Majority Of America: Trump Being Treated Fairly And Is Guilty

Red herring fallacy, failed attempt to deflect.

The thread is about the fact that Trump is a criminal and guilty of his crimes, not Hillary Clinton.
I think it's very pertinent to the thread. After all, Hillary also claimed an election was 'stolen' from her. There she is on video even saying it!!! Yet, where are all the legal eagles and so called prosecutors breathing down HER neck, indicting her, arresting her, etc??? Equal justice under the law, Clem.
I think it's very pertinent to the thread. After all, Hillary also claimed an election was 'stolen' from her. There she is on video even saying it!!! Yet, where are all the legal eagles and so called prosecutors breathing down HER neck, indicting her, arresting her, etc??? Equal justice under the law, Clem.
Everyone forgets her incitement to insurrection of the pussy brigade as well.
He testified to a closed hearing. How do you know what he said? Yes it was very suspicious that they erased all the emails. Rumors are meaningless.

Ask yourself this; how could Trump possibly reach the steering wheel from the backseat of an SUV? And why would he challenge Secret Service guys who are buffed and ready to stop him?
I don't care if he reached the steering wheel or not, whether he grabbed the driver or not, nor does anyone wasn't the point....the point was Trump was insisting on being brought to the Capitol after his Ellipse one, not even Trump, denied that....
I think it's very pertinent to the thread. After all, Hillary also claimed an election was 'stolen' from her. There she is on video even saying it!!! Yet, where are all the legal eagles and so called prosecutors breathing down HER neck, indicting her, arresting her, etc??? Equal justice under the law, Clem.
put your thinking cap on....

when were those videos of Hillary?

election night....? Nope!

the following week? Nope!

before the state certification or Jan 6th? Nope!

A year or three later?
There was no attempted coup in the first place. No one was even charged with an attempted coup and, IF Jordan was involved, why did Pelosi ask him for prospective committee members in the first place? Your argument just doesn't hold water.
the attempted self coup by Trump and his minions, took place over a couple of months, started with the moment after the election where he claimed fraud, and the election was stolen lies all the way to fake electors, Congress critters disingenuously objecting electors, 1/6 riot to postpone constitutional duty, to scheme to take the citizen's vote away, soliciting lying affidavits, to State fake Giuliani hearings to Ninja audits, firing the AG and replacing with his man, etc etc etc etc etc etc

RICO anybody?

It was a multi effort, attempted self-coup....

No ifs, ands or buts about it!
Trump violated the law, as a consequence he’s a criminal.

One can be a criminal absent a conviction; a court proceeding is to determine guilt, not whether one is a criminal.
Failed, “because I say so” fallacy.

Trump violated what law?

We can agree then, you are in fact a criminal absent a conviction.
WOW, you assume a lot. No, I'm no expert but I can look things up and that's what I did. The courts will handle this one with care, they don't want a lose canon like trump to cause any more treachery against anyone and the nation in general. It will all be by the book. Nothing left to chance. Besides trump will hang himself , he always does.
That’s lovely. As an acclaimed internet lawyer you have this all figured out.

Did you realize your analysis literally screams out an expectation that the court will convict Trump? That’s your hope, obviously.

Is it OK if evidence is presented before the guilty verdict?
And Biden's family is being treated fairly too

The dif is the Bidens don't commit crimes
Well, I wouldn’t go that far. There is Hunter, after all, and he has committed his fair share of crimes.

But you are right, Joe Biden over his long career has been careful to stay within the usual parameters of what is allowable.

He certainly was never like Trump, not born into privilege with a megalomaniacal amoral need for fame and power. He’s actually a typical old time Catholic Democratic politician, probably with an old-fashioned very Catholic conscience. He has always had good relations with both unions and huge corporations that have for generations controlled his home state of Delaware.
The key, as always, is independents.

And it hasn't even been 72 hours since the surrender.

Democrumbles believe POLITICO. That means some Deep Stater has convinced their audience of all the big lies that got themselves a false narrative win and a future for themselves in a welfare line. And I think skews 13 is having a mindless bubble bath.
the attempted self coup by Trump and his minions, took place over a couple of months, started with the moment after the election where he claimed fraud, and the election was stolen lies all the way to fake electors, Congress critters disingenuously objecting electors, 1/6 riot to postpone constitutional duty, to scheme to take the citizen's vote away, soliciting lying affidavits, to State fake Giuliani hearings to Ninja audits, firing the AG and replacing with his man, etc etc etc etc etc etc

RICO anybody?

It was a multi effort, attempted self-coup....

No ifs, ands or buts about it!
Where is the crime?
.it wasn't the point
Then why do you keep bringing it up?
put your thinking cap on....

when were those videos of Hillary?

election night....? Nope!

the following week? Nope!

before the state certification or Jan 6th? Nope!

A year or three later?
Bbbbut, bbbbbut, bbbbbut. I think you are grasping at straws again. Your fair haired lying HRC is guilty of far worse things than he is contending but you'll go to your grave defending her. Benghazi.

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