Majority of Americans did not vote for Donald John Trump:

Before one of you write that Donald John Trump won the Electoral College and that is the only vote that matters, well no shit Sherlock tell me something I did not know!

Also before any of you claim that Clinton did not win the National Popular vote because illegals voted for her or voter fraud happen, well the actual evidence and not just speculations or opinions does not support that either and she won the Popular vote because of her landslide victory in California.

Now what is this really about?

Well the reality that Trump failed to win the hearts of most voters. The reality that when you combine the Third Party vote with Clinton vote it clearly shows many Americans were against Trump and let be factual they were also against Clinton too.

Also let be factual and admit in swing states that Clinton should have won the Green vote killed her there. Stein pulled off a Nader on Clinton in close states like Michigan where Stein garner 51k votes and had they went to Clinton she would have won that state or in Wisconsin where Stein garner 31k of the vote and had they went to Clinton she would have won the State or Pennsylvania where Stein garner 49k of the vote and if Clinton had gained those vote Clinton would have won that State.

So again what is my point?

Simple, the reality is 7.8 Million third party voters voted against the Two Major Parties candidates and with that in close contested states like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin it cost the Democratic Nominee the Electoral Votes to win the National Election.

Now I am going to assume many of Trump voters will claim all that I have written is a lie and I am being butt-hurt over Clinton loss but being a Johnson voter in the State of Texas mean that Clinton was someone I never wanted.

Also for the Clinton voter you should reflect on the reason why your candidate lost the National Election and not blame Russia or Third Party voters for her failure. You should ask yourself where was the failure to garner the Green Voter and how many of them were Sanders Voters that either stayed home or voted for Stein instead of your candidate.

Now I know this was not written in the Rubber Room and rules do apply but make your argument against what I wrote funny and amusing and not the typical partisan nonsense like I am a Nazi, Third Party voters hate America, or that I am butt-hurt because as you can see I am not a Nazi ( well only with some ) and Clinton would have been as bad as Trump to me or maybe even worse seeing she would have been investigated daily about if she had a penis or if she really gave birth to Chelsea Clinton and I love America what a Country!?!

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So with that here is a link to the vote totals and learn that if the Democrats want to win they will need the Green voter in 2018 and on and if you think their votes does not matter then you have not learn what it will cost you when you toss them to the side for a corporate candidate instead...

United States presidential election, 2016 - Wikipedia

With only 55% of Americans voting in 2016 a candidate would have to get 91% of the votes cast to receive a majority of Americans.

Well then I am correct seeing 45% of America did not vote and mean they did not like either candidate to care enough to vote.
Trump got the votes he needed in the states he needed to put him over 270 in the electoral college it's as simple as that.

Yes, and I stated he won the Electoral College.

It still does not change the fact that majority of America did not vote for him...

Same goes for Clinton when you do the damn math!
The left: WE DIDN'T GET OUR WAY!!!!!!

Petulant children
Well Sassy if I am to the left of you, well then you are not too bright!

Now my thread did state Trump won the Electoral College and yet you ignored that and now want to troll me, so let play but I am going to troll you like it is 2002 because my point is simple the green party help your boy win and if they vote Democrat in 2020 your boy is gone!

You're butthurt and seeking attention

Clinton lost, it's over and was over last Nov

Well then Sassy show where I am butt-hurt because I have not shown any hurt over Trump winning and in fact my thread states he won, or do you deny this because you can not live with the reality most of America voted against Trump and also Clinton!?!

Numbers don't lie, so live with it or don't and claim someone is butt-hurt for writing the reality that you reject because to you every American loves Trump and those that don't are illegals that voted against him, right?

Trump won...thats it
The left: WE DIDN'T GET OUR WAY!!!!!!

Petulant children
Well Sassy if I am to the left of you, well then you are not too bright!

Now my thread did state Trump won the Electoral College and yet you ignored that and now want to troll me, so let play but I am going to troll you like it is 2002 because my point is simple the green party help your boy win and if they vote Democrat in 2020 your boy is gone!

You're butthurt and seeking attention

Clinton lost, it's over and was over last Nov

Well then Sassy show where I am butt-hurt because I have not shown any hurt over Trump winning and in fact my thread states he won, or do you deny this because you can not live with the reality most of America voted against Trump and also Clinton!?!

