Majority Says Biden's Speech Was a "Dangerous Escalation" Designed to "Incite Conflict"

Some would say that trying to incite a civil war in your own country not to mention breaking into an ex-president's home for sheer political gain was an act of TREASON.

Joe Biden is an asshole of the highest order.

I don't care if I say it.

An asshole.
You are the party of hate. You attack voting rights. You attack free speech rights. You attack women's rights.

Trump's speeches are reminiscent of Hitler.
What the fuck is this weird shit? Youre literally describing the democrat party. All you people do is hate and ban people. All you do is censor people. As for womens rights, I aint no fucking supreme court judge. What the fuck do I or any other republicans have to do with their decision? Also, you cant take this "womens rights" moral high ground while forcing women to compete with men in sports. :cuckoo:
It’s not the arm gestures that frighten me. He basically called two thirds of Trump voters traitors to the nation, and is thus demonizing 50 million Americans.

We cannot let him proceed any further.
i have to say, how someone moved their arms doesn’t scare it…it’s the policies and and actions…the demafasict lead by joey xiden seem to continue to show their true national socialist agenda more and more
I would like another choice next time and hope he does not run. Still, if I had to choose between 4 more years of Joe, vs another 4 of Trump, who damned well might end free elections as we know it, constitution be damned, I would have to go with Joe.
I am independent as it gets down through the years, but before you label me again as just another GD liberal asshole, you need to remember, I am not having the problems here some of you are having there, and not threatened by it here either. This could be from being in a Red state, but having experience locally with Republicans and Democrat, while supporting most of the Governor we have had except for Blanton and the Republican before this one. Most of us live conservative lives by nature and mainly want to be left the fk alone. We don't have high taxes, don't know women with multiple abortions. Not rich, but I won't go broke this lifetime. We're pretty self protecting, more armed than average across the country and our murderous thugs usually only killing one at a time, instead of mass shootings and often can't hit what aim at, which gives me a big personal advantage. I just want to keep the right to vote the bastards out of office and have them leave, like a constitution abiding loyal American, not a third world rabble-rousing asshole, who will even invite at thank the rabble for marching on our own capital, like some tin horn banana republic revolutionary overthrow asshole.
That extreme rant above sure doesn’t sound like you’re independent. You are far to the left.
Trump stole hundreds of classified documents from the American people. Because the theft created a national security threat, the DOJ conducted a warranted search of Mar-a-Lago to return the documents to a secure location while they conducted an investigation of possible crimes, improper conduct of classified documents, espionage, and obstruction of justice topping the list.

It appears that the federal judge appointed by Trump thought it was important to protect Trump from the DOJ, citing "bias" and "leaks to the media," even though it was Trump who unleashed the media storm regarding the search.

To protect the accused (in this case, Trump), witnesses, and investigation techniques, the DOJ avoids publicity in its investigations.

Trump blew such secrecy all to hell. The judge didn't know that.

This is the man the federal judge wants to protect from the excesses of the DOJ.

ABC reports, "In his first rally since the FBI searched his Mar-a-Lago home last month, former President Donald Trump took the stage in Pennsylvania for nearly two hours during which he responded to the raid on his home last month and President Joe Biden's remarks earlier this week."

"The shameful raid and break-in of my home Mar-a-Lago was a travesty of justice," Trump said of the search. "The FBI and the Justice Department have become vicious monsters."

ABC continued, "Trump's rally also comes as fallout continues from the Aug. 8 FBI search at his Mar-a-Lago estate, where agents recovered classified documents as part of an investigation into his handling of presidential records after leaving office.

Trump almost immediately launched into a response to the raid of his Mar-a-Lago home Saturday, framing it as persecution of a political enemy. He attacked law enforcement without offering any substantive response to the allegations against him regarding his handling of classified documents.

Trump also had words for our President.

“Joe Biden came to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to give the most vicious, hateful and divisive speech ever delivered by an American president.....He's an enemy of the state," Trump said.

