Major Terror Attack On The Uk

freeandfun1 said:
Funny how people that hate the USA so much want to live here so badly. Tell him to take his ass back to South America. We don't need him here!

Lol I used to go at it with this punk everyday, mostly I ignore him now. I nearly had to chew my arm off today when I read that shit though.
gop_jeff said:
Just the point I was going to make. Terrorism is terrorism, regardless of the perpetrators or the body count.
I guess you don't get the point either. Yes, terrorism is terrorism, just as war is war. But as you know, in warfare, there are nations that follow a moral code and those that do not. The IRA bombings were not nearly as horrendous or as descriminate as the Muslim terrorists. As goatboy even mentioned, they (the IRA) targeted the leaders of GB and not just innocents. Sometimes yes they targeted innocents, but not on the scale the Muslims do. That is the point and frankly, it shouldn't be one that is that hard to grasp. That is unless you are trying to be "fair" about it all which is exactly what put us in this situation in the first place.
From a British friend of mine:

" know I used to agree with you on the brits..(not wanting to mess with them)
but they have been bought, softened etc.. over the years.
in the 80s they were still they are a bunch of liberal fuckers bought off by arabs.. they own EVERYTHING in lOndon
they are resolute in terms of "getting" on with life.. having dealt with the IRA for years..

But that was a different thing..arabs don't call before with a warning..
they don't care about life..their own or others..
they value nothing. respect NOTHING except the gun..."
OCA said:
Spilly seriously, from where does the constant harping about the WOT come from? What would be the plan be to defeat international terrorism if the libs were in power? Do you even know? And no burying our heads in the sand and pretending it didn't happen is not an option.

first off, i guess you are referring to all who oppose the war in iraq 'liberal idiots'? your platitudes about this fictional demographic aren't very impressive, nor are they constructive.

the plan would be to not polzarize the muslim world with the extremist muslim world. when the usa goes about wars like they did in iraq, you not only defeated your purpose (still waiting to hear what that is) but you have to date only strengthened the opposition. the war on terror is a a tired, inaccurate general statement that simply doesn't get any respect anymore.

there are better ways to defeat the 'enemy', as you can see the fruits of your labor to date. there's not much to argue there. keep telling us about 'progress' as london gets bombed. sure man. you selling used cars, too?
-Cp said:
But that was a different thing..arabs don't call before with a warning...they don't care about life..their own or others...the value nothing. respect NOTHING except the gun..."
Exactly my point and a prime example of the differences. The Muslim extremists are ruthless and they don't care about ANYBODY.
Adam's Apple said:
Do you think this will be a wake-up call to Europe about the reality of terrorism, or do you think they will just go on thinking that if you appease these guys and give them no trouble, they will leave you alone?

I think you will hear them say things like, "If we weren't in Iraq we wouldn't have been attacked!" and other statements such as that from those most on the left.
spillmind said:
first off, i guess you are referring to all who oppose the war in iraq 'liberal idiots'? your platitudes about this fictional demographic aren't very impressive, nor are they constructive.

the plan would be to not polzarize the muslim world with the extremist muslim world. when the usa goes about wars like they did in iraq, you not only defeated your purpose (still waiting to hear what that is) but you have to date only strengthened the opposition. the war on terror is a a tired, inaccurate general statement that simply doesn't get any respect anymore.

there are better ways to defeat the 'enemy', as you can see the fruits of your labor to date. there's not much to argue there. keep telling us about 'progress' as london gets bombed. sure man. you selling used cars, too?
So what do you suggest? Sit back and just accept the hits as they come? Before "W" took office the US was, on average, hit about every two years by Muslim terrorists since the 80's. Under "W" we were hit once on 911 and not since. I see a pattern here... why don't you?
freeandfun1 said:
You missed the point because you don't want to see it. The point is that you cannot in any way compare the bombings of the IRA with what the Muslims are doing. In total the Muslims in just the last decade have killed probably 10,000 people. How many did the IRA kill in decades of bombings? Not nearly that amount. Open your mind and understand the point.

