Majority of Americans prefer "insurection" & Trump over Biden

Why not? The former president of the United States claimed the election was stolen without having provided a justification for that claim. The house had over a hundred lawmakers refuse to certify the elections even after they had to run for their life. Several states had and still have election reviews running after Biden was put in office without justification. A majority of Republicans believe Biden was elected by fraud without justification.

Why do you respond with incredulity that they might do so again? Especially considering the fact that those in the GOP that reject that premise are being punished by either the constituencies or the actual parties within states or at a federal level? Why I’m a Single-Issue Voter - The Bulwark

As for laws. There are laws now making it through the States that take the power of certifying elections out of the hands of the bipartisan election boards. I don't think they are doing so because they don't want to use that power for themselves.
So. . . if the DNC, the Deep State, and the ruling elites control the process? It is fair.

If the GOP wants more oversight? It is extreme and without justification.



And then the ruling class corporate propaganda, the polls, and the current administration wonder why there is no faith in the system.

Gee, I wonder why with that attitude.

So. . . if the DNC, the Deep State, and the ruling elites control the process? It is fair.

If the GOP wants more oversight? It is extreme and without justification.



And then the ruling class corporate propaganda, the polls, and the current administration wonder why there is no faith in the system.

Gee, I wonder why with that attitude.

So. . . if the DNC, the Deep State, and the ruling elites control the process? It is fair.
If that actually be the case it probably would be fairer. Luckily for you, there is no actual justification for it. The DNC definitely isn't in charge of the process. The process currently is a process that allows for winning the presidency with millions of fewer votes than the Democratic incumbent. Giving you the presidency 3 times in the last 30 years while winning the popular vote only once. It allows for a fifty-fifty senate where the GOP actually represents 40 million fewer voters than the Democrats do. It allows for Gerrymandering that totally skews the actual vote tallies for the statehouses, mostly to the benifit of Republicans. If the DNC is in charge of the process, they are really bad at it.

"The deep state and ruling elites" can you even define who you mean? I'm guessing you can't.
If the GOP wants more oversight? It is extreme and without justification
If you can't actually justify the need for more oversight by actual cases in which the oversight was insufficient, it is unjustified. That's the meaning of the word.

Especially considering that a lot of measures put into law have actually nothing to do with increased oversight and those which do would also depress turnout.

Lastly, the reason why you have no faith in the election system has little or nothing to do with you being able to point to actually known flaws in it. It has to do with you believing the word of someone who has made the unjustified claims that it cheated him. Nothing more nothing less.
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I'm not going to watch a friggin half hour video of someone who's credibility is unknown. If there are polls, be nice to read the ACTUAL polls than be told about them.

His credibility is not in question

" On August 24, 2020, Pool announced his support for Donald Trump in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, writing that he felt alienated by changes he perceived in the modern left.[58][67] In 2021, the Southern Poverty Law Center(SPLC) described Pool as "a pro-Trump social media personality" and a "reactionary".[73"

He's a blob supporter. That makes him an idiot.
Doesn't sound like much of a problem.

The County Board of Commissioners in the original counties are partisan to begin with. . . we saw in that whole Brenda Snipes fiasco down in Broward County, that these partisan controlled counties can often be very very corrupt, and may need some over sight.


Do you even realize how many assumptions you are making in that clip? They are probably ballots but you can't know for sure it might simply be equipment for instance.
You don't know that the people who are doing this are a member of any party let alone that they are Democrats. You don't know if they did anything nefarious with them. In fact, the fact that there were several audits done in the State afterward speaks against it.

Yet you seem to be able to come to the conclusion that they are corrupt, partisan, and in need of oversight. How do you justify it?

Poll workers are volunteers who are paid a small fee to do a tedious and time-consuming job. How many of them will continue to do so after this election cycle? At the moment there are laws put on the books by the GOP of certain states that would make them criminally liable even if they make a mistake regardless if they can prove it was inadvertent. A lot of them have been made out like they are corrupt people by people like you.
Do you even realize how many assumptions you are making in that clip? They are probably ballots but you can't know for sure it might simply be equipment for instance.
You don't know that the people who are doing this are a member of any party let alone that they are Democrats. You don't know if they did anything nefarious with them. In fact, the fact that there were several audits done in the State afterward speaks against it.

Yet you seem to be able to come to the conclusion that they are corrupt, partisan, and in need of oversight. How do you justify it?

Poll workers are volunteers who are paid a small fee to do a tedious and time-consuming job. How many of them will continue to do so after this election cycle? At the moment there are laws put on the books by the GOP of certain states that would make them criminally liable even if they make a mistake regardless if they can prove it was inadvertent. A lot of them have been made out like they are corrupt people by people like you.

". . .Lawyers for Scott’s Senate campaign insisted at Friday’s hearing in Broward court that the lawsuit was not about canvassing votes or recounts on the horizon. “It’s a simple case about access to information,” argued attorney Jason Zimmerman, with the law firm Gray Robinson. “We’re not talking about recounts. ... This is not a partisan issue.”

Dude, she was caught, it was passed off as "incompetence," so that folks would still have trust in the system, and thus? she resigned. Why are you even denying the corruption at this point?

