Major Report in on the benefits of the Vaccine

So you have no factual evidence except that the people who prepared this are well educated...

You then try and link being well educated to being 'leftist'

On your theory being uneducated and ignorant as being more right wing...

Do you really want sell the message of being uneducated is being more right...
Please correct and I am giving the opportunity to present evidence and facts to back your case...
From which University did you receive your medical degree?
This is the Commonweath Fund, one of the most respected foundations in the world..

View attachment 743625

Since then, the U.S. has administered more than 655 million doses — 80 percent of the population has received at least one dose — with the cumulative effect of preventing more than 18 million additional hospitalizations and more than 3 million additional deaths.

Without vaccination, there would have been nearly 120 million more COVID-19 infections. The vaccination program also saved the U.S. $1.15 trillion (Credible Interval: $1.10 trillion–$1.19 trillion) (data not shown) in medical costs that would otherwise have been incurred.

Now before you answer this is a report with evidence and shows how it came to their figures... If you want to be critical, please be specific while using actual proper evidence.
Posting propagada bullshit just means you want to shit on the 1 million US Citizens that died in this pandemic.
How they came to their figures is all speculation and conjecture, moron.

To evaluate the impact of the vaccination program in the United States, we expanded our age-stratified, agent-based model of COVID-19 to include waning of naturally acquired or vaccine-elicited immunity, as well as booster vaccination. For the timelines of this study, the characteristics of five variants were included in the model, each with cumulative prevalence of at least 3 percent in the U.S., including Iota, Alpha, Gamma, Delta, and Omicron, in addition to the original Wuhan-I SARS-CoV-2 strain.
The model parameters included the population demographics of the U.S., prevalence of comorbidities, an empirically determined contact network accounting for changes in pandemic restrictions and mobility patterns, as well as age-specific risks of severe health outcomes because of COVID-19. The model incorporated data on daily vaccine doses administered in the U.S. and implemented the age-based expansion of the vaccination program. The minimum age eligibility for vaccination was 16 years before May 13, 2021, after which children 12 to 15 became eligible for vaccination. Vaccination of children ages 5 to 11 with Pfizer-BioNTech started on November 2, 2021; vaccination of children ages 6 months to 5 years began on June 18, 2022. First boosters were authorized to elderly people and individuals with comorbidities on September 1, 2021, and expanded to other age groups over the next few months. On March 29, 2022, an additional booster was recommended, and an Omicron-specific booster was introduced on September 1, 2022.
Vaccine efficacies against infection, and symptomatic and severe disease for different vaccine types — for each variant and by time since vaccination — were drawn from published estimates. The model was calibrated to reported national incidence data between October 1, 2020, and November 30, 2022, and validated with the trends of hospitalizations and deaths.
We evaluated the impact of vaccine rollout by simulating the pandemic trajectory under the counterfactual scenario without vaccination. The simulated outcomes of total infections, hospitalizations, and deaths were compared to the fitted model, reflecting the actual pandemic in the U.S. and vaccinations that occurred between December 12, 2020, and November 30, 2022. We then estimated medical cost savings based on these averted outcomes, as previously described."

Buncha bullshit.
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Our leaders are pure filth.

"The SARS-COV2 virus has a spike protein developed by the US Department of Defence that was circulating in Europe by June 2019 at the latest. There is evidence that prototypes of the SARS-COV2 virus were circulating in east Ukraine as early as 2015 – called “California Flu” - which was killing and disabling hundreds of soldiers and civilians. The origins of the SARS-COV2 virus did not originate in a Wuhan lab, or with a bat. They evolved over years.

· Shell companies like MetaBiota and EcoHealth Alliance are sub-contractors to the DoD and are funded by the US and other countries’ health agency alphabet soups.

· The DoD has had pandemic planning in place for years. World leaders rubber stamped the (revised and updated (over the four-six months prior to the Event 201 meeting) C19 response in less than 4 hours in New York on 18 October 2019 at the Event 201 meeting."
Again Conspiracy theory with no actual evidence....
From which University did you receive your medical degree?
Don't need a medical degree but I can read papers and I have a degree in statistics...

