Majority Says Biden's Speech Was a "Dangerous Escalation" Designed to "Incite Conflict"

It was Trump that created concentration camps by calling them migrant detention centers. And then Trump promoted eugenics racehorse theory.
Actually, Barry Hussein had those camps. Even wrapped little Mexican kids up in foil like tacos.

I would like another choice next time and hope he does not run. Still, if I had to choose between 4 more years of Joe, vs another 4 of Trump, who damned well might end free elections as we know it, constitution be damned, I would have to go with Joe.
I am independent as it gets down through the years, but before you label me again as just another GD liberal asshole, you need to remember, I am not having the problems here some of you are having there, and not threatened by it here either. This could be from being in a Red state, but having experience locally with Republicans and Democrat, while supporting most of the Governor we have had except for Blanton and the Republican before this one. Most of us live conservative lives by nature and mainly want to be left the fk alone. We don't have high taxes, don't know women with multiple abortions. Not rich, but I won't go broke this lifetime. We're pretty self protecting, more armed than average across the country and our murderous thugs usually only killing one at a time, instead of mass shootings and often can't hit what aim at, which gives me a big personal advantage. I just want to keep the right to vote the bastards out of office and have them leave, like a constitution abiding loyal American, not a third world rabble-rousing asshole, who will even invite at thank the rabble for marching on our own capital, like some tin horn banana republic revolutionary overthrow asshole.

The Third World has an Advantage ...
They end up with the same garbage, but don't feel the need to lie to each other about every little thing all the time ... :auiqs.jpg:

We aren't really living in a Banana Republic ...
Because they don't even pretend they are doing things in a responsible way, free of corruption.

Actually, Barry Hussein had those camps. Even wrapped little Mexican kids up in foil like tacos.

View attachment 692928
Obama went out of his way to keep migrant families together.
Obama released migrants after they were processed (catch and release).
Trump ran against this policy and in effect turned the temporary holding facilities into prisons.

Obama went out of his way to keep migrant families together.
Obama released migrants after they were processed (catch and release).
Trump ran against this policy and in effect turned the temporary holding facilities into prisons.

Those taco kids sure look like they are in prison to me. Weird how when Obama uses something it is a "holding facility", but when Trump uses the same building for the same thing all the sudden it is a 'PRISON'.

Yet we're supposed to believe you have the ability to see things rationally as a moderator???

Who said you were supposed to believe anything? It is a message board not construed to be a factual prime source. Your voice is heard here, if this is where you choose to voice it. I just help keep the postings inside the rules of the board, and mostly post and a fellow member.
That extreme rant above sure doesn’t sound like you’re independent. You are far to the left.
So you think the far left want a different choice than Biden? That is interesting. I thought they loved him.
So you think the far left want a different choice than Biden? That is interesting. I thought they loved him.

The far left isn't necessarily upset with what he does ... He just makes a poor Poster Child for their efforts.
He's no Greta Thunberg ... :auiqs.jpg:


The Third World has an Advantage ...
They end up with the same garbage, but don't feel the need to lie to each other about every little thing all the time ... :auiqs.jpg:

We aren't really living in a Banana Republic ...
Because they don't even pretend they are doing things in a responsible way, free of corruption.

Interesting observation. Been noticing your postings lately. Several interesting. I think I first noticed on a zone 1 race thread a few weeks ago. You were very good, and wrote like you had your shit together. You have been here far longer than I. Your Avatar is "hot", by the way.:cool:
Interesting observation. Been noticing your postings lately. Several interesting. I think I first noticed on a zone 1 race thread a few weeks ago. You were very good, and wrote like you had your shit together. You have been here far longer than I. Your Avatar is "hot", by the way.:cool:

I don't know about all that, and it's amazing I could manage in a Zone 1 thread.
I just offer a different perspective when I can, and one that isn't based in Parties, Politicians or Pundits.

I blame The People ... The Age of Immediate Gratification ...
The lack of a desire to go above and beyond in demanding responsible legislation with respect to the US Constitution,
and in light of not surrendering our everyday lives, or our Power, to Politicians or the Federal Government at every opportunity.

It doesn't seem to be a popular opinion on either side of the aisle ... :auiqs.jpg:

SERIOUSLY...WTF was Biden / his handlers thinking...after Biden vowed to be 'the Great Uniter' during his campaign?

The Democrats SEEM so ARROGANT, so driving by hate and lust for power, so determined to put Americans back in their matter what it takes.

Their insults, attacks, threats, and crimes perpetrated against those whose vote they need do not seem to matter to them and does not deter them from continuing.

Instead of atempting to win over / steal votes in Florida, facing an up-hill battle against an extremely popular, rock-solid Ron DeSantis, Charlie Crist publicly told a majority of those voters, 'F* you - if you support / supported Trump / DeSantis I DON'T WANT YOUR VOTE.'


