Major Terror Attack On The Uk

archangel said:
(It could possibly help...but would not end the attacks...must go to the and destroy...a military action...not a police action)
I am all for search search and destroy operations worldwide, including the use of conventional military forces, but there are probably plenty of nests or potential nests on our soil, and it will take intel and police to deal with them, not conventional armed force.

archangel said:
(Gimmee a countered by stating increased activity by the terrorist by our actions vs negotiation)
Either you are confusing me with someone else, or you reading comprehension abilities have deserted you. I have not used the word “negotiation” in this thread, I have not implied it, and I will now say I am opposed to negotiation with terrorists.
If it can be proven that a foreign government is behind this act, then I would support military action against it.

archangel said:
(Wake up Billy Bob supported the wrong side...since then we have had 911 and the radicals in Serbia continue to burn Christian churches...anymore silly statements?) )
I am awake, and I am still waiting for some evidence that the Balkan Muslims are involved in international terrorism, not associated with the persisting local religious and ethnic strife.
I just heard that these bombs were detinated with cell phones, so the British Government turned off all Cell Phones, additionally they found two more undetinated bombs that were triggered to go off.
Anyone else hear this??
rcajun90 said:
Your hatred of Bush blinds you to any sense of reality. I know a few folks like you and they are usually very nice and intelligent people. However they fail to realize that we are facing a situation much like in WW II. We have two choices, we can fight or give in. I rather fight then grow a beard and pray to Allah five times a day. You give us no solution but simply hate for Bush. I will ask you again to re-examine your position honestly. If war isn't the answer then what is your solution? BTW the fact that the Saudi's are playing both sides of the fence isn't a news flash.

i consider myself a very decent human being, and i hope i am perceived that way as well, but if not, so be it. thanks for your words of respect, and i appreciate your approach.

playing both sides of the fence is simply unacceptable in my book. you may condone it, but i don't. i'll hope you respect my opinion on this.

you want a solution? you need to build a coalition of countries including many arab countries, and get it through young arab minds that extremism and fundamentalism isn't the best path forward. this is done with education and diplomatic approach, like it or not. war will get you where we are today.

i don't hate bush as a person so much as what he and his administration have done to this country. look at our debt. look at iraq. look at the global perspective of the USA these days. we aren't an island, and we aren't going to win the 'war on terror', certainly not down the path we are on.

i'm not the president of the united states, nor should i be in a position to pitch to you the solutuions to all the crisis. we need to turn iraq over to a coalition, pull all the profiteering operations out.

unfortunately this present day, there isn't a lot of options avialable to us with the actions we have taken.

also keep in mind iraq switched exclusively to trading all their oil in euros just prior to our invasion.

without a coalition of many arab countries, there is no hope for success in iraq.

i'm not a political scientist, but it's pretty damn obvious that we aren't on the right path to anyone with a truly objective approach.
Bonnie said:
I just heard that these bombs were detinated with cell phones, so the British Government turned off all Cell Phones, additionally they found two more undetinated bombs that were triggered to go off.
Anyone else hear this??
I heard they found another bomb on a bus that never detonated a few hours ago.
USViking said:
I am awake, and I am still waiting for some evidence that the Balkan Muslims are involved in international terrorism, not associated with the persisting local religious and ethnic strife.

I'm not sure if you could find a credible source, but I've read they are heavily involved in training terrorists for "international" acts of terrorism. I've also read Al Qaeda has recruited men from that area. Talk about following in their "Founding Fathers" footsteps. :rolleyes

Again, one might be hard pressed to find a credible source, but I wouldn't rule it out, there have been Americans and Candians fighting with the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Today’s terrorists in London were funded. People and institutions provided the money for mass murder against the British. These institutions are “charities,” and financial organizations located primarily, but not exclusively, in the Muslim world. People and institutions provided funds for Mohamed Ata to commit mass murder against Americans. People and financial institutions provided funds for Amrozi bin Nurhasyim to mass murder Australians and others in Bali. People and institutions provided money for Jamal Zougam to mass murder Spaniards in the Madrid bombings. Every possible technique must be used to follow terrorist financing to its sources. No matter where the murder money financers and institutions reside they must be eliminated with extreme prejudice. These financers and institutions of death are more dangerous than the bombers because they kill again and again.
Fmr jarhead said:
Hey, Spilly...I think you missed to comment...

Thanks for the opportunity to respond, and not resort to irrational name calling, in the face of adversity. (1998...signed by Bill Clinton) outlines the beginnings of the US policy to eradicate Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq. It is a well documented fact that Zarqawi has been treated for injuries in Iraq from the early days of the campaign in Afghanistan, so there were ties to al Qaeda (or more technically terrorists) from the beginning of our operations in Iraq.

I think a feasible exit strategy would require the dismantling of all military bases of operations in Iraq and the complete withdrawal of all US personnel in the year 2103. I would certainly hope that we can have trained military personel, a viable police force, and a thriving democratic government in operation by that time. Any talk of exiting before, would be absolute lunacy, and to "require" talk of an exit strategy would be the greatest disservice we could do for the future of a thriving peace loving Iraqi population.

