Major Report in on the benefits of the Vaccine

Can you prove that Trump or Biden for that matter, got the jab. Fuck no you can't because all you have is some talking head on TV telling you they did. You can't even prove what the jab that you got has in it. Such are lemmings.
There's video of Trump saying it, on stage with BillO looking on, dummy.
All the Trumps are vaccinated

All of the Fox fucks your dumbass listens to are vaccinated

All Republicans in Congress are vaccinated.

89.5% of the entire US population is vaccinated.

Looks like you're still in the minority of fools, dumbasses, and shit for brains cultists.

But I digress. :auiqs.jpg:

Did you give them all the jabs?

Did you read the label on the vial?

Or are we just hearing the religious rantings of the Cult Of The Holy Glowing Rectangle?

You know what you're told.

Which is why you didn't know that after the vaccine became widely available, way more people died of COVID in Trump's America than the Democratic counties.

Way to go geniuses.
Linkie? Have you forgotten about Seattle, LA, NYC and all of those "at risk" seniors that those democrat governors put to death?
You can't even prove what you got in your jab and you want to believe something you saw on TV. I bet you believe Avatar is real as well as Big Time Wrestling. LMAO.
I usually don't believe a word out of Trump's yap, but has he denied that he got "the jab"? Or are you butthurt that his claim may be true?
In a sane world, what would happen against people who committed Crimes Against Humanity?
asking for a friend.
You tell me. You've been crowing about his lies for seven years now and you want to use him for a source to prove your point?
Nope. Just pointing out his statement in front of a live audience on stage his claim that he got the jab.

Are your feelings hurt over what he said? Let you down?
Nope. Just pointing out his statement in front of a live audience on stage his claim that he got the jab.

Are your feelings hurt over what he said? Let you down?
You have serious comprehension problems. I haven't been let down by anything. I didn't get jabbed. You are the one who is defending someone you've called a liar for seven years because you think it might make your point. Run along now, your usual circular arguments have run their course.
This is the Commonweath Fund, one of the most respected foundations in the world..

View attachment 743625

Since then, the U.S. has administered more than 655 million doses — 80 percent of the population has received at least one dose — with the cumulative effect of preventing more than 18 million additional hospitalizations and more than 3 million additional deaths.

Without vaccination, there would have been nearly 120 million more COVID-19 infections. The vaccination program also saved the U.S. $1.15 trillion (Credible Interval: $1.10 trillion–$1.19 trillion) (data not shown) in medical costs that would otherwise have been incurred.

Now before you answer this is a report with evidence and shows how it came to their figures... If you want to be critical, please be specific while using actual proper evidence.
Posting propagada bullshit just means you want to shit on the 1 million US Citizens that died in this pandemic.
One benefit I can think of is that it's killing off and sterilizing stupid people.

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