Majority view establishment media as opposition party to Donald Trump says poll


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A majority of Americans believe the establishment media is acting as the primary political opponent to President Donald Trump
A majority of Americans believe the establishment media is acting as the primary political opponent to President Donald Trump, according to a new poll by TIPP.

Fifty-five percent of the public told TIPP that they are “weary from the media’s persistently negative coverage of President Trump,” and 54 .......
Majority View Establishment Media as ‘Opposition Party’ to Donald Trump, Says Poll

Most people are aware of this, that's another reason people chose to vote for him because they realized the bs lies the msm kept trying to push just how bad he is etc.
It's a combo of the media and the dimocrats IMO as most of the bullshit the media starts to beat the drums about originated with some lying lefty.

Hope they keep it up though as it's been nothing but a Trump booster since the day he announced his candidacy in June '15.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... dey all against the Donald...

... won't even give him a chance."

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