Major Terror Attack On The Uk

Said1 said:
I don't really know how many Balkans and Americans have joined the cause, I can't really comment on that unless I had some idea of how many.

You might find something credible here, you might not.

google search

I scanned the first two articles in the link, and if the information is reliable, then there is a greater connection between the Balkans and AQ than I had known of, including the training camps you mentioned, although I did not see any Balkan Muslims identified as terrorist agents. Providing safe havens for non-Balkan terrorists is scarcely better, I would agree.

I dismissed a third article because it relied on Serbian reporting.

The most recent of the other two articles is two years old. If both are accurate, and if there has been no improvement, then there is more cause for concern than I thought. What to do about it I am not sure, aside from increasing our own security forces as I first advocated. If actual physical plant training facilities can be identified, then I would support use of conventional military force to destroy them.
USViking said:
I scanned the first two articles in the link, and if the information is reliable, then there is a greater connection between the Balkans and AQ than I had known of, including the training camps you mentioned, although I did not see any Balkan Muslims identified as terrorist agents. Providing safe havens for non-Balkan terrorists is scarcely better, I would agree.

If they are being trained, there is a good possibility they are being trained for various things including terrorist agents.

The most recent of the other two articles is two years old. If both are accurate, and if there has been no improvement, then there is more cause for concern than I thought. What to do about it I am not sure, aside from increasing our own security forces as I first advocated. If actual physical plant training facilities can be identified, then I would support use of conventional military force to destroy them.

I would think terrorism in that part of the world would be Russia's detail (for the most part anyway) since they've been on the recieving end of attacks recently.

I'm glad you looked at some of the articles though, I didn't do a very detailed search, there may more up-to-date stuff if you look.
Said1 said:
If they are being trained, there is a good possibility they are being trained for various things including terrorist agents.

I would think terrorism in that part of the world would be Russia's detail (for the most part anyway) since they've been on the recieving end of attacks recently.

I'm glad you looked at some of the articles though, I didn't do a very detailed search, there may more up-to-date stuff if you look.

It would be nice to get more support from someone, but it is just not going to happen.

Russia's military has become a shadow of what it was during the USSR era, and it is heavily engaged in its own domestic counterterror operations.
USViking said:
Russia's military has become a shadow of what it was during the USSR era, and it is heavily engaged in its own domestic counterterror operations.

Which would include uncovering terrorist operations in that region, regardless of origin or intended targets.
Said1 said:
I don't really know how many Balkans and Americans have joined the cause, I can't really comment on that unless I had some idea of how many.

You might find something credible here, you might not.

google search

I love when someone does that! Good job!
spillmind said:
i don't take meds. take a look at the war in iraq and the bombings in london today and tell me if this is where you want to continue to be.

if you think things are improving, i'd say to take your own advice.

it's your choice to take a hard look and change your tactics, or stay on the same path and try to blow all your suspect into oblivion. you can see where that has gotten us today.

believe it or not, there ARE other options besides war. i'm afraid this is the point that many of you refuse to understand.

Why am I not surprised. Appeasement is the liberal way. Thankfully your opinion won't hold the day and we will defeat these fools. Blast them to oblivion.
USViking said:
I am all for search search and destroy operations worldwide, including the use of conventional military forces, but there are probably plenty of nests or potential nests on our soil, and it will take intel and police to deal with them, not conventional armed force.

Either you are confusing me with someone else, or you reading comprehension abilities have deserted you. I have not used the word “negotiation” in this thread, I have not implied it, and I will now say I am opposed to negotiation with terrorists.
If it can be proven that a foreign government is behind this act, then I would support military action against it.

I am awake, and I am still waiting for some evidence that the Balkan Muslims are involved in international terrorism, not associated with the persisting local religious and ethnic strife. did not use the word "negotiation" I used it in the sense of "action vs negotiation" vs being the clue to the statement...
also the use of the word appeasement was in reference to your comment:"It may well be that all we have suffered has been the result of private funding and recruitment,even if there are governments which applaud the attacks"

Your use of the word "Private" vs government support which has been documented to be the case along with some "Private" funding smacks of letting Middle East governments off the hook... sorta speak....therefore my reading comp skills have not failed me...I just prefer to call them as I see em! :confused: ... sorry... :beer:
Said1 said:
Why would you think it wouldn't?

Because of its military weakness, and its having to devote so much of its resourses to the domestic terrorist and secession problem in Chechnia, where it has been heavily commited for I believe 15 years with no end in sight.

