a much better shot than that with Michigan.
I've been studying up on this quite a bit. They say there are 7 swing states. Trump has a great shot at winning Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, & North Carolina. They are pretty much in the bag for Trump. That leaves three - Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Out of those three, Trump HAS to win one and only one and he is president. Right now Trump has actually moved ahead in Wisconsin, although it is still a coin flip by November. Pennsylvania is also very much a coin flip. However, Michigan, especially factoring in all parties, is very much in red territory and this may clinch the deal for Trump having RFK actually on the ballot. Michigan had already been leaning toward Trump by about 4% with the margin of error being 4%. As I said, the first four states are basically in the bag for Trump and Trump only needs to win but one of the other three and he has a 50/50 shot at both Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and a much better shot than that with Michigan.
That sounds promising. IOW, of the three swing states up for grab, Biden must win ALL OF THEM, and Trump only one of them.

If 5% of Dems decide they cannot vote for a senile old man who has invited in a foreign invasion of low-skilled illegal aliens, and cannot complete a coherent sentence, and go with RFK instead, that’s all it will take to flip MI to Trump, and the election to him as well.
RFK jr... this is the guy who hates Biden, loves the J6 traitors, and thinks the vaccine will turn you gay? That guy?

And somehow you think the Dems will be scared of this asshole running? Sure, bud. Don't forget your meds. :itsok:


Have you not seen the millions of MSM articles talking about how the Biden campaign and the DNC are trying to take out RFK?

Do you live on another fucking planet?

Don't make me use the dreaded google because you're that pathetically inept.

It always comes back to the same question with you Leftards:

Hopelessly stupid, or shamelessly gaslighting?

The World may never know.
RFK jr... this is the guy who hates Biden, loves the J6 traitors, and thinks the vaccine will turn you gay? That guy?

And somehow you think the Dems will be scared of this asshole running? Sure, bud. Don't forget your meds. :itsok:
They DCCC made sure to force him to run as independent by barring him from every single DCCC event and to keep him off the ballot as a dem.

If they weren't worried about him being a threat to Biden, then they wouldn't have had to work so hard.

He believes that the vaccine will turn you maimed or dead. I guess if that's how you view being gay then that's a more of a you problem, bigot.
They DCCC made sure to force him to run as independent by barring him from every single DCCC event and to keep him off the ballot as a dem.

If they weren't worried about him being a threat to Biden, then they wouldn't have had to work so hard.

He believes that the vaccine will turn you maimed or dead. I guess if that's how you view being gay then that's a more of a you problem, bigot.

And, of course, there was the whole denying him Secret Service protection.

They would literally rather RFK be assassinated than compete on an even playing field with President Potato Zombie.

But whatevs.

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