A complete commitment to the Middle East, and the destruction of all the radical elements of ALL religious hate groups should be our underlying goal! (unless you think that women should be treated as second class citizens, and that we should only worship thier god, or suffer decapitation as punishment)

a rational answer, but i am not sure if i am following your logic. care to clear a couple thing up for me?

a) about zarqawi, why do you think we didn't attack him when we had the chance? because it would weaken the case for war?

b) how do you plan to finance and staff the next ten years or so in iraq? please consider the exponential costs of staffing and rebuilding.

c) how are you going to destory all radical elements of all religious hate groups? do you really think this is possible?
Spilly's quote "you want a solution? you need to build a coalition of countries including many arab countries, and get it through young arab minds that extremism and fundamentalism isn't the best path forward. this is done with education and diplomatic approach, like it or not. war will get you where we are today."

Education? Good Lord man you can't be serious. Diplomacy? Buddy you need to cut down on the meds. Educate whom? Muslims who are taught from birth that we are "infidels" that the prophet Mohammed said should be converted or killed?
Diplomacy with whom? Those who believe the West is the "Great Satan" and that the United States in particular should be destroyed.
Get off the meds or pull your head out of your ass because your "solutions" will do NOTHING!! NOTHING!!! NOTHING!!!
These people understand force and with FORCE we will educate them, and with VIGOR AND FORCE they will change or DIE!!!!
onedomino said:
Today’s terrorists in London were funded. People and institutions provided the money for mass murder against the British. These institutions are “charities,” and financial organizations located primarily, but not exclusively, in the Muslim world. People and institutions provided funds for Mohamed Ata to commit mass murder against Americans. People and financial institutions provided funds for Amrozi bin Nurhasyim to mass murder Australians and others in Bali. People and institutions provided money for Jamal Zougam to mass murder Spaniards in the Madrid bombings. Every possible technique must be used to follow terrorist financing to its sources. No matter where the murder money financers and institutions reside they must be eliminated with extreme prejudice. These financers and institutions of death are more dangerous than the bombers because they kill again and again.

excellent point!

do a google search on 'saudi funding terrorists' and let me know what you think!
ThomasPaine said:
you want a solution? you need to build a coalition of countries including many arab countries, and get it through young arab minds that extremism and fundamentalism isn't the best path forward. this is done with education and diplomatic approach, like it or not. war will get you where we are today.

Education? Good Lord man you can't be serious. Diplomacy? Buddy you need to cut down on the meds. Educate whom? Muslims who are taught from birth that we are "infidels" that the prophet Mohammed said should be converted or killed?
Diplomacy with whom? Those who believe the West is the "Great Satan" and that the United States in particular should be destroyed.
Get off the meds or pull your head out of your ass because your "solutions" will do NOTHING!! NOTHING!!! NOTHING!!!
These people understand force and with FORCE we will educate them, and with VIGOR AND FORCE they will change or DIE!!!!

i don't take meds. take a look at the war in iraq and the bombings in london today and tell me if this is where you want to continue to be.

if you think things are improving, i'd say to take your own advice.

it's your choice to take a hard look and change your tactics, or stay on the same path and try to blow all your suspect into oblivion. you can see where that has gotten us today.

believe it or not, there ARE other options besides war. i'm afraid this is the point that many of you refuse to understand.
Said1 said:
I'm not sure if you could find a credible source, but I've read they are heavily involved in training terrorists for "international" acts of terrorism. I've also read Al Qaeda has recruited men from that area. Talk about following in their "Founding Fathers" footsteps. :rolleyes

Again, one might be hard pressed to find a credible source, but I wouldn't rule it out, there have been Americans and Candians fighting with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

To date there have been more Americans than Balkan Muslims positively identified as terrorists, that I know of.

AQ probably contains elements of every ethinic Muslim community in the world, the Balkans included.

However, the Balkan Muslims do not so far appear to be a significant threat
internationally, and while the Clinton administration may be blamed for numerous other failings, it appears its efforts to localize the strife in the Balkans were a success, and that it should not be blamed for what arises there now, four years after its departure from office.
USViking said:
To date there have been more Americans than Balkan Muslims positively identified as terrorists, that I know of.

No idea.

AQ probably contains elements of every ethinic Muslim community in the world, the Balkans included.

However, the Balkan Muslims do not so far appear to be a significant threat
internationally, and while the Clinton administration may be blamed for numerous other failings, it appears its efforts to localize the strife in the Balkans were a success, and that it should not be blamed for what arises there now, four years after its departure from office.

If AQ is training and recruiting in/from the Balkans, why wouldn't that be threatening internationally? At the very least, as a contributing factor.
Said1 said:
No idea.

If AQ is training and recruiting in/from the Balkans, why wouldn't that be threatening internationally? At the very least, as a contributing factor.

If the Balkan Muslims are less of a threat than our own citizens, then I would not call the threat significant enough to worry about, or to devote much if any resourses to.

I have not heard before of any terrorist training taking place in the Balkans. If this can be established, then I will change my mind, and support action against it.
USViking said:
If the Balkan Muslims are less of a threat than our own citizens, then I would not call the threat significant enough to worry about, or to devote much if any resourses to.

I don't really know how many Balkans and Americans have joined the cause, I can't really comment on that unless I had some idea of how many.

I have not heard before of any terrorist training taking place in the Balkans. If this can be established, then I will change my mind, and support action against it.

You might find something credible here, you might not.

google search

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