Saying that I trust a an actual educated professional over a guy on the internet...

Understand the peer review process is taught and that what makes the difference...

Most of the guys here try for conspiracy theories and are easily led... Do you know how many people would have to be involved to rig the excess deaths reports from the CDC? It would involve thousands of all different political views... That is not possible..
Don't need a medical degree but I can read papers and I have a degree in statistics...

Saying that I trust a an actual educated professional over a guy on the internet...

Understand the peer review process is taught and that what makes the difference...

Most of the guys here try for conspiracy theories and are easily led... Do you know how many people would have to be involved to rig the excess deaths reports from the CDC? It would involve thousands of all different political views... That is not possible..
My daughter is a doctor and her mother-in-law worked for Eli-Lilly for 35 years...there wasn't enough time to evaluate the vaccination but the fact that it was a plague caused them to get the shots.
Don't need a medical degree but I can read papers and I have a degree in statistics...

Saying that I trust a an actual educated professional over a guy on the internet...

Understand the peer review process is taught and that what makes the difference...

Most of the guys here try for conspiracy theories and are easily led... Do you know how many people would have to be involved to rig the excess deaths reports from the CDC? It would involve thousands of all different political views... That is not possible..
They're the same people who when gasping for breath in an ER will be begging for "the jab".
How they came to their figures is all speculation and conjecture, moron.

To evaluate the impact of the vaccination program in the United States, we expanded our age-stratified, agent-based model of COVID-19 to include waning of naturally acquired or vaccine-elicited immunity, as well as booster vaccination. For the timelines of this study, the characteristics of five variants were included in the model, each with cumulative prevalence of at least 3 percent in the U.S., including Iota, Alpha, Gamma, Delta, and Omicron, in addition to the original Wuhan-I SARS-CoV-2 strain.
The model parameters included the population demographics of the U.S., prevalence of comorbidities, an empirically determined contact network accounting for changes in pandemic restrictions and mobility patterns, as well as age-specific risks of severe health outcomes because of COVID-19. The model incorporated data on daily vaccine doses administered in the U.S. and implemented the age-based expansion of the vaccination program. The minimum age eligibility for vaccination was 16 years before May 13, 2021, after which children 12 to 15 became eligible for vaccination. Vaccination of children ages 5 to 11 with Pfizer-BioNTech started on November 2, 2021; vaccination of children ages 6 months to 5 years began on June 18, 2022. First boosters were authorized to elderly people and individuals with comorbidities on September 1, 2021, and expanded to other age groups over the next few months. On March 29, 2022, an additional booster was recommended, and an Omicron-specific booster was introduced on September 1, 2022.
Vaccine efficacies against infection, and symptomatic and severe disease for different vaccine types — for each variant and by time since vaccination — were drawn from published estimates. The model was calibrated to reported national incidence data between October 1, 2020, and November 30, 2022, and validated with the trends of hospitalizations and deaths.
We evaluated the impact of vaccine rollout by simulating the pandemic trajectory under the counterfactual scenario without vaccination. The simulated outcomes of total infections, hospitalizations, and deaths were compared to the fitted model, reflecting the actual pandemic in the U.S. and vaccinations that occurred between December 12, 2020, and November 30, 2022. We then estimated medical cost savings based on these averted outcomes, as previously described."

Buncha bullshit.
Do you under stand the publishing process in science...

Simulations are perfectly acceptable in science and it is how things are forecasted... They do the same thing in insurance, life and pensions,....
It is how experts put things together.
We don't need to throw a bunch of people off a building to figure out how may will die or get injured... We have simulations for that...

We use weather forecasts and it is not done in sharpie and a guess...

These are estimates based using evidence and facts. Can you refute them with different evidence or facts?

This is the real world, do you ignore weather forecasts, do you use electricity, water, oil,... All these are supplied using simulated outcomes... Gets cold, need more oil... Get hot need more water and electricity....
Do you under stand the publishing process in science...

Simulations are perfectly acceptable in science and it is how things are forecasted... They do the same thing in insurance, life and pensions,....
It is how experts put things together.
We don't need to throw a bunch of people off a building to figure out how may will die or get injured... We have simulations for that...

