Majority of Americans prefer "insurection" & Trump over Biden

enact laws allowing partisan interference by legislatures not based on election laws ruled

I'm not sure I understand what this means.

Do you mean, a partisan legislature would just overturn an election they don't like. . . on a whim? With no justification? Has such a law been passed?
I put insurrection in quotes for a reason. Most Americans CLEARLY aren't buying what yall are selling. Thought I made that clear in the op.

As for the title I'll leave it that way since it bugs you so much ya grammar Nazi
I did not even mention your grammar. I spoke of your spelling. You can't get anything right, can you?
I'm not sure I understand what this means.

Do you mean, a partisan legislature would just overturn an election they don't like. . . on a whim? With no justification? Has such a law been passed?

Partisan interference like:

"When the law passed in March, voting rights advocates were particularly concerned — given the enormous pressure Trump put on election officials to change the results in November — about a provision that empowers the GOP-controlled state election board to suspend or replace local election officials and delay the certification of election results.

Robb Pitts, chairman of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, was one of them. Now, Pitts says, “my greatest fear has come to pass.” In late July — after a formal request from five state GOP representatives — the state board of elections opened a “performance review” of Fulton County, the first step in the process that would allow them to seize control of the board of elections in one of the state’s most populous and heavily Democratic counties, which includes most of the city of Atlanta. "

I'm not sure I understand what this means.

Do you mean, a partisan legislature would just overturn an election they don't like. . . on a whim? With no justification? Has such a law been passed?
Why not? The former president of the United States claimed the election was stolen without having provided a justification for that claim. The house had over a hundred lawmakers refuse to certify the elections even after they had to run for their life. Several states had and still have election reviews running after Biden was put in office without justification. A majority of Republicans believe Biden was elected by fraud without justification.

Why do you respond with incredulity that they might do so again? Especially considering the fact that those in the GOP that reject that premise are being punished by either the constituencies or the actual parties within states or at a federal level? Why I’m a Single-Issue Voter - The Bulwark

As for laws. There are laws now making it through the States that take the power of certifying elections out of the hands of the bipartisan election boards. I don't think they are doing so because they don't want to use that power for themselves.
We get that you're particularly sharp, but look at it again.

You lose...again.
Go in to RCP and look at Jan 7, 2018 for Trump. RCP's graph shows 40.5 average approval for that day. Biden's average approval for today (the same point in his term) is 42.1.
Go in to RCP and look at Jan 7, 2018 for Trump. RCP's graph shows 40.5 average approval for that day. Biden's average approval for today (the same point in his term) is 42.1.
I was talking about now, not ytd. Biden is -12.1, Trump -9.9 - today.

You're a bit of a slow hack, but what is it you don't get?
I was talking about now, not ytd. Biden is -12.1, Trump -9.9 - today.

You're a bit of a slow hack, but what is it you don't get?
Then you should have been clear about it.
I do.

You need to "EDIT" your post and add topical content.....
Would it have been more "topical" if I had called you a [trump supporting] batty old bitch since trump preference was in the thread topic title?
What's the unemployment rate currently?
What are Biden's unemployment related policies? OH SNAP there are none. Stop trying to steal credit for things you don't deserve credit for Dem. Your stupid shit policies are anti employment. The market is recovering in spite of you stupid shits. Go raise taxes on the poor and middle class, that's about all you dummies do well.
Inflation is soooo bad is it? That holiday spending broke records.
There's that "Liberal compassion for the poor" again. Just because you can afford to go on a holiday spending spree, there are tens of millions of your Democrats who are struggling to put food on the table and gas in their tank.
There's that "Liberal compassion for the poor" again. Just because you can afford to go on a holiday spending spree, there are tens of millions of your Democrats who are struggling to put food on the table and gas in their tank.
When have you ever cared for the poor?

I support a $15 minimum wage for those people do you?
Presidential polls this early aren’t useful in my opinion.

We don’t even know the candidates yet and I think it’s reasonable to believe that the people most interested in participating in these polls would have a pro-Trump or anti-Biden bias.
Partisan interference like:

"When the law passed in March, voting rights advocates were particularly concerned — given the enormous pressure Trump put on election officials to change the results in November — about a provision that empowers the GOP-controlled state election board to suspend or replace local election officials and delay the certification of election results.

Robb Pitts, chairman of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, was one of them. Now, Pitts says, “my greatest fear has come to pass.” In late July — after a formal request from five state GOP representatives — the state board of elections opened a “performance review” of Fulton County, the first step in the process that would allow them to seize control of the board of elections in one of the state’s most populous and heavily Democratic counties, which includes most of the city of Atlanta. "

Doesn't sound like much of a problem.

The County Board of Commissioners in the original counties are partisan to begin with. . . we saw in that whole Brenda Snipes fiasco down in Broward County, that these partisan controlled counties can often be very very corrupt, and may need some over sight.



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