Major study shows legal cannabis reversed a decade of rising opioid deaths in Colorado

Pot is a debilitating, crippling, devastating substance for some people. The problem is the pot lobby obfuscates this reality and pot smokers think it's OK to blow their drug in public, injecting it into others.
Public pot smoking should carry a ten year sentence followed by execution.
You're dangerously ignorant and outdated.
Progress a little.
I would like to know how you imagine pot smoke is injected into people...
Smoke. People have to breathe. Geez.
Get with it, Mr. 1970.
Pot is a debilitating, crippling, devastating substance for some people. The problem is the pot lobby obfuscates this reality and pot smokers think it's OK to blow their drug in public, injecting it into others.
Public pot smoking should carry a ten year sentence followed by execution.
You're dangerously ignorant and outdated.
Progress a little.
I would like to know how you imagine pot smoke is injected into people...
Smoke. People have to breathe. Geez.
Get with it, Mr. 1970.

Hold your breath next time you're on the highway. All those fumes floating around and all.
You pot people should try sobriety.

It's way better than being high.....
What makes you think pot smokers are always high?

They aren't always high. When they aren't high, they want to be high.
thats contrary to what you have said in the have said since its in the blood for a few weeks you are still high....

Actually, THC isn't stored in the blood, it is stored in the fat cells. When you use marijuana, you put THC into your blood stream, but it gets absorbed by the fat cells, which results in a person sobering up after 1 to 6 hours, depending on the way it was ingested, and the potency of the product.

Interestingly enough, if you are skinny with a high metabolism, you will be able to get a clean test anywhere from 7 days to 3 weeks later. If you are a hefty person with a high body fat percentage and a low metabolism, it can be detected up to 45 days later.
thats besides the point......tipsy has stated in past pot threads that because it can be detected weeks later,if you smoke a joint today,and thats it,you must still be high 2 weeks later and are a danger to all around you....

Tipsy is an idiot who has shown repeatedly that they know nothing about marijuana other than the propaganda that they were fed and swallowed whole.
What makes you think pot smokers are always high?

They aren't always high. When they aren't high, they want to be high.
thats contrary to what you have said in the have said since its in the blood for a few weeks you are still high....

Actually, THC isn't stored in the blood, it is stored in the fat cells. When you use marijuana, you put THC into your blood stream, but it gets absorbed by the fat cells, which results in a person sobering up after 1 to 6 hours, depending on the way it was ingested, and the potency of the product.

Interestingly enough, if you are skinny with a high metabolism, you will be able to get a clean test anywhere from 7 days to 3 weeks later. If you are a hefty person with a high body fat percentage and a low metabolism, it can be detected up to 45 days later.
thats besides the point......tipsy has stated in past pot threads that because it can be detected weeks later,if you smoke a joint today,and thats it,you must still be high 2 weeks later and are a danger to all around you....

Tipsy is an idiot who has shown repeatedly that they know nothing about marijuana other than the propaganda that they were fed and swallowed whole.

Do you smoke pot every day? Be honest!

In my experience, people that smoke post use it everyday. Usually shortly after rising. Wake and bake!!!

It's like a cup of coffee!! Right?
Major Study Shows Legal Cannabis REVERSED a Decade of Rising Opioid Deaths in Colorado

As states across the country struggle to combat the alarming death toll resulting from the opioid epidemic, a new study is showing that the percentage of opioid-related deaths actually decreased in one state, after it legalized cannabis.

The one indoctrinated to think pot is just oh so bad, have no understanding how those in power created that fear in order to keep big pharma filthy rich , and court systems rich by demonizing a plan that is a miracle plant and because it works so well on many people and kids who are ill it would cause the medicinal industry to lose billions. CONNECT THE DOTS!

Pot is a debilitating, crippling, devastating substance for some people. The problem is the pot lobby obfuscates this reality and pot smokers think it's OK to blow their drug in public, injecting it into others.
Public pot smoking should carry a ten year sentence followed by execution.
You're dangerously ignorant and outdated.
Progress a little.
I would like to know how you imagine pot smoke is injected into people...
Smoke. People have to breathe. Geez.
Get with it, Mr. 1970.

Hold your breath next time you're on the highway. All those fumes floating around and all.
I hope you inhale PCP.
Pot is a debilitating, crippling, devastating substance for some people. The problem is the pot lobby obfuscates this reality and pot smokers think it's OK to blow their drug in public, injecting it into others.
Public pot smoking should carry a ten year sentence followed by execution.
You're dangerously ignorant and outdated.
Progress a little.
I would like to know how you imagine pot smoke is injected into people...
Smoke. People have to breathe. Geez.
Get with it, Mr. 1970.
I bet you think that pot smoke is a solid vapor...That never disperses in the air like your farts..
Major Study Shows Legal Cannabis REVERSED a Decade of Rising Opioid Deaths in Colorado

As states across the country struggle to combat the alarming death toll resulting from the opioid epidemic, a new study is showing that the percentage of opioid-related deaths actually decreased in one state, after it legalized cannabis.

The one indoctrinated to think pot is just oh so bad, have no understanding how those in power created that fear in order to keep big pharma filthy rich , and court systems rich by demonizing a plan that is a miracle plant and because it works so well on many people and kids who are ill it would cause the medicinal industry to lose billions. CONNECT THE DOTS!

