Major Report in on the benefits of the Vaccine

Ok. Fair enough. And my next question is also serious and I’m asking it on the level.

What contrary scientific pieces have you read?

That will never happen


In order for that poster to read anything that the cult does not approve of, it would mean he/she/it is ready to be honest about the fact that every time they do the jab, they're suiciding at slow speed.

Just to highlight: everyone please look at the IFR through ages 29 and consider that Leftist college professors made young people get BOOSTED because they were melting snowflakes of neuroses.

Age 20-29, IFT is 0.002%

Criminal. Absolutely criminal.
About 6,000 people in that age group died of COVID in the US.

That is a considerable number... Have you anything that shows that amount of people from that age dying due to vaccine in that age group? Then we also have the 700,000 hospitalisations from that age group too.. Can you show 700,000 hospitalisations as well... That would be 1 in every 33 people in that range...

This was all public knowledge... Vaccine also reduced the risk of infection considerably and also made it better for people not to pass it on...

  1. COVID-19 deaths by age U.S. 2022 | Statista
  2. COVID-19 hospitalization rate by age group U.S. September 2020 | Statista
About 6,000 people in that age group died of COVID in the US.

That is a considerable number... Have you anything that shows that amount of people from that age dying due to vaccine in that age group? Then we also have the 700,000 hospitalisations from that age group too.. Can you show 700,000 hospitalisations as well... That would be 1 in every 33 people in that range...

This was all public knowledge... Vaccine also reduced the risk of infection considerably and also made it better for people not to pass it on...

  1. COVID-19 deaths by age U.S. 2022 | Statista
  2. COVID-19 hospitalization rate by age group U.S. September 2020 | Statista

No, of course not. Because if you were that age, died in a motorcycle accident, but you tested positive for Covid at time of death, you "died of Covid". So the hospitals could get that sweet, sweet Covid cash.

OTOH, if children have heart attacks now it's because games.

But I have faith. This will all come out in the wash, and it looks like faster than I thought.

That will never happen


In order for that poster to read anything that the cult does not approve of, it would mean he/she/it is ready to be honest about the fact that every time they do the jab, they're suiciding at slow speed.

You have said you don't want to discuss and more interested in dismissing without evidence...

No, of course not. Because if you were that age, died in a motorcycle accident, but you tested positive for Covid at time of death, you "died of Covid". So the hospitals could get that sweet, sweet Covid cash.

OTOH, if children have heart attacks now it's because games.

But I have faith. This will all come out in the wash, and it looks like faster than I thought.
Explain the Excess deaths.... That is the bit that doesn't lie...

In Europe they found they were excess deaths was negative as there was less dangerous activity going on... US had increases in all main areas...


The exact numbers and age range are buried here:

There is a case for 5 - 13 yr olds but it looks break even and killing you parent is a bad thing to do... Also we found that schools just became one huge spreader bringing it to families every where..
You have said you don't want to discuss and more interested in dismissing without evidence...


Explain the Excess deaths.... That is the bit that doesn't lie...

In Europe they found they were excess deaths was negative as there was less dangerous activity going on... US had increases in all main areas...

View attachment 744090
The exact numbers and age range are buried here:

There is a case for 5 - 13 yr olds but it looks break even and killing you parent is a bad thing to do... Also we found that schools just became one huge spreader bringing it to families every where..

No one, and I mean NO ONE, thinks closing schools was worth it. What are you reading these days?

Also, see thread in Breaking News about the Rasmussen poll just out. 48% think there is legitimate reasons to be concerned about the vaccine; 37% think such talk is a "conspiracy theory". 15% unsure

We get it, CowboyTed. It's your thread so you feel like you have to "win" here.

Bad news, because the train has already left the station. Not going to happen and the more you keep at it, the stupider your attempts look.

Nice try. You did your best to make this a good thread.

No one, and I mean NO ONE, thinks closing schools was worth it. What are you reading these days?

Also, see thread in Breaking News about the Rasmussen poll just out. 48% think there is legitimate reasons to be concerned about the vaccine; 37% think such talk is a "conspiracy theory". 15% unsure
'No NE, thinks' is not scientific... In many countries who were better educated on epidemiology were pushing for schools to close. Science said if you don't close schools you can't get the virus under control...

What you quoted is an opinion poll not science... That opinion poll is wht the public believe, not the facts...

Facts are that a million Americans are dead... Sicience suggests that is a horrendous loss, closing schools quicker and for longer could have saved many lives, higher vaccination rates would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives...

Sorry, opinion polls don't save lives...
Here 75% of Russian think they were right to invade Ukraine... Does that make it right...

