Majority of Americans did not vote for Donald John Trump:

Honey, does socialistic make you happier?
The dem party at this point in time is for more communistic control like the Green/DSA Party, so why you voted 3rd party is beyond me. They are joined at the hip. Have at it.
Who is president?

This is stupid

So why respond?

Simple, you believe that majority of America voted for Trump don't you?

If so the numbers don't lie and as stated he won the Electoral College and had Stein voters went to Clinton instead, well your boy would have lost and we would be enduring four years of the beast instead.

Now do you have anything to add that has to do with what I wrote or will you claim it does not matter because all that matter Trump won, and if so what happen if the Green vote for the Democratic choice in 2020 would Trump win again?
^^^ Neither party is 'communistic.' Do you understand the term?

I am Libertarian and not Green...

Jesus fucking Christ I have stated this more times than not and Green voter and Democratic voters have a lot in common but Greens hated Clinton too much for the dirty shit they did to Sanders.

Why is that hard for anyone to understand?
Trump can't have my heart, but he needs to do his job, at which he is now failing.

73 million to 62 million voted against him.

Either he gets to it or he gets fired.

Stop lying...the vote was 65 mil to 62 mil
Add in the third party voter and Jake is more correct than you!

I know third party voters don't matter until you need their vote...
Wow, that number just keeps jumping! Lol, it is actually under 3 million.
Trump can't have my heart, but he needs to do his job, at which he is now failing.

73 million to 62 million voted against him.

Either he gets to it or he gets fired.

My bet is Jake was adding the third party vote to that total which would be more to Jake total.
Trump can't have my heart, but he needs to do his job, at which he is now failing.

73 million to 62 million voted against him.

Either he gets to it or he gets fired.

Stop lying...the vote was 65 mil to 62 mil
Add in the third party voter and Jake is more correct than you!

I know third party voters don't matter until you need their vote...

Trump won....get the fuck over it, child
Trump can't have my heart, but he needs to do his job, at which he is now failing.

73 million to 62 million voted against him.

Either he gets to it or he gets fired.

Stop lying...the vote was 65 mil to 62 mil
Add in the third party voter and Jake is more correct than you!

I know third party voters don't matter until you need their vote...

Trump won....get the fuck over it, child

I know Trump won and yet you have a really hard time realizing that for some reason?

Now what is your problem with me showing that Trump did not garner the majority of America love?

Does it hurt your wittle feelings Sassy and you are hugging your Trump doll because you believe every American is like you and those not like you are communist illegals that live in gay sin while raping little animals at night on your lawn or is under your lonely bed?

Numbers do not lie but it seem you can not understand I know Trump won, and live with the reality that so many fucking Americans are beyond fucking retarded that they would have selected either Trump or Clinton to lead this nation, but hey keep on telling me what to do and remember if the green goes the Democratic way, well you will be the childish brat crying Americans are fucking stupid while claiming voter fraud because that is what childish brats do when they do not win!

I can't believe a simple discussion about the fact Clinton lost because of the Green vote and the reality that Trump never has the love of the majority here in America would upset you so much!?!
Trump doesn't need our hearts. He needs to do his job.

He has been doing his job, but he is out of his league and is like a class A minor league soft toss pitcher ( or does he prefer catcher? ) playing against Babe Ruth in politics and there is no winning no matter what he does...
Yes, this political thing is new to him. And all first term presidents learn on the job. For a guy "out of his league" he's done rather well so far.

Not really but still he is not like Obama the idealist thinking nutter...

No he's not, he's a real American.

Unfortunately the school systems have been hijacked by leftists and turned into leftist indoctrination institutions, they all march lock-step to Obama's Pied Piper flute.

I have no doubt massive voter fraud occurred in both of Obama's elections. Moreso in the second one.

C'mon, precincts where Romney got zero votes? That's not realistic enough to believe.
Trump doesn't need our hearts. He needs to do his job.

He has been doing his job, but he is out of his league and is like a class A minor league soft toss pitcher ( or does he prefer catcher? ) playing against Babe Ruth in politics and there is no winning no matter what he does...
Yes, this political thing is new to him. And all first term presidents learn on the job. For a guy "out of his league" he's done rather well so far.

Not really but still he is not like Obama the idealist thinking nutter...

No he's not, he's a real American.

Unfortunately the school systems have been hijacked by leftists and turned into leftist indoctrination institutions, they all march lock-step to Obama's Pied Piper flute.

I have no doubt massive voter fraud occurred in both of Obama's elections. Moreso in the second one.

C'mon, precincts where Romney got zero votes? That's not realistic enough to believe.

Sorry but if you believe that then keep on believing and Obama was born in Hawaii as a bastard.. So both are REAL Americans but one was not white!

( Race card sure why not seeing I have been called a child and other things so far )
Trump doesn't need our hearts. He needs to do his job.

He has been doing his job, but he is out of his league and is like a class A minor league soft toss pitcher ( or does he prefer catcher? ) playing against Babe Ruth in politics and there is no winning no matter what he does...
Yes, this political thing is new to him. And all first term presidents learn on the job. For a guy "out of his league" he's done rather well so far.

Not really but still he is not like Obama the idealist thinking nutter...

No he's not, he's a real American.

Unfortunately the school systems have been hijacked by leftists and turned into leftist indoctrination institutions, they all march lock-step to Obama's Pied Piper flute.

I have no doubt massive voter fraud occurred in both of Obama's elections. Moreso in the second one.

C'mon, precincts where Romney got zero votes? That's not realistic enough to believe.

Sorry but if you believe that then keep on believing and Obama was born in Hawaii as a bastard.. So both are REAL Americans but one was not white!

