Majority of Americans no longer believe Joe Biden is competent

Who in their right mind thought he was competent in the first fucking place, wholly shit?

What, people don't believe their ears, brains and eyes anymore, WTF? The answer to that is YES, and collectively brains have severely regressed, so have balls.

Xiden is POTUS because among other things Trump tweeted your feelings, guess what that makes you?
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Hey, let high tail it out of Afghanistan and leave a bunch of equipment for the Taliban, what could possibly go wrong?

Asaad Hanna


Taliban is moving the American military vehicles to Iran

Biden is not a real President. He will forever be a punchline.

What a fucking joke the Democrats are.

Communist pieces of shit.

The standard Republican lies about Democrats. Bleating these same lies endlessly has never made them true, and now that the Republican Party has lost all credibility throughout the world, the rest of the world will never see a Republican President as legitimate.

The dismantling of free and fair elections in Republican held state houses, the trampling of the voting rights for traditional Democratic constituencies in these states, speaks volumes to the rest of the world. As does the attacks, threats, and drive out of election officials across the country - for following the law.

Now that Republicans are being called on their illegal behaviour, arrested, jailed and sued for their crimes, suddenly the police are "scum" and "murderers". Speaking of "scum and murderers", Kyle Rittenhouse's trial starts November 1st.

These are the kinds of thugs who pass for "heros" in Republican America.
You Dems bloviated for 4 years that Trump was wrecking the relationships with our allies, now here's Biden actually doing that and your response is, "So?". We knew you Dems were full of shit, you are 100% phony.
That's, "so," an in I asked a question but you answered a question I didn't ask.
Out was the right move, War Never has or ever will end well. Always death disorder & damage. Just more political BS to discredit Biden. Could the job been done better maybe? but looking at other past wars would have to say not so bad at all.
I pains me to say so, but I agree. Trump and his admin were going to flush the Taliban down the toilet. Miller and RW media didn't want Afghans here. But I'd have preferred that to having thousands of Americans marooned (should I say moroned) over there.
They were marooned. In order to be moroned, they would have to be Democrats!
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Out was the right move, War Never has or ever will end well. Always death disorder & damage. Just more political BS to discredit Biden. Could the job been done better maybe? but looking at other past wars would have to say not so bad at all.
Not so bad? Biden had to send thousands of troops BACK into Afghanistan to get our citizens and allies out of there.
The standard Republican lies about Democrats. Bleating these same lies endlessly has never made them true, and now that the Republican Party has lost all credibility throughout the world, the rest of the world will never see a Republican President as legitimate.

The dismantling of free and fair elections in Republican held state houses, the trampling of the voting rights for traditional Democratic constituencies in these states, speaks volumes to the rest of the world. As does the attacks, threats, and drive out of election officials across the country - for following the law.

Now that Republicans are being called on their illegal behaviour, arrested, jailed and sued for their crimes, suddenly the police are "scum" and "murderers". Speaking of "scum and murderers", Kyle Rittenhouse's trial starts November 1st.

These are the kinds of thugs who pass for "heros" in Republican America.
I find it funny that you can’t defend Biden or the Democrats, the only defense you have is running down Republicans. Your tactics are very telling of how bad it is for the Democrats and Biden.
Out was the right move, War Never has or ever will end well. Always death disorder & damage. Just more political BS to discredit Biden. Could the job been done better maybe? but looking at other past wars would have to say not so bad at all.

One does not need to graduate from West Point at the top of their class to know you remove the military AFTER the civilians are evacuated, AND you don’t leave billions of dollars of the worlds most sophisticated weapons for the enemy. Spin all you want, but Joe Biden is a demented, racist, incompetent, horse’s ass that just put us all in danger.
That's, "so," an in I asked a question but you answered a question I didn't ask.
We are getting tired of electing false Repubs promoted by the deep state. The historical nastiness of the past will repeat again..
Faun Also, if I were wrong, why do you prevent people from seeing your post history in your profile? That is, unless, you are lying to everyone here, in that case, another symptom of a liberal Biden supporter ashamed to speak out in his/her support of an incompetent old man occupying the White House.

You can drop the act. It is quite the common tactic, both from people like you and the rightist kooks on this board to hide their posts from the rest of the people here.

Why are you stalking Faun's posting history?
Because I can. Whatever you say on this forum is essentially public record. If you insist on hiding what you say on this forum, you are a coward.

Do I care what you think about that? Not in the slightest.
I'm not hiding my posting history. It's not my fault you're too fucking retarded to look at my past posts.
The standard Republican lies about Democrats. Bleating these same lies endlessly has never made them true, and now that the Republican Party has lost all credibility throughout the world, the rest of the world will never see a Republican President as legitimate.

The dismantling of free and fair elections in Republican held state houses, the trampling of the voting rights for traditional Democratic constituencies in these states, speaks volumes to the rest of the world. As does the attacks, threats, and drive out of election officials across the country - for following the law.

Now that Republicans are being called on their illegal behaviour, arrested, jailed and sued for their crimes, suddenly the police are "scum" and "murderers". Speaking of "scum and murderers", Kyle Rittenhouse's trial starts November 1st.

These are the kinds of thugs who pass for "heros" in Republican America.
Putin and Ayatollah Assahollah are waiting on Zoom for your Conference Call with Xi, Obama, Clinton and CCP Joe.

You have been a real disappointment to them.
I'm not hiding my posting history. It's not my fault you're too fucking retarded to look at my past posts.
"This member limits who may view their full profile."

Took one click.

I can't help it if you're too retarded to use this website's full range of functions.
"This member limits who may view their full profile."

Took one click.

I can't help it if you're too retarded to use this website's full range of functions.

Dumbfuck, why would you click on my profile again when you know it's private?? :lmao:

That just goes to prove what a retard you are.

Dumbfuck, why would you click on my profile again when you know it's private?? :lmao:

That just goes to prove what a retard you are.

It just goes to show how willingly you lied to me about it just now.

You knew it was private but denied the assertion that you were hiding your post history.

"I'm not hiding my post history," you said.

I hate compulsive liars. And now that you have been exposed as one, one wonders what else you have willingly lied about on this forum.

Get out of my sight.
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