Major Report in on the benefits of the Vaccine

This is the Commonweath Fund, one of the most respected foundations in the world..

View attachment 743625

Since then, the U.S. has administered more than 655 million doses — 80 percent of the population has received at least one dose — with the cumulative effect of preventing more than 18 million additional hospitalizations and more than 3 million additional deaths.

Without vaccination, there would have been nearly 120 million more COVID-19 infections. The vaccination program also saved the U.S. $1.15 trillion (Credible Interval: $1.10 trillion–$1.19 trillion) (data not shown) in medical costs that would otherwise have been incurred.

Now before you answer this is a report with evidence and shows how it came to their figures... If you want to be critical, please be specific while using actual proper evidence.
Posting propagada bullshit just means you want to shit on the 1 million US Citizens that died in this pandemic.
One of the most outstanding falsity in the history of Disease and
sickness.Natural Immunity is far better than a vaccine { An experimental
drug } that we were given assurances Even by President Biden and of course
Little Lord Liar { Dr.Fauci } would prevent future Covid complications.
Nothing of the sort happened.Therefore need for the next round
of Bullcrap and Booster shots.Where one was not enough.
It takes two jabs,Two jabs not one for Relief.As if some
Alka Selzer commercial.History is already staged to reflect what
a monstrosity of Failure dealing with Covid19.
Like there was virtually little if anything learned from Bill and Melinda
Gates and Johns Hopkins *EVENT 201 Pandemic exercise in
Mid October of 2019.

* Event 201 Was purposedly supressed and almost
no coverage of.At least until Covid-19 was well into
it's deathknell grip.
What the frick should dat tell ya.
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Third post on this thread...

Now we are circling back.... Still no evidence....
Still no source moron.
I hope you're not as stupid as your post...
Phamaceutical companies test their vaccines on animals and anyone going for a degree in medicine has to know about DNA.

Thank you for mansplaining that for us idiot. People going for a medical degree have a cursory knowledge of DNA. Unless they've specialized in molecular biology, public health, or immunology, a d
The report speculates--Without vaccination, there would have been nearly 120 million more COVID-19 infections. Now you tell me, how far up their asses did they reach to come up with that number while admitting that the vaxx "DOES NOT PREVENT INFECTION OR SPREAD OF THE VIRUS?"
Critical thinking. Try it sometime, or better yet, pay attention to what you read and not what you want it to say.
Uh huh.
Please show the notes that describe that as their methodology.
The fact of what china is going through now is evidence enough that the VAXX DON"T WORK. over 90% vaxx rate and already 250,000 vaxx infections., if you can believe them to tell the truth. I bet it is higher. and the death rate...their elderly are dying off in droves. They kept people from developing immunity by keeping them masked and isolated and worse...vAXXED with that poison clot shot.
How many people arrive in the US daily from China?

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