Our President spoke about MAGA Republicans who attacked law enforcement and a former President who stole vital documents from the American people and took them to his home.

Trump's vicious speech made little sense to anyone ... unless one was a member of his cult. Since reality is something they avoid, they loved it, and Trump was speaking to them.

"I don't feel he did anything wrong. I think that will come out in the end, but they just want to turn people against Trump," said Barbara, a voter from Mountain Top, Pennsylvania.

This is the man the federal judge wants to protect.
Repeating a lie from the democrat cultist media doesn't make it true dumbass
You are the party of hate. You attack voting rights. You attack free speech rights. You attack women's rights.

Trump's speeches are reminiscent of Hitler.
Lol, free speech? You demand others to call others by their pronouns. Voting rights? You mean requiring an id to vote? Woman's rights? You mean the woman that lost her scholarship to a man? You agreeing with Biden's speech is hatred. So move along.
I would like another choice next time and hope he does not run. Still, if I had to choose between 4 more years of Joe, vs another 4 of Trump, who damned well might end free elections as we know it, constitution be damned, I would have to go with Joe.
I just want to keep the right to vote the bastards out of office and have them leave, like a constitution abiding loyal American, not a third world rabble-rousing asshole, who will even invite at thank the rabble for marching on our own capital, like some tin horn banana republic revolutionary overthrow asshole.
I find this reasonable, but I'd not vote for either as in 2020, staying home on election day feeling frustrated and disappointed in those two as my options.

Trump started it all when he said he might not accept the results of the 2016 election if it didn't go his way. I don't remember hearing that from any presidential candidate before, and Trump repeated himself.

Then Trump followed it up by actually looking for a way to avoid the election results of 2020 and remain in office. That can't be allowed to happen. It might be different if he had verifiable claims of election fraud that affected the result but he didn't.

So, I won't deny Trump planted the seeds of delegitimizing our democratic election process, but I also think the Democrats reaction to Trump were equally as extreme and harmful to our nation. They tend to misrepresent everything now. Then there is a little-known executive order that Biden issued that concerns me in which he directs his political appointees in federal positions of power to use their offices to influence upcoming elections.

Facing the choice of the "lesser of evils" between Trump and Biden, I can't pick either one in good conscience. However, I think a continuation of Biden and the Democrats might be even more dangerous to our nation's future. I just hope, like you, that Trump is not the Republican nominee so that there is another option.
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I find this reasonable, but I'd not vote for either as in 2020, staying home on election day feeling frustrated and disappointed in those two as my options.

Trump started it all when he said he might not accept the results of the 2016 election if it didn't go his way. I don't remember hearing that from any presidential candidate before, and Trump repeated himself.

Then Trump followed it up by actually looking for a way to avoid the election results of 2020 and remain in office. That can't be allowed to happen. It might be different if he had verifiable claims of election fraud that affected the result but he didn't.

So, I won't deny Trump planted the seeds of delegitimizing our democratic election process, but I also think the Democrats reaction to Trump were equally as extreme and harmful to our nation. They tend to misrepresent everything now. Then there is a little-known executive order that Biden issued that concerns me in which he directs his political appointees in federal positions of power to use their offices to influence upcoming elections.

Facing the choice of the "lesser of evils" between Trump and Biden, I can't pick either one in good conscience. However, I think a continuation of Biden and the Democrats might be even more dangerous to our nation's future. I just hope, like you, that Trump is not the Republican nominee so that there is another option.
Again, name one negative thing Trump caused in his term. I can name dozens of positives.

And Leftards going ape shit about Trump doesn’t count, they were criminally insane before he was elected.
i have to say, how someone moved their arms doesn’t scare it…it’s the policies and and actions…the demafasict lead by joey xiden seem to continue to show their true national socialist agenda more and more
It was Trump that created concentration camps by calling them migrant detention centers. And then Trump promoted eugenics racehorse theory.

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