Majority Says Biden's Speech Was a "Dangerous Escalation" Designed to "Incite Conflict"

I am calling it Biden's Nuremberg Speech because it was so similar to Hitler's hate mongering.
View attachment 692624
Trump stole hundreds of classified documents from the American people. Because the theft created a national security threat, the DOJ conducted a warranted search of Mar-a-Lago to return the documents to a secure location while they conducted an investigation of possible crimes, improper conduct of classified documents, espionage, and obstruction of justice topping the list.

It appears that the federal judge appointed by Trump thought it was important to protect Trump from the DOJ, citing "bias" and "leaks to the media," even though it was Trump who unleashed the media storm regarding the search.

To protect the accused (in this case, Trump), witnesses, and investigation techniques, the DOJ avoids publicity in its investigations.

Trump blew such secrecy all to hell. The judge didn't know that.

This is the man the federal judge wants to protect from the excesses of the DOJ.

ABC reports, "In his first rally since the FBI searched his Mar-a-Lago home last month, former President Donald Trump took the stage in Pennsylvania for nearly two hours during which he responded to the raid on his home last month and President Joe Biden's remarks earlier this week."

"The shameful raid and break-in of my home Mar-a-Lago was a travesty of justice," Trump said of the search. "The FBI and the Justice Department have become vicious monsters."

ABC continued, "Trump's rally also comes as fallout continues from the Aug. 8 FBI search at his Mar-a-Lago estate, where agents recovered classified documents as part of an investigation into his handling of presidential records after leaving office.

Trump almost immediately launched into a response to the raid of his Mar-a-Lago home Saturday, framing it as persecution of a political enemy. He attacked law enforcement without offering any substantive response to the allegations against him regarding his handling of classified documents.

Trump also had words for our President.

“Joe Biden came to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to give the most vicious, hateful and divisive speech ever delivered by an American president.....He's an enemy of the state," Trump said.

Our President spoke about MAGA Republicans who attacked law enforcement and a former President who stole vital documents from the American people and took them to his home.

Trump's vicious speech made little sense to anyone ... unless one was a member of his cult. Since reality is something they avoid, they loved it, and Trump was speaking to them.

"I don't feel he did anything wrong. I think that will come out in the end, but they just want to turn people against Trump," said Barbara, a voter from Mountain Top, Pennsylvania.

This is the man the federal judge wants to protect.

Eat shit, ignorant asshole.
And yes, I know you don't have the emotional capacity to watch something for 9 mins.
Trump stole hundreds of classified documents from the American people. Because the theft created a national security threat, the DOJ conducted a warranted search of Mar-a-Lago to return the documents to a secure location while they conducted an investigation of possible crimes, improper conduct of classified documents, espionage, and obstruction of justice topping the list.

It appears that the federal judge appointed by Trump thought it was important to protect Trump from the DOJ, citing "bias" and "leaks to the media," even though it was Trump who unleashed the media storm regarding the search.

To protect the accused (in this case, Trump), witnesses, and investigation techniques, the DOJ avoids publicity in its investigations.

Trump blew such secrecy all to hell. The judge didn't know that.

This is the man the federal judge wants to protect from the excesses of the DOJ.

ABC reports, "In his first rally since the FBI searched his Mar-a-Lago home last month, former President Donald Trump took the stage in Pennsylvania for nearly two hours during which he responded to the raid on his home last month and President Joe Biden's remarks earlier this week."

"The shameful raid and break-in of my home Mar-a-Lago was a travesty of justice," Trump said of the search. "The FBI and the Justice Department have become vicious monsters."

ABC continued, "Trump's rally also comes as fallout continues from the Aug. 8 FBI search at his Mar-a-Lago estate, where agents recovered classified documents as part of an investigation into his handling of presidential records after leaving office.

Trump almost immediately launched into a response to the raid of his Mar-a-Lago home Saturday, framing it as persecution of a political enemy. He attacked law enforcement without offering any substantive response to the allegations against him regarding his handling of classified documents.

Trump also had words for our President.

“Joe Biden came to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to give the most vicious, hateful and divisive speech ever delivered by an American president.....He's an enemy of the state," Trump said.

Our President spoke about MAGA Republicans who attacked law enforcement and a former President who stole vital documents from the American people and took them to his home.

Trump's vicious speech made little sense to anyone ... unless one was a member of his cult. Since reality is something they avoid, they loved it, and Trump was speaking to them.

"I don't feel he did anything wrong. I think that will come out in the end, but they just want to turn people against Trump," said Barbara, a voter from Mountain Top, Pennsylvania.

This is the man the federal judge wants to protect.
Crappy post, even for a Putin bot.
I haven’t had this much fun since I dislocated my left knee in basketball and my right knee in baseball.
Boy I hated knee surgery and rehab strictly sucked, going with the program and then becoming my own self abuse directer, as if I were a young guy. Politics does not affect me anywhere near that vicerally, and to tell the truth, when talking to people in stores or events or even bars, it does not affect them that much either. This is a message board, not reality. Reality is a lot better for most.

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