Majority Of America: Trump Being Treated Fairly And Is Guilty

Yet you believe he is not guilty and that is your opinion as is my opinion that he is guilty. The only thing obvious is that there will be a trial where a guilty verdict will be achieved and we can move on to the next phase where his supports will claim conspiracy, interference, and this was none of Trumps fault.

Also they can visit on visiting days.
Found Guilty by a bunch of pinko commies like yourself who can't wait for the downfall of America
You believe Trump is guilty because that is the politburo party line you are expected to follow. You're absolutely fine with election denying, thievery, lies, falsehoods and election interference on the part of the Dems / Socialists. You're fine with a pretend-president who is a national and international disgrace. Just like the Soviet Politburo, a group of ideologically driven Dems / Socialists formulates the policies of the politburo while the workers, who possess a limited understanding of the underlying political ideology and are not burdened by convictions or a moral compass, press an ideology that destroys individualism and self-reliance and fosters the blind following of the dictator.
"politburo party line" :113:
You believe Trump is guilty because that is the politburo party line you are expected to follow. You're absolutely fine with election denying, thievery, lies, falsehoods and election interference on the part of the Dems / Socialists. You're fine with a pretend-president who is a national and international disgrace. Just like the Soviet Politburo, a group of ideologically driven Dems / Socialists formulates the policies of the politburo while the workers, who possess a limited understanding of the underlying political ideology and are not burdened by convictions or a moral compass, press an ideology that destroys individualism and self-reliance and fosters the blind following of the dictator.
Oh my yes, you hit it out of the park, thing is most of the leftist sheep don't even realize how useless they will be when the goal is achieved.
Trump didn't concede the election and the attempted coup isn't over my friend. America's courts are left to decide on whether or not the coup was successful.

If Trump succeeds in the courts then he will declare the 2020 election stolen and thereby the US Constitution will be null and void.

Corrupt government will then be defeated!
Are you people really that insane??!! 2020 is O-V-E-R !! I do not believe that anyone is so stupid that the outcome of any of these current CRIMINAL cases will have any bearing on the 2020 outcome
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Are you people really that insane??!! 2020 is O-V-E-R !! I do not believe that anyone is so stupid that the outcome of any of these current CRIMINAL cases will have any bearing on the 2020 outcome
No, for Trump the question on the 2020 election being stolen isn't over.

And roughly half of American voters are standing with him on his claim.
No, for Trump the question on the 2020 election being stolen isn't over.

And roughly half of American voters are standing with him on his claim.
62% of Americans think something happened and he should be tried. You know that.

No one of any thoughtfulness cares what MAGA wants. The former want the truth.
No, for Trump the question on the 2020 election being stolen isn't over.

And roughly half of American voters are standing with him on his claim.
It might not be over in their delusional and defective minds, but legally it certainly is. You do not seem to understand that fact. There is no going back.
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It might not be over in their delusional and defective minds, but legally it certainly is. You do not seem to understand that fact. There is no going back.
Absolutely correct. Even before Biden was legally installed as President, there were many “time limits” set into law that rightwingers evidently believe could be nonchalantly ignored. These can be found both in the Constitution and state electoral laws — and they are essential parts of the whole process of electing a President and other officials in the U.S.A.

Only in Banana Republics do corrupt incumbent presidents get to demand that their unproven assertions — in the face of the law, courts, and the conclusions of thousands of bipartisan and non-partisan election officials — can or should over-rule the process of rule by law and our long established traditions … and allow for wannabe dictators to require infinite “recounts” and delays.

Even after the failure of his increasingly desperate conspiratorial attempts to cause a Constitutionsl Crisis and stay in power illegally, Trump’s continuing “Big Lie” propaganda campaign is dividing and endangering our Republic.

Some of the trials investigating his truly terrible and unprecedented conduct will of course interfere inevitably with Trump’s new campaign for the Presidency. That cannot be eliminated entirely. The law allows for a common criminal to run as a presidential candidate … even from a prison cell.

The larger question isn’t whether or not Trump is found guilty or innocent of this or that charge for his past action. It’s not even if every charge should have been brought in the first place. The larger question is whether or not Americans have enough maturity and understanding to reject this demagogue altogether in our upcoming election.
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You started off strong and determined Tom, but then the facts on the situation caught up to you.

The larger question is whether or not Americans have enough maturity and understanding to reject this demagogue altogether in our upcoming election.

Yes, that's the larger question. I'm only trying to cause Americans to think of what could be coming, and I've done that for you and many others.
Yes. Donald H. with his discussion have convinced the great majority here that Trump has very little chance of being found not guilty.
Yes. Donald H. with his discussion have convinced the great majority here that Trump has very little chance of being found not guilty.
62% of Americans think something happened and he should be tried. You know that.
If you're to be trusted then I know it now.
No one of any thoughtfulness cares what MAGA wants. The former want the truth.
My opinion is that Trump may have been abandoned by now, but then I consider the alternative who is expected to beat him at the ballot box.

I'm not biased, I'm a Canadian with no dog in the fight. I'm only offering clear sightedness to Americans who are not afraid to see the facts of the situation.

I'm still getting a lot of feigned denial but I can read between the lines to see the uncertainty.

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