Major Report in on the benefits of the Vaccine

Show the evidence... Big statement, back it up...

I have show plenty of peer reviewed material...

Here is another one:

Neither does any other country in the world except China and India, fool. What's your point????

Your death rate in low population red states was just as bad as it was in the rest of the country. And you keep telling us you have the best medical system in the world.
China and India have medical care for the wealthy.
Canada's health care is so bad that people come from Canada to the US.
Anyone that thinks a model is evidence has been in a coma for 3 years.

As per usual "The ScienceTM" does not provide the IFR they used to draw these conclusions, nor their hospitalization rates; their vaccine efficacy rates are based on "published estimates", but they don't bother to cite either the data or their sources for those "published estimates." With this utter lack of transparency in terms of inputs they could spit out literally any number they chose.

This is exactly the same shit "methodology" they used to scare the AF out of people at the beginning of all of this, with real world results that were equally poor in terms of accuracy and disastrous for millions.

Nor does it mention that it is merely an updated version of this paper, which predicted that the "vaccines" had saved 2,265,222 through March:

Now the number is 3,255,656. So, they predict that in the last 8 months the "vaccines" saved
990,434 lives, during omicron, for which the shot is nearly useless after a few weeks/couple of months and which has a relatively low IFR.

Bull. Shit.

There are a host of other problems with this absurdity, but why bother. It's nothing but another propaganda piece based on some shit model put out to support a narrative. I've seen better 'science' at a high school science fair.

Stop believing these people, especially when crucial inputs are clearly missing. They've been blatantly lying to your faces for 2.5 years exactly like this, ffs.

This is the Commonweath Fund, one of the most respected foundations in the world..

View attachment 743625

Since then, the U.S. has administered more than 655 million doses — 80 percent of the population has received at least one dose — with the cumulative effect of preventing more than 18 million additional hospitalizations and more than 3 million additional deaths.

Without vaccination, there would have been nearly 120 million more COVID-19 infections. The vaccination program also saved the U.S. $1.15 trillion (Credible Interval: $1.10 trillion–$1.19 trillion) (data not shown) in medical costs that would otherwise have been incurred.

Now before you answer this is a report with evidence and shows how it came to their figures... If you want to be critical, please be specific while using actual proper evidence.
Posting propagada bullshit just means you want to shit on the 1 million US Citizens that died in this pandemic.

Brought to you by Pfizer . . .
A-GAIN. Science is based on the scientific method and deals in FACTS. Facts are linked with what has been PROVEN by the scientific method. NOTHING in your post deals with facts. You're getting boring with your idiotic refusal to accept reality. No matter how many times you repeat the same lies, they are still lies. I know democrats don't believe that but it is a FACT.

Besides, which side of the debate on what science is came up with the ridiculous phrase, "The science is settled"?

From the guys that voted for a reality star cause they thought he was good at business...
They are working under the false assumption the mRNA injection is a real vaccine, when it isn't.
The fact it temporarily stimulates a little antibody production for a few months, does not at all project into a single life saved, since the patient later will likely die from subsequent infections of covid, since no immunity at all is conveyed.

This. And as a matter of fact, CowboyTed the more boosters you get, the more infections you get. That's because the vaccines are destroying your immune system.
Anyone that thinks a model is evidence has been in a coma for 3 years.

As per usual "The ScienceTM" does not provide the IFR they used to draw these conclusions, nor their hospitalization rates; their vaccine efficacy rates are based on "published estimates", but they don't bother to cite either the data or their sources for those "published estimates." With this utter lack of transparency in terms of inputs they could spit out literally any number they chose.

This is exactly the same shit "methodology" they used to scare the AF out of people at the beginning of all of this, with real world results that were equally poor in terms of accuracy and disastrous for millions.

Nor does it mention that it is merely an updated version of this paper, which predicted that the "vaccines" had saved 2,265,222 through March:

Now the number is 3,255,656. So, they predict that in the last 8 months the "vaccines" saved
990,434 lives, during omicron, for which the shot is nearly useless after a few weeks/couple of months and which has a relatively low IFR.

Bull. Shit.

There are a host of other problems with this absurdity, but why bother. It's nothing but another propaganda piece based on some shit model put out to support a narrative. I've seen better 'science' at a high school science fair.

Stop believing these people, especially when crucial inputs are clearly missing. They've been blatantly lying to your faces for 2.5 years exactly like this, ffs.

Yeah Ted. Look up "Neil Ferguson" and his awesome models.
The rights antipathy to science and education is problematic.

The next virus might be 100 times worse than covid and their bovine attitudes will see millions killed.

Right wing science would see us driving around on square wheels.
The rights antipathy to science and education is problematic.
no where near as bad as government propaganda and censorship that drives it Tom
The next virus might be 100 times worse than covid and their bovine attitudes will see millions killed.
i'll see your ignorant cow, and up you informed consent

The rights antipathy to science and education is problematic.

The next virus might be 100 times worse than covid and their bovine attitudes will see millions killed.

Right wing science would see us driving around on square wheels.

I'll take the next pandemic as it comes.

For this one, if you got mRNA shots, you are probably suffering a botched immune system which not only puts you at risk for long Covid and damaged organs but potentially, cancer.
China and India have medical care for the wealthy.
Canada's health care is so bad that people come from Canada to the US.

That is complete bullshit that Republicans tell you so you don't complain about how BAD your system is. YOU have health care for the wealthy. Your life expectancy in the USA is DECLINING and has been for the past 6 years.

That ONLY Canadian (one person), I know who went to the states for treatment, was a multi millionaire with cancer who went to Boston for an experimental treatment.

I had my knee replaced this year. I was out of pocket for $80 for prescriptions. That was my only copay for the whole procedure, which included 2 weeks at a rehab hospital.

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