Majority Of America: Trump Being Treated Fairly And Is Guilty

Something like hundreds of Russians have always tried to interfere in our elections and spew propaganda but you single out Trump as some kind of Russian conspirator.

I never said Trump was a Russian conspirator. That's just your bitch emotions doing cosplay because a snowflake like you can't handle reality.
Mueller was operating under the assumption that Trump was guilty obviously to spew that shit about 'exonerating' Trump. You're just too stupid and/or blinded by Trump hate to use your brain properly.
Mueller exonerated Trump on Russian collusion, you dumb Simp. 😄
No, Simp, Mueller went beyond the law and basically told us he thought Trump was guilty unless proven innocent. That's why he used the convoluted jargon that he couldn't find evidence that Trump did NOT commit crimes. That's a dead giveaway that Mueller never tried to be fair and biased. Also, as I already schooled you, 'exonerate' is not a term used in an investigation, it's a legal term typically used when a convicted individual is subsequently found innocent. This tells us what Mueller's intent was. Mueller really should be brought up on malicious prosecution.
Jesus Christ you're stupid. 😄

I never said Trump was a Russian conspirator. That's just your bitch emotions doing cosplay because a snowflake like you can't handle reality.

Mueller exonerated Trump on Russian collusion, you dumb Simp. 😄

Jesus Christ you're stupid. 😄
So, you don't support Mueller? I don't believe it. Mueller had no standing to exonerate an individual not convicted of a crime. You, like Mueller, had Trump guilty before there were any real facts. You believe a bunch of Democrat 'cosplay.'
No where did I say that this suggests any collusion between Trump's campaign
WTF do you think they were investigating stupid. You have been talking about it for a while now.
The democrats have been guilty of that collusion by Biden's own admission. Why do you think they call him quid pro joe? You really need to research your subject before you make a fool of yourself.
So, you don't support Mueller? I don't believe it. Mueller had no standing to exonerate an individual not convicted of a crime. You, like Mueller, had Trump guilty before there were any real facts. You believe a bunch of Democrat 'cosplay.'
You are one very special Bingo. 😄 Just because you imagine the word exonerate only has only one appropriate use doesn't actually make it so.
WTF do you think they were investigating stupid. You have been talking about it for a while now.
They were investigating Russian attempts to interfere with our elections and whether or not they colluded with the Trump campaign. They found evidence of one and not the other. That's what investigations are for you dumb Bingo. Finding answers. You cowards are so afraid of the answers that you lash out at the investigations themselves. Way to tell on yourselves there guys. 😄
The democrats have been guilty of that collusion by Biden's own admission. Why do you think they call him quid pro joe? You really need to research your subject before you make a fool of yourself.
Sorry, I take my cues from professionals, not Bingos who's evidence amounts to a catchy nickname. 😄
You are one very special Bingo. 😄 Just because you imagine the word exonerate only has only one appropriate use doesn't actually make it so.
Just because you want it, doesn't make a word mean something else, Marxie.
You don't 'exonerate' an innocent individual, fool, that is not the meaning of the word.
You're stupid. That is one context for the word. Yes, we exonerate people who are wrongly convicted and you must first be convicted in order to be exonerated. In that context. Mueller was using it in the context as an investigator who's job it is to determine whether or not he thinks a suspect has committed any crimes. He couldn't exonerate Trump as an investigator looking into criminality. That's a perfectly fine context with which to use the word you stupid stupid Bingo. 😄
You're stupid. That is one context for the word. Yes, we exonerate people who are wrongly convicted and you must first be convicted in order to be exonerated. In that context. Mueller was using it in the context as an investigator who's job it is to determine whether or not he thinks a suspect has committed any crimes. He couldn't exonerate Trump as an investigator looking into criminality. That's a perfectly fine context with which to use the word you stupid stupid Bingo. 😄
You fool, Trump did nothing to be suspected of in the first place and yes, Mueller used the term inappropriately which, as I already said, shows his bias toward Trump being guilty. You believe in fairy tales and "Orange Man Bad." Silly Marxie.
lash out at frivolous, political, partisan harrassment--there I fixed it for you.
If they were political and partisan then they wouldn't of found a formerly Republican appointed FBI director to head the investigation and the investigation wouldn't of concluded that there wasn't any evidence is collusion. Everything you say is stupid.
You fool, Trump did nothing to be suspected of in the first place and yes, Mueller used the term inappropriately which, as I already said, shows his bias toward Trump being guilty. You believe in fairy tales and "Orange Man Bad." Silly Marxie.
It does not. You're too stupid to even understand the context in which he used the word. You made that readily apparent. 😄
Trump violated the law, as a consequence he’s a criminal.

One can be a criminal absent a conviction; a court proceeding is to determine guilt, not whether one is a criminal.
Lord how you Marxies play fast and loose with the American language. Your arrogant, narcissistic summary 'legal' judgement is a window into your highly estimable, myopic, intellect.

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