No you are missing the point.

The point is that terrorism is terrorism, What happened on 911 is no different to what has happened today or anywhere else, the IRA and ETA and AL QUAIDA are all the same to me, EVIL.
spillmind said:
first off, i guess you are referring to all who oppose the war in iraq 'liberal idiots'? your platitudes about this fictional demographic aren't very impressive, nor are they constructive.

the plan would be to not polzarize the muslim world with the extremist muslim world. when the usa goes about wars like they did in iraq, you not only defeated your purpose (still waiting to hear what that is) but you have to date only strengthened the opposition. the war on terror is a a tired, inaccurate general statement that simply doesn't get any respect anymore.

there are better ways to defeat the 'enemy', as you can see the fruits of your labor to date. there's not much to argue there. keep telling us about 'progress' as london gets bombed. sure man. you selling used cars, too?

Well tell us your ways! I mean if you want I can get you a 1 way ticket to Fallujah for a falafel and tea negotiation sitdown with Zarqawi to which at the table he will shake your hand but afterwards he will decapitate you.

If you speak of negotiation as a tool your living in a dream world. Another hit off the pipe Spilly?
goatboy said:
No you are missing the point.

The point is that terrorism is terrorism, What happened on 911 is no different to what has happened today or anywhere else, the IRA and ETA and AL QUAIDA are all the same to me, EVIL.
To you they are all the same and that is fine, you can make that choice to keep your head burried. However, they are not the same to me.

As mentioned before, the IRA targeted the leaders of GB and they often gave warnings. Furthermore, the IRA had an established goal. The Muslims do not. The IRA was willing to negotiate, the Muslims are not. Can't you see these MAJOR differences? Terrorists are not all the same. Just as soldiers in any war are not all the same. In the European theatre in WWII, the Europeans were willing to surrender when they knew they were defeated in a battle. In the Pacific, the Japanese soldiers and civilians would fight to the death and or committ suicide instead of surrendering. One must identify the differences to be able to address how best to handle the situation. You have your head in the sand and would rather do nothing. That is YOUR choice but it sure as hell ISN'T mine.
freeandfun1 said:
To you that is fine, but not to me. As mentioned before, the IRA targeted the leaders of GB and they often gave warnings. That is not the same as what the Muslim terrorists are doing. That is a MAJOR difference but that's okay, keep your head in the sand.

They gave warnings? that was nice of them, that makes me feel so much better about the IRA.
Im sure all the families of the women and children they killed feel better about that to. im guessing your one of these irish americans who havent got a clue what its all about over here.
goatboy said:
They gave warnings? that was nice of them, that makes me feel so much better about the IRA.
Im sure all the families of the women and children they killed feel better about that to. im guessing your one of these irish americans who havent got a clue what its all about over here.
If you deny a warning is a warning then you are continually proving how ignorant you are. And I am not Irish American, but if I were, that would have nothing to do with my view. I call things as I see them. You just want to make a moral equivalent that is NOT there.
OCA said:
Well tell us your ways! I mean if you want I can get you a 1 way ticket to Fallujah for a falafel and tea negotiation sitdown with Zarqawi to which at the table he will shake your hand but afterwards he will decapitate you.

If you speak of negotiation as a tool your living in a dream world. Another hit off the pipe Spilly?

:thup: :clap1:
all terrorists are the same ok, they all want to wreck peoples lives and thats it.
you say the IRA only aimed at the G8, oh if only that was true. They didnt care who they killed ok, they put bombs in pubs clubs cars buses the lot so dont pretend any different.

They gave warnings to try and make themselves look a bit better, that may fool you ut not me, they kill hundreds and didnt care who.
goatboy said:
all terrorists are the same ok, they all want to wreck peoples lives and thats it.
you say the IRA only aimed at the G8, oh if only that was true. They didnt care who they killed ok, they put bombs in pubs clubs cars buses the lot so dont pretend any different.

