Majority of U.S. citizens say illegal immigrants should be deported


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
Majority of U.S. citizens say illegal immigrants should be deported - Yahoo! News

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A decisive 64 percent of respondents in The Hill Poll said illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in the country.

Read more: Hill Poll: Voters oppose deportations, but see border as vulnerable - The Hill

I think the only thing you can say for sure is that Americans agree that at least some illegals should be deported and some should be allowed to stay. I think this is exactly what should and will come out of the immigration reform bill.
Anyone want to tell me why we Americans should coddle people that have no respect for our Laws? Get your heads out of your asses, please.
A decisive 64 percent of respondents in The Hill Poll said illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in the country.

Read more: Hill Poll: Voters oppose deportations, but see border as vulnerable - The Hill

I think the only thing you can say for sure is that Americans agree that at least some illegals should be deported and some should be allowed to stay. I think this is exactly what should and will come out of the immigration reform bill.

"These results are in line with other polls in recent years, suggesting that people's views on immigration have not changed dramatically since the immigration debate reignited in Congress last month, according to Ipsos pollster Julia Clark."

Anyone want to tell me why we Americans should coddle people that have no respect for our Laws? Get your heads out of your asses, please.
I say put those who hire undocumented workers in jail. The problem will dry up fast.
Anyone want to tell me why we Americans should coddle people that have no respect for our Laws? Get your heads out of your asses, please.
I say put those who hire undocumented workers in jail. The problem will dry up fast.

Grand idea.

Then we can support another 10 million people in prison because like, you know, we don't already have enough people in prison.

We can keep them in prison, assuming we can find somebody to grow and harvest enough food, that is.
Require all employers to use E-Verify on every employee.

Any Employer who hires an illegal gets hit with a $10k fine per illegal per day of employment and loses all Government contracts for 5 years.

When the jobs dry up, the illegals will leave.
Anyone want to tell me why we Americans should coddle people that have no respect for our Laws? Get your heads out of your asses, please.
Why? Because as the poll clearly shows, Americans don't want all of them deported. Selective deporting is what we are doing now and it's not working. Yet that is what most people want. So the only alternative is to change the ground rules, grant permanent resident status to some, increase deportation of others, discourage future illegal immigration by increasing boarder security and cracking down on the hiring of illegals.

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