Biden, the DOJ & FBI - who are supposed to be non-partisan and servants of the people to protect the people, coordinated / collaborated to brand American Citizens 'Domestic Terrorists' simply because they opposed the govt's in-school
- Transgender Grooming
- Liberal Indoctrination
- Telling kids to lie to and hide things from their parents


The FBI violated the Constitution, violated Americans' trust, violated the law, violated the Patriot Act, defrauded the FISA Court, and illegally spied on US citizens. They are constantly leaking information, criminally altering documents, withholding exculpatory information, being caught lying - former FBI Directors have even intentionally put innocent Americans in prison. Their 'war' on American citizens is highly documented.


Now, after reportedly ordering / authorizing an historic, unprecedented, unwarranted, heavily-armed partisan raid against a former President - which he has denied doing until the truth was recently exposed, President Biden takes a page from Hitler, Lil' Kim, & Darth Vader.

The 'Great Uniter' gave the most divisive and threatening speech of any US President in our nation's history while standing in the midst of a Black and Blood Red scene reminiscent of some Satanic Cult rally, inappropriately framed in the background by 2 USMC skiers, presenting the feel of a threatening militant administration.

:disbelief: WTF?!

Biden's was a war-time speech, except the 'enemy', those who he declared war on were millions of Americans.
SERIOUSLY...WTF was Biden / his handlers thinking...after Biden vowed to be 'the Great Uniter' during his campaign?

The Democrats SEEM so ARROGANT, so driving by hate and lust for power, so determined to put Americans back in their matter what it takes.

Their insults, attacks, threats, and crimes perpetrated against those whose vote they need do not seem to matter to them and does not deter them from continuing.

Instead of atempting to win over / steal votes in Florida, facing an up-hill battle against an extremely popular, rock-solid Ron DeSantis, Charlie Crist publicly told a majority of those voters, 'F* you - if you support / supported Trump / DeSantis I DON'T WANT YOUR VOTE.'


Biden, the DOJ & FBI - who are supposed to be non-partisan and servants of the people to protect the people, coordinated / collaborated to brand American Citizens 'Domestic Terrorists' simply because they opposed the govt's in-school
- Transgender Grooming
- Liberal Indoctrination
- Telling kids to lie to and hide things from their parents


The FBI violated the Constitution, violated Americans' trust, violated the law, violated the Patriot Act, defrauded the FISA Court, and illegally spied on US citizens. They are constantly leaking information, criminally altering documents, withholding exculpatory information, being caught lying - former FBI Directors have even intentionally put innocent Americans in prison. Their 'war' on American citizens is highly documented.


Now, after reportedly ordering / authorizing an historic, unprecedented, unwarranted, heavily-armed partisan raid against a former President - which he has denied doing until the truth was recently exposed, President Biden takes a page from Hitler, Lil' Kim, & Darth Vader.

The 'Great Uniter' gave the most divisive and threatening speech of any US President in our nation's history while standing in the midst of a Black and Blood Red scene reminiscent of some Satanic Cult rally, inappropriately framed in the background by 2 USMC skiers, presenting the feel of a threatening militant administration.
View attachment 692945

:disbelief: WTF?!

Biden's was a war-time speech, except the 'enemy', those who he declared war on were millions of Americans.

It's Kabuki Theater for those who appreciate the entertainment and lack of responsibility ...
More than facing the horrendous policy and legislation they themselves sign when they go cast a vote ... :thup:

Everybody is shocked that Joe 'Milquetoast' Biden would ever do something like finally punch back. Hahahaha

Cry me a river......

It's Kabuki Theater for those who appreciate the entertainment and lack of responsibility ...
More than facing the horrendous policy and legislation they themselves sign when they go cast a vote ... :thup:

It's / It was also very dangerous.
It was Trump that created concentration camps by calling them migrant detention centers. And then Trump promoted eugenics racehorse theory.

Trump never built anything...Obama built them: Fact check: Obama administration approved, built temporary holding enclosures at southern border

"But Michelle Obama's assertion that the Trump administration tore children from their families and threw them into cages alludes to "a frequent and distorted point made widely by Democrats," according to the AP. The facilities designed during the Obama administration to temporarily hold migrants were used for a similar purpose by President Trump, the AP also concluded."

You all just can't help but lie....Obama built your concentration camps.
Everybody is shocked that Joe 'Milquetoast' Biden would ever do something like finally punch back. Hahahaha

Cry me a river......

Demonizing 60 million American citizens, claiming they are “a threat to democracy,” is more than merely punching back. It is the ranting of a demented demagogue who has openly declared more than a third of all American voters the enemy of the United States.

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