It's simply ridiculous that this is not legal nationwide. As usual, power and profits prevent it....
Wake and bake!!!

C'mon pot smokers. Be honest.

It's not addictive, but you smoke it every day. By Choice!!
Well heroin addicts shoot up every day by choice too. I mean they choose to reach for their rig; they choose to heat up the smack, they choose to draw it up into the syringe and they choose to find a vein and inject it. Quite a lot of choice there, like a pothead fumbling for his joint on his nightstand in the early morning to bake his brain before he gets into a motor vehicle to operate it on a roadway driving to his job handling heavy machinery, or vital statistics, or ....providing he has enough ambition left to find and hold a job..

What could go wrong mainstreaming a mind-altering potent narcotic without a prescription to the general public for "recreational use"? Why hadn't we as a society thought of just doing this legal weed thing before?

Oh, right, because our (great) grandparents were wise and we are a bunch of stupid post-1960s free-love adolescents running around in aging bodies with access to a voting booth. Same access to the two or three generations hence that we've trained up to believe our stupid is an acceptable substitute for wisdom.... It really isn't rocket science why we are where we are. Let's just get honest about it and quit beating around the bush.
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Pot is a debilitating, crippling, devastating substance for some people. The problem is the pot lobby obfuscates this reality and pot smokers think it's OK to blow their drug in public, injecting it into others.
Public pot smoking should carry a ten year sentence followed by execution.
You're dangerously ignorant and outdated.
Progress a little.
many of the things you say are outdated and pretty ignorant too....
Wake and bake!!!

C'mon pot smokers. Be honest.

It's not addictive, but you smoke it every day. By Choice!!

Yes, I do smoke it almost every day by choice. But, if things get a bit dry and there is none available, I don't get all shaky and nervous, I just say "bummer, gotta wait until the next harvest", and go on about my life.

And, if a person is a real marijuana smoker, they also know that stopping for a few days to a week will make the next time they light up almost like the first time they did.
What makes you think pot smokers are always high?

They aren't always high. When they aren't high, they want to be high.
thats contrary to what you have said in the have said since its in the blood for a few weeks you are still high....

Actually, THC isn't stored in the blood, it is stored in the fat cells. When you use marijuana, you put THC into your blood stream, but it gets absorbed by the fat cells, which results in a person sobering up after 1 to 6 hours, depending on the way it was ingested, and the potency of the product.

Interestingly enough, if you are skinny with a high metabolism, you will be able to get a clean test anywhere from 7 days to 3 weeks later. If you are a hefty person with a high body fat percentage and a low metabolism, it can be detected up to 45 days later.
thats besides the point......tipsy has stated in past pot threads that because it can be detected weeks later,if you smoke a joint today,and thats it,you must still be high 2 weeks later and are a danger to all around you....

Tipsy is an idiot who has shown repeatedly that they know nothing about marijuana other than the propaganda that they were fed and swallowed whole.
cant argue there....
What makes you think pot smokers are always high?

They aren't always high. When they aren't high, they want to be high.
thats contrary to what you have said in the have said since its in the blood for a few weeks you are still high....

Actually, THC isn't stored in the blood, it is stored in the fat cells. When you use marijuana, you put THC into your blood stream, but it gets absorbed by the fat cells, which results in a person sobering up after 1 to 6 hours, depending on the way it was ingested, and the potency of the product.

Interestingly enough, if you are skinny with a high metabolism, you will be able to get a clean test anywhere from 7 days to 3 weeks later. If you are a hefty person with a high body fat percentage and a low metabolism, it can be detected up to 45 days later.
thats besides the point......tipsy has stated in past pot threads that because it can be detected weeks later,if you smoke a joint today,and thats it,you must still be high 2 weeks later and are a danger to all around you....

Can it be detected in the bloodstream? As long as it can be detected you are under the influence.
if only you knew how fucking stupid you are by believing this...
Pot is a debilitating, crippling, devastating substance for some people. The problem is the pot lobby obfuscates this reality and pot smokers think it's OK to blow their drug in public, injecting it into others.
Public pot smoking should carry a ten year sentence followed by execution.
You're dangerously ignorant and outdated.
Progress a little.
I would like to know how you imagine pot smoke is injected into people...
Smoke. People have to breathe. Geez.
Get with it, Mr. 1970.
maybe you should learn what the word "injecting" involves a device like a syringe...lets see you do that with pot smoke....
Pot is a debilitating, crippling, devastating substance for some people. The problem is the pot lobby obfuscates this reality and pot smokers think it's OK to blow their drug in public, injecting it into others.
Public pot smoking should carry a ten year sentence followed by execution.
You're dangerously ignorant and outdated.
Progress a little.
I would like to know how you imagine pot smoke is injected into people...
Smoke. People have to breathe. Geez.
Get with it, Mr. 1970.
maybe you should learn what the word "injecting" involves a device like a syringe...lets see you do that with pot smoke....

You know Harry, I've been to many 420 shops in CO, and I have seen edibles, shatter, wax, bud, candies, sodas and coffee drinks, all laced with THC, but I have yet to see any 420 shops that sell injections of marijuana.

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