". . . During the just-completed recount of the midterm election, Scott was a fierce critic of Snipes, accusing her of years of incompetence and asking the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to investigate what he said “may be rampant fraud.” Scott never offered any proof of fraud committed by Snipes.. . "

All of your excuses? All of your equivocations? :rolleyes:

THAT is precisely the reason that state officials want to have a professional "performance review," when there is some controversy.

. . . and why I stated, "doesn't sound like much of a problem to me." It is either a case of incompetence, or corruption at the local level. These laws seek to solve that.
". . .Lawyers for Scott’s Senate campaign insisted at Friday’s hearing in Broward court that the lawsuit was not about canvassing votes or recounts on the horizon. “It’s a simple case about access to information,” argued attorney Jason Zimmerman, with the law firm Gray Robinson. “We’re not talking about recounts. ... This is not a partisan issue.”

Dude, she was caught, it was passed off as "incompetence," so that folks would still have trust in the system, and thus? she resigned. Why are you even denying the corruption at this point?

". . . During the just-completed recount of the midterm election, Scott was a fierce critic of Snipes, accusing her of years of incompetence and asking the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to investigate what he said “may be rampant fraud.” Scott never offered any proof of fraud committed by Snipes.. . "

All of your excuses? All of your equivocations? :rolleyes:

THAT is precisely the reason that state officials want to have a professional "performance review," when there is some controversy.

. . . and why I stated, "doesn't sound like much of a problem to me." It is either a case of incompetence, or corruption at the local level. These laws seek to solve that.
Scott never offered any proof of fraud committed by Snipes
If the only thing you need to do is accuse someone of incompetence or fraud is making the accusation you don't have a justification for anything. It requires proof.

Especially if you are proposing laws that depress turnout, change the people who are in charge of certification from bipartisan to partisan, or criminalize those volunteers that make a mistake even inadvertently. I want the most secure and inclusive election possible. At the moment their is no actual evidence the elections are insecure but their is that it isn't as inclusive as it could be.

If the only thing you need to do is accuse someone of incompetence or fraud is making the accusation you don't have a justification for anything. It requires proof.

Especially if you are proposing laws that depress turnout, change the people who are in charge of certification from bipartisan to partisan, or criminalize those volunteers that make a mistake even inadvertently. I want the most secure and inclusive election possible. At the moment their is no actual evidence the elections are insecure but their is that it isn't as inclusive as it could be.

Someone like Brenda Snipes?

Anything but "bipartisan."

The fact that you post nothing, no links to support your position, and that you deny, and refuse to listen to the reason and logic of everything I post?

I think we are done here.

Thanks for showing your transparent partisan agenda to rig and corrupt elections. :113:
Someone like Brenda Snipes?

Anything but "bipartisan."

The fact that you post nothing, no links to support your position, and that you deny, and refuse to listen to the reason and logic of everything I post?

I think we are done here.

Thanks for showing your transparent partisan agenda to rig and corrupt elections. :113:
Here you go. Tell me if you want more, or have a specific assertion I made that you don't believe and I haven't included.

And I am listening to what you say. I am however not accepting it. For the simple reason that your "logic and reason" is neither logical nor reasonable. Otherwise, there would be no need for unsupported assertions or referrals to entities like the "deep state" that you can't even define when asked. Or videos without context taken from a cellphone from someone who's telling you what she thinks is happening, and you making grand sweeping conclussion from it.
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Someone like Brenda Snipes?

Anything but "bipartisan."

The fact that you post nothing, no links to support your position, and that you deny, and refuse to listen to the reason and logic of everything I post?

I think we are done here.

Thanks for showing your transparent partisan agenda to rig and corrupt elections. :113:
Someone like Brenda Snipes?

Anything but "bipartisan."
I dare you to find evidence that a single vote in Broward county in 2016 or 2018 was miscounted in Broward under the watch of Snipes. Her big crime seemed to be she held on to the votes for a year instead of the 2 years required. Not that she cheated and not that Broward voted differently in 2020 under a Republican.

Hell, she wasn't even in charge in 2020. Yet somehow are you capable of not just coming to the conclusion that Snipes is corrupt and partisan despite no actual evidence of it. But you are using mistakes in a single county in 2018 that didn't include actual voter fraud and without any indication that in 2020 under a Republican voting patterns changed, and are trying to use it as your main argument that extra oversight is required. Very "logical and reasonable"
So, Tim Pool is another Rush wannabe, and he stretches a lot of information to promote his Hot Takes. For example:
- At about 1:20, he puts the word "military" in the mouths of the left, when few if any are claiming that;
- At about 2:10, he says that Trump did call for the riot to end, leaving out the long gap in time before he eventually did;
- He goes on a bit about AOC's unmasked Florida vacation, leaving out the part about how she was outdoors, and implying that she went to Florida because of DeSantis's vax opposition;
- And so on. I'm not chronicling every stretch, but later on, he hits all the greatest hits: Hunter Biden, woke mobs, educational indoctrination, you get the idea.

That said, Biden's numbers are pretty shit right now, and starting at about 4:30, Pool references a Daily Mail article that in turn references this RCP aggregate:

He then takes these polls to mean that the people support the insurrection, rather than they are choosing in a hypothetical election that won't take place for at least three years, but he has a position, and he's pushing it.

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