Major Report in on the benefits of the Vaccine

Thank you for mansplaining that for us idiot. People going for a medical degree have a cursory knowledge of DNA. Unless they've specialized in molecular biology, public health, or immunology, a d
Don't fall into the trap...

Just ask them to refute the original post article with actual evidence and facts...

They are 12 pages in and they are falling apart... They have resorted to gas lighting, insulting, conspiracies, innuendo...

They will try ad get you ina mudslinging fight but lets's not go there...

Just keep asking them for actual studies to show us wrong..
Again Conspiracy...

Have you any actual proof linking COVID vaccine to people dying suddenly?

People dying suddenly all the time...

At the moment there is an excess deaths all over the world but it doesn't correlate to vaccine uptake rates... So can you explain why there is no correlation between vaccine uptake rates and excess deaths?
Then please explain why doctors haven't been seeing vaccine reactions flooding into hospitals... They see COVID cases still today (much less because of the vaccine)...

Are you telling us that the whole medical profession is in on this secret... By the way the same doctors and nurses who overwhelmingly got vaccinated worldwide and supported vaccination..
Life insurers have all the evidence....And it doesn't look at all good for media spoon-fed little bootlickers like you.

Your anecdotal "doctors and nurses" can lie up a storm....But the mathematics of actuarial tables don't.
Try the definition of SCIENCE, dumbass.. The definition of Science is a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths. Science has nothing to do with "follow (Fauci's) wet dream"

There is your first mistake. Science is the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained. It has nothing to do with "facts" or "truth", there is simply, "This is what we now know, and believe about this disease".

Scientific knowledge is ever evolving and changing, as events progress and resources evolve. When the virus first appeared, we knew NOTHING about it, or how to treat it. There wasn't even a test for the disease. The Chinese were not exactly in the treat and study business. Sick people were treated worse than criminals there.

The USA didn't follow Fauci's advice at all. And the White House rewrote all of the CDC press releases, even after appointing an unqualified Trump loyalist to head the CDC after the previous Director proved to be too "disloyal" to the President.

We locked down hard for the first 6 months. We cancelled fall fairs, kids sports, and all gatherings for two years. We never ran out of PPE, our hospitals were never overwhelmed, but it was a near thing in some of the cities. And our people didn't politicize the pandemic nor did they carry on about it all like we were living in a NAZI regime.

Every time we watched how YOU were behaving, vilifying Dr. Faucci, and acting like complete idiots over public health measures, we just shook our heads at how stupidly you behaved, and what it has cost you. Trump should be prosecuted for negligent homicide for his "leadership" in this crisis.
There is your first mistake. Science is the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained. It has nothing to do with "facts" or "truth", there is simply, "This is what we now know, and believe about this disease".

Scientific knowledge is ever evolving and changing, as events progress and resources evolve. When the virus first appeared, we knew NOTHING about it, or how to treat it. There wasn't even a test for the disease. The Chinese were not exactly in the treat and study business. Sick people were treated worse than criminals there.

The USA didn't follow Fauci's advice at all. And the White House rewrote all of the CDC press releases, even after appointing an unqualified Trump loyalist to head the CDC after the previous Director proved to be too "disloyal" to the President.

We locked down hard for the first 6 months. We cancelled fall fairs, kids sports, and all gatherings for two years. We never ran out of PPE, our hospitals were never overwhelmed, but it was a near thing in some of the cities. And our people didn't politicize the pandemic nor did they carry on about it all like we were living in a NAZI regime.

Every time we watched how YOU were behaving, vilifying Dr. Faucci, and acting like complete idiots over public health measures, we just shook our heads at how stupidly you behaved, and what it has cost you. Trump should be prosecuted for negligent homicide for his "leadership" in this crisis.
You have no citizens compared to the US, you nitwit.
Don't fall into the trap...

Just ask them to refute the original post article with actual evidence and facts...

They are 12 pages in and they are falling apart... They have resorted to gas lighting, insulting, conspiracies, innuendo...

They will try ad get you ina mudslinging fight but lets's not go there...

Just keep asking them for actual studies to show us wrong..
Yes evidence based practice....
Simulations on evidence is totally acceptable...

Are you saying the Weather forecast is not based on science?
So now you are trying to equate educated GUESSES with science. LMAO. Still batting zero. Do you think they were "guessing" when they used actual SCIENCE to discover the polio and measles and smallpox VACCINES? Wrong again, or do you intentionally lie just to troll.
Wrong again, moron. The death rate for all causes has remained constant since AT LEAST 2015.
Wake up here is the US numbers...

"the comparison of vaccine coverage and excess mortality numbers doesn’t suggest an association between them. If vaccination caused mortality to increase, we would expect to observe two correlations. The first is that the higher the vaccination coverage, the higher the excess mortality; the second is an increase in the number of all-cause deaths as the vaccination campaign progresses."

So the statistics don't support your theory...

How about you get an actual study that shows it... It has been debunked many times but right wing media sources are still pushing it..

My post at the start was based on scientific research
A-GAIN. Science is based on the scientific method and deals in FACTS. Facts are linked with what has been PROVEN by the scientific method. NOTHING in your post deals with facts. You're getting boring with your idiotic refusal to accept reality. No matter how many times you repeat the same lies, they are still lies. I know democrats don't believe that but it is a FACT.
There are people, children, dying hours after being vaxxed.
Show the evidence... Big statement, back it up...

I have show plenty of peer reviewed material...

Here is another one:


Based on official reported COVID-19 deaths, we estimated that vaccinations prevented 14·4 million (95% credible interval [Crl] 13·7–15·9) deaths from COVID-19 in 185 countries and territories between Dec 8, 2020, and Dec 8, 2021. This estimate rose to 19·8 million (95% Crl 19·1–20·4) deaths from COVID-19 averted when we used excess deaths as an estimate of the true extent of the pandemic, representing a global reduction of 63% in total deaths (19·8 million of 31·4 million) during the first year of COVID-19 vaccination. In COVAX Advance Market Commitment countries, we estimated that 41% of excess mortality (7·4 million [95% Crl 6·8–7·7] of 17·9 million deaths) was averted. In low-income countries, we estimated that an additional 45% (95% CrI 42–49) of deaths could have been averted had the 20% vaccination coverage target set by COVAX been met by each country, and that an additional 111% (105–118) of deaths could have been averted had the 40% target set by WHO been met by each country by the end of 2021.
Wake up here is the US numbers...

"the comparison of vaccine coverage and excess mortality numbers doesn’t suggest an association between them. If vaccination caused mortality to increase, we would expect to observe two correlations. The first is that the higher the vaccination coverage, the higher the excess mortality; the second is an increase in the number of all-cause deaths as the vaccination campaign progresses."

So the statistics don't support your theory...

How about you get an actual study that shows it... It has been debunked many times but right wing media sources are still pushing it..

OK, DUMBASS. I'm done lowering myself to your stupidity. You tried to tell everyone in your original post that, but for the vaccine, there would have been 120K more deaths. Then you use the CDC to try to further your lie on excess deaths even though the CDC refuted your original assertion that the vaxx does NOT prevent infection nor spread. Now take it down the road ignoramus--you're making a fool of yourself.

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