We use weather forecasts and it is not done in sharpie and a guess...

These are estimates based using evidence and facts. Can you refute them with different evidence or facts?

This is the real world, do you ignore weather forecasts, do you use electricity, water, oil,... All these are supplied using simulated outcomes... Gets cold, need more oil... Get hot need more water and electricity....
Computer modeling written up by who knows who for people with an agenda? Get real, goombah.
Are you really that stupid. I DGAF who gets jabbed. Go get jabbed another 125 times--wait for it -- I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. I didn't. It doesn't make a bit of difference to me in my world. The sun will rise tomorrow. Now, if your asshole is sore because of the fucking you have gotten from Biden, Fauci, the MSM and, yes, even Trump, don't whine to me. Maybe you'll wise up next time.
Gee, I didn't think that pointing out that Trump got "the jab" would drive you to post in CAPS! I probably shouldn't mention that he also received- here goes, the jab booster!

Have a nice day!
My daughter is a doctor and her mother-in-law worked for Eli-Lilly for 35 years...there wasn't enough time to evaluate the vaccination but the fact that it was a plague caused them to get the shots.
Wow, so they are experts on RNA vaccine technology?

Vaccines are prepared every year for the flu... They are different every year... How does that work?

I worked for Novartis and it is very possible... Not cheap in that time scale but very possible... It amazing what the most inefficient companies in the world can do when they stop delaying things...

But they got vaccinated will tell what you need to know...

Trump, Fox employees and nearly everyone in congress all got vaccinated...

Note: Trump told us he got vaccinated and his doctor agreed with him. The proof that he didn't relies on someone that saying he is lying.
Wow, so they are experts on RNA vaccine technology?

Vaccines are prepared every year for the flu... They are different every year... How does that work?

I worked for Novartis and it is very possible... Not cheap in that time scale but very possible... It amazing what the most inefficient companies in the world can do when they stop delaying things...

But they got vaccinated will tell what you need to know...

Trump, Fox employees and nearly everyone in congress all got vaccinated...

Note: Trump told us he got vaccinated and his doctor agreed with him. The proof that he didn't relies on someone that saying he is lying.
I hope you're not as stupid as your post...
Phamaceutical companies test their vaccines on animals and anyone going for a degree in medicine has to know about DNA.
Pure speculation by another Liberal "think tank". Covid vaccines are not and never were vaccines. Nearly everyone who has had MULTIPLE Covid infections were fully vaxxed.

Where is your credible evidence of your bullshit, Mike? The countries which didn't let the infection run free, didn't crash their economies testing a billion people or treating the 100 million who became sick.

With 3% of the world's population, you idiots managed to have 20% of the world's deaths. Canada's death rate was 1/3 of yours and our economy has recovered faster too. We been 80% fully vaxxed since Fall of 2021 and fully reopened since last March.
Gee, I didn't think that pointing out that Trump got "the jab" would drive you to post in CAPS! I probably shouldn't mention that he also received- here goes, the jab booster!

Have a nice day!
They are getting annoyed because we are still asking for evidence and facts and they are struggling...

When Trump lied in the past, we showed it with proof... If they want to say he is lying this time(about getting vaccinated), show us with proof.
Thanks GOD people now know all about the poison jab!

Never again will fall for it!
They are getting annoyed because we are still asking for evidence and facts and they are struggling...

When Trump lied in the past, we showed it with proof... If they want to say he is lying this time(about getting vaccinated), show us with proof.
The FBI already admitted they fucked up with the Documents grab.
I hope you're not as stupid as your post...
Phamaceutical companies test their vaccines on animals and anyone going for a degree in medicine has to know about DNA.

I am talking about messanger RNA vaccine (mRNA or RNA).... This is the type of vaccine used most...

Flu vaccine tested on humans as well
Human serology studies

I am talking about messanger RNA vaccine (mRNA or RNA).... This is the type of vaccine used most...

Flu vaccine tested on humans as well
Human serology studies
I know what you're talking about.
My daughter is well aware of it's extensive use on animals.

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