They gave warnings to try and make themselves look a bit better, that may fool you ut not me, they kill hundreds and didnt care who.
You have your view and I have mine. I see major differences but if you don't want to, then so be it. It just proves your ignorance and bias.
goatboy said:
all terrorists are the same ok, they all want to wreck peoples lives and thats it.
you say the IRA only aimed at the G8, oh if only that was true. They didnt care who they killed ok, they put bombs in pubs clubs cars buses the lot so dont pretend any different.

They gave warnings to try and make themselves look a bit better, that may fool you ut not me, they kill hundreds and didnt care who.

But you are talking apples and oranges one in here approves of the IRA radicals...however try to stay focused on the real "World" threat which is it has been for many centuries now...they are still hurting from the defeat of the "Ottoman Empire" thrust....another major spanking is in order! :blowup:
archangel said:
Having had a career in law enforcement and as a intelligence officer all I can say is if a group is determined to carry off these types of attacks...nothing law enforcement can do 100%....
My contention is that an actual army-sized intel-police addition of several hundred thousand in the US alone, and several hundred thousand more worldwide would get us up to a pretty high level of security and enforcement, even if not 100%.

From your experience, what do you think?

so the only option left is to hit them where it essence since the Middle East Governments do in fact give monetary support to these groups as well as safe houses...when these attacks occur give them a 24 hr notice to cease and desist....then select a mosque in one or more of the offending countries and terminate it's existence.
Is there any evidence at all that any government was complicit in these attacks?

It may well be that all we have suffered has been the result of private funding and recruitment, even if there are governments which applaud the attacks.

I would not support such action in the absense of such evidence, and by evidence i mean much better information than we used to justify the invasion of Iraq.

Bombing mosques would surely radicalize huge numbers of Muslims, whose private resources would probably be enough to fund further attacks, even if the terrorists did not get a dime from any government.

archangel said:
If the process is repeated another notice is to be given that Mecca will cease to exist..if the message falls on deaf ears...terminate Mecca... I know this will probably never happen...however this is the only thing they will respect and take notice of....anything less is a waste of time and effort...and the attacks on Western Culture will continue.... :flameth:
Killing every single person in Saudi Arabia would still leave a billion or so enraged Muslims, including a fifth column of several million in the Free World.
USViking said:
My contention is that an actual army-sized intel-police addition of several hundred thousand in the US alone, and several hundred thousand more worldwide would get us up to a pretty high level of security and enforcement, even if not 100%.

From your experience, what do you think?

Is there any evidence at all that any government was complicit in these attacks?

It may well be that all we have suffered has been the result of private funding and recruitment, even if there are governments which applaud the attacks.

I would not support such action in the absence of such evidence, and by evidence i mean much better information than we used to justify the invasion of Iraq.

Bombing mosques would surely radicalize huge numbers of Muslims, whose private resources would probably be enough to fund further attacks, even if the terrorists did not get a dime from any government.

Killing every single person in Saudi Arabia would still leave a billion or so enraged Muslims, including a fifth column of several million in the Free World.
The major problem I have is that what you have described, sounds eerily like the Stasi.
OCA said:
Well tell us your ways! I mean if you want I can get you a 1 way ticket to Fallujah for a falafel and tea negotiation sitdown with Zarqawi to which at the table he will shake your hand but afterwards he will decapitate you.

If you speak of negotiation as a tool your living in a dream world. Another hit off the pipe Spilly?

LMFAO i don't see you contracting and supporthing this cause you are so shamelessly plugging.

2½ years and 200,000,000,000.00 dollars. do the math.

btw, bush failed to kill zarqawi when had the chance, but that's a tangent at best.

the policy to date has been a failure. look at the fruits of the labor. as i have said, without a solid coalition of countries, including muslim countries, the war in iraq will never end. the bombings will never. i just hope when the suitcase bomb hits, it hits your town, not mine.

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