No, of course not. Because if you were that age, died in a motorcycle accident, but you tested positive for Covid at time of death, you "died of Covid". So the hospitals could get that sweet, sweet Covid cash.

OTOH, if children have heart attacks now it's because games.

But I have faith. This will all come out in the wash, and it looks like faster than I thought.
Can you show me actual numbers to match your concerns...

Show us a table of deaths of 18-29 yr olds killed by vaccine... (with evidence and peer reviewed)

Then we can compare..

We get it, CowboyTed. It's your thread so you feel like you have to "win" here.

Bad news, because the train has already left the station. Not going to happen and the more you keep at it, the stupider your attempts look.

Nice try. You did your best to make this a good thread.


I don't know what you thing is but you have not posted one piece of evidence in this thread..
Nothing, you aren't here to engage in a discuss..
I am ope to you trying again.. Just show us your evidence...
explain how?

Compared to the flu vaccine taken every year...

or the pneumonia one I take every five years...
An RNA vaccine is a type of vaccine which is composed of nucleic acid RNA. Just like normal vaccines, RNA vaccines train antibodies which will fight potential pathogens. RNA vaccines resemble DNA ones, they both allow for a vaccination without introducing real pathogens.

That is a lie.
An RNA vaccine is a type of vaccine which is composed of nucleic acid RNA. Just like normal vaccines, RNA vaccines train antibodies which will fight potential pathogens. RNA vaccines resemble DNA ones, they both allow for a vaccination without introducing real pathogens.

That is a lie.

Which part is a lie?

Your proof of it being a lie?
The proof is the people telling you that it is a lie. What have they ever told you that is or was the truth about Covid?

Putin is telling his people they own Ukraine and they are run by NAZIs...

I am using peer reviewed papers and published facts...

Do you know hard it is to falsify the excess deaths in the US...

You are calling things lies because 'someone' told you.... Are you saying that all the Doctors and Nurses were in on it?
They are over 100 years old... They are not youtubers..

Have you got anything to refute their report which was referred by the CDC this week or are you going to keep attacking the messengers...

Sorry but going for the organisation shows that you can't seem to take on there evidence...

The Commonwealth Fund is a nonprofit private foundation supporting independent research on health policy reform and a high-performance health system.
Damn you scum like to spew non stop bullshit.

The kill-off is here and, just like masks, lockdowns and the introduction of the mRNA, we will turn out to be right about it​

I know many of you do not want to believe this, don't want to think about it, don't want to read it or consider it.
BUT. we have all been lied to. They are dividing us for their own purposes...power and $$$$$$$$.
THERE ARE NO benefits to taking the vaccine..and especially no benefits to taking it over and over and over.

Notably, workers who had received more doses were at higher risk of getting sick. Those who received three more doses were 3.4 times as likely to get infected as the unvaccinated, while those who received two were only 2.6 times as likely.

“This is not the only study to find a possible association with more prior vaccine doses and higher risk of COVID-19,” the authors noted. “We still have a lot to learn about protection from COVID-19 vaccination, and in addition to a vaccine’s effectiveness it is important to examine whether multiple vaccine doses given over time may not be having the beneficial effect that is generally assumed.”

Two years ago, vaccines were helpful in reducing severe illness, particularly among the elderly and those with health risks like diabetes and obesity. But experts refuse to concede that boosters have yielded diminishing benefits and may even have made individuals and the population as a whole more vulnerable to new variants like XBB.

It might not be a coincidence that XBB surged this fall in Singapore, which has among the highest vaccination and booster rates in the world. Over the past several weeks a XBB strain has become predominant in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts, making up about three-quarters of virus samples that have been genetically sequenced. The variant has been slower to take off in other regions, making up only 6% of the Midwest and about 20% in the South. The Northeast is also the most vaccinated and boosted region in the country.

isn't it time you started really getting ticked?
Damn you scum like to spew non stop bullshit.
Is english your first language...

The kill-off is here and, just like masks, lockdowns and the introduction of the mRNA, we will turn out to be right about it​

I know many of you do not want to believe this, don't want to think about it, don't want to read it or consider it.
BUT. we have all been lied to. They are dividing us for their own purposes...power and $$$$$$$$.
No Evidence, just a guy spout stuff....

Please read the OP asking for actual evidence...
You have said you don't want to discuss and more interested in dismissing without evidence...


Explain the Excess deaths.... That is the bit that doesn't lie...

In Europe they found they were excess deaths was negative as there was less dangerous activity going on... US had increases in all main areas...

View attachment 744090
The exact numbers and age range are buried here:

There is a case for 5 - 13 yr olds but it looks break even and killing you parent is a bad thing to do... Also we found that schools just became one huge spreader bringing it to families every where..
'Cause da gubmint would never lie to you!

Fucking sap.

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