( Race card sure why not seeing I have been called a child and other things so far )

I find that hard to believe when it took (Obama) so long for him to produce his birth certificate and then the woman died in a plane crash.

Disregarding that, I was referring more to his Communist American family and Kenyan father and his disdain for the American way.

IMO, he's a leftist first, Muslim second, and American third. (IF he actually is American.)

He may end up impeached.
And neither did Hillary get the majority of the votes. You can look it up.

It may also be worth noting:
  • In 2016 Trump got 46.10% of the popular vote.
  • In 1992 Bill Clinton won getting 43.01% of the popular vote.
Trump can't have my heart, but he needs to do his job, at which he is now failing.

73 million to 62 million voted against him.

Either he gets to it or he gets fired.

Stop lying...the vote was 65 mil to 62 mil
Add in the third party voter and Jake is more correct than you!

I know third party voters don't matter until you need their vote...

Trump won....get the fuck over it, child

I know Trump won and yet you have a really hard time realizing that for some reason?

Now what is your problem with me showing that Trump did not garner the majority of America love?

Does it hurt your wittle feelings Sassy and you are hugging your Trump doll because you believe every American is like you and those not like you are communist illegals that live in gay sin while raping little animals at night on your lawn or is under your lonely bed?

Numbers do not lie but it seem you can not understand I know Trump won, and live with the reality that so many fucking Americans are beyond fucking retarded that they would have selected either Trump or Clinton to lead this nation, but hey keep on telling me what to do and remember if the green goes the Democratic way, well you will be the childish brat crying Americans are fucking stupid while claiming voter fraud because that is what childish brats do when they do not win!

I can't believe a simple discussion about the fact Clinton lost because of the Green vote and the reality that Trump never has the love of the majority here in America would upset you so much!?!

Why is it so hard for you to admit that HRC only won New York, California, the vote from illegitimates, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses and the un-Americans. Very, very few stand-up legitimate American's voted for HRC.

EDIT: I forgot to include Feminazi's
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Trump doesn't need our hearts. He needs to do his job.

He has been doing his job, but he is out of his league and is like a class A minor league soft toss pitcher ( or does he prefer catcher? ) playing against Babe Ruth in politics and there is no winning no matter what he does...

This just isn't true.

If Trump stopped lying (highly unlikely), it would go a long way towards helping the public support his Presidency.

If he stopped praising Putin (and other authoritarian dictators) while denigrating America's friends and allies, it would help the public opinion of him.

If he accepted responsibility for his own mistakes instead of blaming others for his own stupidity, people would have more respect for him.

And last but not least, if he focussed on running the country, instead of lashing out at every critic, he might get more support.
The left: WE DIDN'T GET OUR WAY!!!!!!

Petulant children
Well Sassy if I am to the left of you, well then you are not too bright!

Now my thread did state Trump won the Electoral College and yet you ignored that and now want to troll me, so let play but I am going to troll you like it is 2002 because my point is simple the green party help your boy win and if they vote Democrat in 2020 your boy is gone!

You're butthurt and seeking attention

Clinton lost, it's over and was over last Nov

Well then Sassy show where I am butt-hurt because I have not shown any hurt over Trump winning and in fact my thread states he won, or do you deny this because you can not live with the reality most of America voted against Trump and also Clinton!?!

Numbers don't lie, so live with it or don't and claim someone is butt-hurt for writing the reality that you reject because to you every American loves Trump and those that don't are illegals that voted against him, right?

Trump won...thats it

With that win, Trump accepted a job with huge responsibilities, none of which are being fulfilled.

He hasn't fill very many Administration vacancies created after Obama's people left or appointed ambassadors to foreign embassies.

He's sent no legislation to Congress and no legislation has been passed since he took office. Paul Ryan wrote the Health Insurance legislation and it was passed in the House, but the Senate is now rewriting the bill.

And then there's the firings.

This is an Administration with no plan, no organization and no clue.
Trump doesn't need our hearts. He needs to do his job.

He'd like to but he's not smart enough. That red faced son-of-a-bitch has been spoiled rotten all his life. He was born into money and brought into an automatic fortune in the real estate business. He should have been around during the Hoover depression. Most of the pricks like him jumped out of a window when the economy failed.
Trump can't have my heart, but he needs to do his job, at which he is now failing.

73 million to 62 million voted against him.

Either he gets to it or he gets fired.

Stop lying...the vote was 65 mil to 62 mil
Add in the third party voter and Jake is more correct than you!

I know third party voters don't matter until you need their vote...

Trump won....get the fuck over it, child

I know Trump won and yet you have a really hard time realizing that for some reason?

Now what is your problem with me showing that Trump did not garner the majority of America love?

Does it hurt your wittle feelings Sassy and you are hugging your Trump doll because you believe every American is like you and those not like you are communist illegals that live in gay sin while raping little animals at night on your lawn or is under your lonely bed?

Numbers do not lie but it seem you can not understand I know Trump won, and live with the reality that so many fucking Americans are beyond fucking retarded that they would have selected either Trump or Clinton to lead this nation, but hey keep on telling me what to do and remember if the green goes the Democratic way, well you will be the childish brat crying Americans are fucking stupid while claiming voter fraud because that is what childish brats do when they do not win!

I can't believe a simple discussion about the fact Clinton lost because of the Green vote and the reality that Trump never has the love of the majority here in America would upset you so much!?!

Why is it so hard for you to admit that HRC only won New York, California, the vote from illegitimates, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses and the un-Americans. Very, very few stand-up legitimate American's voted for HRC.

EDIT: I forgot to include Feminazi's

I can tell by your sympathy for the human race you belong to the right political party.
Eleven million MORE voted AGAINST Trump than for.

Real America is coming for President Snowflake, and it won't be pretty.

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