Numbers don't lie, so live with it or don't and claim someone is butt-hurt for writing the reality that you reject because to you every American loves Trump and those that don't are illegals that voted against him, right?

Trump won...thats it

Yes Sassy he won and your point is?

As I stated he won the Electoral College, so did you miss that or are you so upset at the reality that the numbers show that both Candidates suck so much that 45% of America did not vote and when you add the third party voters into the mix it shows America really did not like either candidate that much!
The poor Partisan hacks hate math!

Yes Trump won the Electoral College which I stated at the start of my thread but it seem those that voted for him do not care about that and believe because Trump won the Electoral College mean he won the hearts and minds of the majority of America which he did not.

If 55% America only voted and Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million and then add in the third party voter does that mean Trump was loved by America or just good enough to win the Electoral College map?

Also had the Democrats ran a green more friendly candidate like Obama was then Trump would have failed to win key swing states where Clinton lost because of the green vote.

My point?

Democrats need the Green vote to win and are they smart enough to realize this or will they run another corporate whore because the truth is Trump was not liked but Clinton was hated more in swing states!

I know reality sucks and oh how I am so butt-hurt not reading the daily blogs about how Clinton is being investigated for having a smelly ass and twat!
Trump got the votes he needed in the states he needed to put him over 270 in the electoral college it's as simple as that.

Yes, and I stated he won the Electoral College.

It still does not change the fact that majority of America did not vote for him...

Same goes for Clinton when you do the damn math!
Yes I'm aware of what you stated my point is all of that is irrelevant and does not matter people can talk about third party candidates, Russia, sexism, voter suppression and anything else they can think of to be explain why the election turned out the way it did Trump will still be President through at least 2020. Its dam well past time for people to come to terms with this fact.
Trump got the votes he needed in the states he needed to put him over 270 in the electoral college it's as simple as that.

Yes, and I stated he won the Electoral College.

It still does not change the fact that majority of America did not vote for him...

Same goes for Clinton when you do the damn math!
Yes I'm aware of what you stated my point is all of that is irrelevant and does not matter people can talk about third party candidates, Russia, sexism, voter suppression and anything else they can think of to be explain why the election turned out the way it did Trump will still be President through at least 2020. Its dam well past time for people to come to terms with this fact.

Well thank you for telling me that I need to come to terms with this and what I should be allow to write because I forgot that if I write the reality and it shows that majority of Americans voted against Trump, well fuck that shit because the Trump voters will call for silence and call for deportation of me because I am not writing Trump is the damn greatest person that lived!

If Green swing Democrat next election you're party is screwed as can be, but hey don't believe me and believe that Trump is loved and I am just butt-hurt...
First off...THANK GOD the filth and whack-jobs that make up California and New York can't determine our POTUS.
The DNC has worked tirelessly to import and harvest tens of millions of filthy, dependent humans and implanted them in New York and California. I don't see the GOP winning either one of those shithole states anytime soon. You gotta admit...the DNC did a hell of a job aligning themselves with Mexicans...they know they reproduce more of their dependent same at a cockroaches pace and nearly all default to Democrat.
Trump can't have my heart, but he needs to do his job, at which he is now failing.

73 million to 62 million voted against him.

Either he gets to it or he gets fired.
The dem party at this point in time is for more communistic control like the Green/DSA Party, so why you voted 3rd party is beyond me. They are joined at the hip. Have at it.
Who is president?

This is stupid

So why respond?

Simple, you believe that majority of America voted for Trump don't you?

If so the numbers don't lie and as stated he won the Electoral College and had Stein voters went to Clinton instead, well your boy would have lost and we would be enduring four years of the beast instead.

Now do you have anything to add that has to do with what I wrote or will you claim it does not matter because all that matter Trump won, and if so what happen if the Green vote for the Democratic choice in 2020 would Trump win again?
Wow, that number just keeps jumping! Lol, it is actually under 3 million.
Trump can't have my heart, but he needs to do his job, at which he is now failing.

73 million to 62 million voted against him.

