Majority Says Biden's Speech Was a "Dangerous Escalation" Designed to "Incite Conflict"

I don't see it that way, but if looking for polling on the subject, the Trafalgar group polling is all that comes up, as it is quoted by several today.
The speech was terrible. The optics were even worse. It was like the gates of hell were guarded by the USMC.
Biden’s attacking Americans 7/24.
Good job alienating independents!
Biden should be attacking the MAGA Republicans. They don't believe America is great any more. They believe it turned into an anti-Trumpyberra shit hole on Jan 21, 2021. As long as they are willing to use undemocratic means, including violence, to re-instate their Candidates even though they lost, they are a threat to the Constitution and America.
Biden should be attacking the MAGA Republicans. They don't believe America is great any more. They believe it turned into an anti-Trumpyberra shit hole on Jan 21, 2021. As long as they are willing to use undemocratic means, including violence, to re-instate their Candidates even though they lost, they are a threat to the Constitution and America.
Visit NYC after dark, big shot.
The speech was terrible. The optics were even worse. It was like the gates of hell were guarded by the USMC.
Sure can't give the White House any points on style craft optics, to be sure. I suspect they know this now, and more than a little surprised every one of his handlers did not realize that, before time. I am pretty sure, Joe and Jill, didn't do the set-up. I have LED sequencing lighting in my swimming pool. When it sequences through red, it looks pretty damned ominous, right in the backyard at night.
Joe becomes more coherent at times. It's like he is faking it to get the demonization edicts into law. Nahhh!
Biden should be attacking the MAGA Republicans. They don't believe America is great any more. They believe it turned into an anti-Trumpyberra shit hole on Jan 21, 2021. As long as they are willing to use undemocratic means, including violence, to re-instate their Candidates even though they lost, they are a threat to the Constitution and America.
Its city versus rural. And city is corrupted to the core and self-promoters of their power. There is a large percentage of rural people who do not care if cities get destroyed now. Millions of rural people after Biden was installed as potentate for the globalists went to any place to purchase ammo for their weapons and more guns also. Progs have bad mouths with most educated by propaganda over decades.
You are the party of hate. You attack voting rights. You attack free speech rights. You attack women's rights.

Trump's speeches are reminiscent of Hitler.
"Voting rights?" The right to vote as many times as you want? Speech rights? Calumny is not speech rights, it's against the law. Pornography is not artistic speech rights. It, too, is against the law because it teaches young men rape. Women's rights? But "strong women" can criticize stay-at-home moms with tongues of razor blades. You are associating an American businessman, popular because he ran a hotel business for other businesses to have national conventions in to improve America long before he decided to run for President. And people liked him a lot because he tells the truth based on facts in his possession, I mean, WERE in his possession before Joe Biden ordered the FBI to raid his home, violating the 4th Amendment Rights of an American citizen, to see whether any of his private documents in order to destroy President Trump so could be represented by the leftist lockstep press as some kind of monster with green hair on his underarms..... I doubt very seriously that Trump's good name should be tarnished with anything remotely resembling Hitler except that you hate Donald Trump even though he was victimized by Democrat partisan reporters who time and again departed from the truth to hammer conservatives and build liberals. Neither does any good for the people of America.
These days, you'll literally get stomped.

I have plenty of experience kicking drug dealers out of buildings in the five boroughs.

I tend to be the stomper rather than the stompee.

That's part of the reason I'm not ready to take any shit from authoritarian libtards. Cause they ain't all that. Most of em don't even rise to the level of a New York drug dealer
Fuck you! We all saw what you did, so fuck you! How old are you? You talk like a 10 year old.
What I did?


I'm a libertarian. I was sitting at home watching TV when all this happened.


No one "attacked the Capitol, dimmy.

The people there, were protesting the rather obvious occurrence of election fraud.

100 million people saw it happen, on live international television. The whole WORLD saw it happen. Math experts in Germany, the UK, France, Holland - all agree, that what happened is statistically impossible.

You have created a very dangerous situation for yourselves AND THE ENTIRE COUNTRY. The doubt and lack of confidence will not go away, until you can PROVE the opposite is true.

And you can't do that. You are YEARS away from doing that, even if you start now - which you won't
What I did?


I'm a libertarian. I was sitting at home watching TV when all this happened.


No one "attacked the Capitol, dimmy.

The people there, were protesting the rather obvious occurrence of election fraud.

100 million people saw it happen, on live international television. The whole WORLD saw it happen. Math experts in Germany, the UK, France, Holland - all agree, that what happened is statistically impossible.

You have created a very dangerous situation for yourselves AND THE ENTIRE COUNTRY. The doubt and lack of confidence will not go away, until you can PROVE the opposite is true.

And you can't do that. You are YEARS away from doing that, even if you start now - which you won't
5 people died because of your non-attack. I guess we never saw the cop being beaten with a flag pole? I guess we never saw the cop screaming for his life caught in a door by you fuckers? I guess we never saw the gallows for Mike Pence, or heard the crowd chants to hang him? Yeah, nothing happened Jan. 6th!
5 people died because of your non-attack. I guess we never saw the cop being beaten with a flag pole? I guess we never saw the cop screaming for his life caught in a door by you fuckers? I guess we never saw the gallows for Mike Pence, or heard the crowd chants to hang him? Yeah, nothing happened Jan. 6th!
None of that is an attack on the Capitol.
5 people died because of your non-attack. I guess we never saw the cop being beaten with a flag pole? I guess we never saw the cop screaming for his life caught in a door by you fuckers? I guess we never saw the gallows for Mike Pence, or heard the crowd chants to hang him? Yeah, nothing happened Jan. 6th!
Only one person died on Jan 6, Simp. And she was shot to death by a cop.

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