Also, it remains unclear if eradicating anything in the Muslim Balkan would have an important effect on toerrorist operations elsewhere.
archangel said: did not use the word "negotiation" I used it in the sense of "action vs negotiation" vs being the clue to the statement...
also the use of the word appeasement was in reference to your comment:"It may well be that all we have suffered has been the result of private funding and recruitment,even if there are governments which applaud the attacks"

Your use of the word "Private" vs government support which has been documented to be the case along with some "Private" funding smacks of letting Middle East governments off the hook... sorta speak....therefore my reading comp skills have not failed me...I just prefer to call them as I see em! :confused: ... sorry... :beer:

As much as I hate the sight of anyone standing by and clapping their hands at the successes of our enemies, as long as they are only clapping, I do not see any practical reason for taking military action against them.

And drawing a distinction between different possible sources of terrorist funding does not "smack of appeasement", and if you think so, then, sorry, but your reading comp skills need improvement whether you believe they do or not.
spillmind said:
i don't take meds. take a look at the war in iraq and the bombings in london today and tell me if this is where you want to continue to be.

if you think things are improving, i'd say to take your own advice.

it's your choice to take a hard look and change your tactics, or stay on the same path and try to blow all your suspect into oblivion. you can see where that has gotten us today.

believe it or not, there ARE other options besides war. i'm afraid this is the point that many of you refuse to understand.

The best option is to hunt every damned one of them down like the rabid dogs they are and execute them.

I don't know WHAT it takes to get you nimrods to buy a damned clue and figure out these idiots are trying to murder us and and completely destroy our society. They don't want to get along. Us dead is their idea of compromise.

They started this, and you damned pantywaists need to get the hell out of the way and let the men finish it.
USViking said:
As much as I hate the sight of anyone standing by and clapping their hands at the successes of our enemies, as long as they are only clapping, I do not see any practical reason for taking military action against them.

And drawing a distinction between different possible sources of terrorist funding does not "smack of appeasement", and if you think so, then, sorry, but your reading comp skills need improvement whether you believe they do or not.

your condescending comment is truly noted...have a nice night...and please work on your people skills! :bow2:
GunnyL said:
The best option is to hunt every damned one of them down like the rabid dogs they are and execute them.

I don't know WHAT it takes to get you nimrods to buy a damned clue and figure out these idiots are trying to murder us and and completely destroy our society. They don't want to get along. Us dead is their idea of compromise.

They started this, and you damned pantywaists need to get the hell out of the way and let the men finish it.

yeah, i'm glad to hear you are posting from iraq! how is the weather over there right now?


and it won't be long until even the biggest idiots figure it out.
ThomasPaine said:
Why am I not surprised. Appeasement is the liberal way. Thankfully your opinion won't hold the day and we will defeat these fools. Blast them to oblivion.

let me know when that day comes! i'll bet it's very very soon!! HAHAHA


how you people take yourselves seriously is beyond me.
spillmind said:
yeah, i'm glad to hear you are posting from iraq! how is the weather over there right now?


and it won't be long until even the biggest idiots figure it out.

Got a newsflash for you, jimbob: My approach isn't being used. We have our troops' hands tied behind their backs playng all nice so you lefties don't wet your panties.

And the "biggest idiots" STILL haven't figured THAT out.
spillmind said:
let me know when that day comes! i'll bet it's very very soon!! HAHAHA


how you people take yourselves seriously is beyond me.

It'll be ok Hitler just wants the Sudentenland.. Get out of the way appeaser. Yours is the way of defeat and we will not be defeated. Best grab ahold of yourself pacifist because your way is DEAD!!!
archangel said:
your condescending comment is truly noted...have a nice night...and please work on your people skills! :bow2:

My people skills are sufficient for those with whom I choose to employ them.

You know enough to realize the word "appeasement" is one of the foulest in any language, yet you promiscuously misuse it, and hurl it about.

That is not all I have "truly noted" about your own posts to me.

I suggest you reread these posts in order to increase your self-awareness, and to perhaps see the need to improve your own skills.
spillmind said:
and i guess it's all how you look at it:

the fact of the matter is, women had more rights now and then in iraq than they do in SA. bush consider's SA a great ally in the ME. how are you personally condoning this in your mind?

First I was speaking about Iraq not SA, but okay if you want an answer for that yes SA has a long way to go in many areas including women's rights, that said I still fail to see how that situation right now has anyting to do with terrorism worldwide save for the fact that some terrorists come from SA, but they also come from Jordan, Pakistan, Africa, Syrai, Iran, Egypt, Kuwait, Turkey, Russia, Chechnia, Palestine, and were training in terrorists camps in both Afghanistan and Iraq many years before we ever entered into real conflict in the the Middle East. To simply say Bush's relationship with SA is the reason or the war in Iraq is the reason is absurd. When someone attacks me for no reason I don't get scared I get angry and I want to fight not run. I really don't understand what you think we should do about terrorism, because the way you present yourself it seems like you are advocating capitulation which would never work and is very dangerous to even consider. Especially since you claim we in the US are not an island but to turn coat and run is exaclty what we would be doing if we wished to just be isolationists and wait for the terrorists to hit us again.........It makes no sense

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