Major Report in on the benefits of the Vaccine

A-GAIN. Science is based on the scientific method and deals in FACTS. Facts are linked with what has been PROVEN by the scientific method. NOTHING in your post deals with facts. You're getting boring with your idiotic refusal to accept reality. No matter how many times you repeat the same lies, they are still lies. I know democrats don't believe that but it is a FACT.
Here is the Lancet doing the similar peer review study :

This is all scientific... you just don't like it because you have started with a narrative and you can't find any evidence to back it up... Whee is your scientific study...​

You are saying you don't like science using evidence to simulate situations... How do you think the weather is forecast?​

A-GAIN. Science is based on the scientific method and deals in FACTS. Facts are linked with what has been PROVEN by the scientific method. NOTHING in your post deals with facts. You're getting boring with your idiotic refusal to accept reality. No matter how many times you repeat the same lies, they are still lies. I know democrats don't believe that but it is a FACT.
No evidence

You are trying to claim statistical modelling based on evidence is not science...
Here is the Lancet doing the similar peer review study :

This is all scientific... you just don't like it because you have started with a narrative and you can't find any evidence to back it up... Whee is your scientific study...​

You are saying you don't like science using evidence to simulate situations... How do you think the weather is forecast?​

Life insurers have all the evidence....And it doesn't look at all good for media spoon-fed little bootlickers like you.

Your anecdotal "doctors and nurses" can lie up a storm....But the mathematics of actuarial tables don't.

Again with believing bullshit on no evidence and then repeating it like it means something. Where is this evidence???

Here are some REAL reports from the actuaries:

Now we are getting the memes...

Again no evidence or facts... Just trying to mudsling...

You got nothing so Memes is all you got...

They are working under the false assumption the mRNA injection is a real vaccine, when it isn't.
The fact it temporarily stimulates a little antibody production for a few months, does not at all project into a single life saved, since the patient later will likely die from subsequent infections of covid, since no immunity at all is conveyed.

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