Either he gets to it or he gets fired.
The dem party at this point in time is for more communistic control like the Green/DSA Party, so why you voted 3rd party is beyond me. They are joined at the hip. Have at it.
Who is president?

This is stupid

So why respond?

Simple, you believe that majority of America voted for Trump don't you?

If so the numbers don't lie and as stated he won the Electoral College and had Stein voters went to Clinton instead, well your boy would have lost and we would be enduring four years of the beast instead.

Now do you have anything to add that has to do with what I wrote or will you claim it does not matter because all that matter Trump won, and if so what happen if the Green vote for the Democratic choice in 2020 would Trump win again?
^^^ Neither party is 'communistic.' Do you understand the term?
Trump got the votes he needed in the states he needed to put him over 270 in the electoral college it's as simple as that.

Yes, and I stated he won the Electoral College.

It still does not change the fact that majority of America did not vote for him...

Same goes for Clinton when you do the damn math!
Yes I'm aware of what you stated my point is all of that is irrelevant and does not matter people can talk about third party candidates, Russia, sexism, voter suppression and anything else they can think of to be explain why the election turned out the way it did Trump will still be President through at least 2020. Its dam well past time for people to come to terms with this fact.

Well thank you for telling me that I need to come to terms with this and what I should be allow to write because I forgot that if I write the reality and it shows that majority of Americans voted against Trump, well fuck that shit because the Trump voters will call for silence and call for deportation of me because I am not writing Trump is the damn greatest person that lived!

If Green swing Democrat next election you're party is screwed as can be, but hey don't believe me and believe that Trump is loved and I am just butt-hurt...
I didn't tell what you can write you can write any fucking thing you like and I can dam sure comment on it if you want to rehash the last election till November of 2020 be my guest I have made my point about what that accomplishes and won't waste anymore time with it.
Honey, does socialistic make you happier?
The dem party at this point in time is for more communistic control like the Green/DSA Party, so why you voted 3rd party is beyond me. They are joined at the hip. Have at it.
Who is president?

This is stupid

So why respond?

Simple, you believe that majority of America voted for Trump don't you?

If so the numbers don't lie and as stated he won the Electoral College and had Stein voters went to Clinton instead, well your boy would have lost and we would be enduring four years of the beast instead.

Now do you have anything to add that has to do with what I wrote or will you claim it does not matter because all that matter Trump won, and if so what happen if the Green vote for the Democratic choice in 2020 would Trump win again?
^^^ Neither party is 'communistic.' Do you understand the term?
Trump got the votes he needed in the states he needed to put him over 270 in the electoral college it's as simple as that.

Yes, and I stated he won the Electoral College.

It still does not change the fact that majority of America did not vote for him...

Same goes for Clinton when you do the damn math!
Yes I'm aware of what you stated my point is all of that is irrelevant and does not matter people can talk about third party candidates, Russia, sexism, voter suppression and anything else they can think of to be explain why the election turned out the way it did Trump will still be President through at least 2020. Its dam well past time for people to come to terms with this fact.

Well thank you for telling me that I need to come to terms with this and what I should be allow to write because I forgot that if I write the reality and it shows that majority of Americans voted against Trump, well fuck that shit because the Trump voters will call for silence and call for deportation of me because I am not writing Trump is the damn greatest person that lived!

If Green swing Democrat next election you're party is screwed as can be, but hey don't believe me and believe that Trump is loved and I am just butt-hurt...
I didn't tell what you can write you can write any fucking thing you like and I can dam sure comment on it if you want to rehash the last election till November of 2020 be my guest I have made my point about what that accomplishes and won't waste anymore time with it.

Sure and thank you for telling me again what I can write.

Find it funny Trump voters got more bent about the reality Trump is not as popular as you believe and believe that Trump win in the Electoral College is some mandate but had the green voter not voted the way they did, well your boy would be at home and you would be calling for the impeachment of Clinton.

Oh and if you believe I subscribe to the damn Russian Connection, well then again you and most Trump voters believe anyone that did not vote for Trump must be a Liberal Communist whore, so your opinion is noted...
You Alt Righties can get all hissy, yet the fact remains Trump is a president whose support is shrinking rapidly and . . . bigly

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